New Mexico shut down nearly everything to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by covid. It wasn't enough.

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I don't know how much more evidence these people need to come to the realization that closing everything down doesn't stop the spread of the virus. All it does it create indubitably more pain by inflicting economic scars on the populace on top of the illness. It's akin to using a nuclear bomb to kill a spider in your house.

Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.

Seems you can find counterexamples to every strategy.

Shut down and break out.

No shut down - no masks - break out.

We need more time and research to know what we wish we knew now.
I don't know how much more evidence these people need to come to the realization that closing everything down doesn't stop the spread of the virus. All it does it create indubitably more pain by inflicting economic scars on the populace on top of the illness. It's akin to using a nuclear bomb to kill a spider in your house.

Be careful, the Liberals here will put you on Ignore.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(

Like people do with sugar, carbs, fat, food, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, debt, the environment, and etcetera.?

Thing is though, none of those things are contagious diseases.

With wearing a mask and social distancing - its a specified time. You know the end is in site and it's not indefinite, so for now it's an inconvenience but one that will hopefully keep your parents or grand parents from getting it until the vaccine kicks in
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.

Seems you can find counterexamples to every strategy.

Shut down and break out.

No shut down - no masks - break out.

We need more time and research to know what we wish we knew now.

I don't disagree that we are guessing in many instances. I believe they are guesses based upon what we know but we may not know what we need to know right now.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(

Like people do with sugar, carbs, fat, food, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, debt, the environment, and etcetera.?

Thing is though, none of those things are contagious diseases.

With wearing a mask and social distancing - its a specified time. You know the end is in site and it's not indefinite, so for now it's an inconvenience but one that will hopefully keep your parents or grand parents from getting it until the vaccine kicks in


It just seems humans don't have a propensity to always do what is in their best interest health wise.
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
The article said it has reduced numbers, but considering how Covid plays out there is a significant delay in getting the results you want. Remember NYC? Flattening the curve takes awhile, and people are going to ignore resrictions during Christmas.

I'm sorry New Mexico is going through this during the holidays.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(

You can easily catch it, even if you're wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. Only industrial or medical-grade masks prevent the infected person from transmitting the virus to others, and microscopic droplets can travel up to 20 feet in an enclosed area. That mask you got from Walmart is basically worthless, and will do nothing but cause a respiratory infection.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
With all due respect, Coyote...didn't California impose some of the strictest crackdowns on social distancing...require masks...and close down large parts of it's economy? So why are they now having to close things down AGAIN? What you're saying doesn't make sense. Doing what you say hasn't helped in areas that were locked down tight. They all seem to be suffering another wave of Covid.
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
The article said it has reduced numbers, but considering how Covid plays out there is a significant delay in getting the results you want. Remember NYC? Flattening the curve takes awhile, and people are going to ignore resrictions during Christmas.

I'm sorry New Mexico is going through this during the holidays.
Our state has been red. I did my weekly errands today and had to go to Walmart. Jam packed. Parking lot packed. No one paying any attention to social distancing and Walmart had gone right back to jamming up the middle of the aisles with merchandise.
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(
With all due respect, Coyote...didn't California impose some of the strictest crackdowns on social distancing...require masks...and close down large parts of it's economy? So why are they now having to close things down AGAIN? What you're saying doesn't make sense. Doing what you say hasn't helped in areas that were locked down tight. They all seem to be suffering another wave of Covid.
Didn't everyone say there would be a second wave? And worse it's winter - and holidays and people do much more indoors than outdoors where it's safer.

Our state did very well in the beginning too. We were not badly affected at first, but people stopped wearing masks and social distancing, and it became political. Lockdowns are tough. But with a highly contagious disease you really can't have tight indoor gatherings safely.
Just playing devil's advocate because I do not know what the answer is, but there is no way to prove that if things weren't shut down it wouldn't be even worse.
The article said it has reduced numbers, but considering how Covid plays out there is a significant delay in getting the results you want. Remember NYC? Flattening the curve takes awhile, and people are going to ignore resrictions during Christmas.

I'm sorry New Mexico is going through this during the holidays.
Our state has been red. I did my weekly errands today and had to go to Walmart. Jam packed. Parking lot packed. No one paying any attention to social distancing and Walmart had gone right back to jamming up the middle of the aisles with merchandise.
Oh dear. You mean red as in Covid red zone? Walmart was so careful the first time! Even they have Precautions fatigue!
If people would act responsibly, on their own, and use masks and social distance...maybe we wouldn't need to be shutting things down :(

You can easily catch it, even if you're wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. Only industrial or medical-grade masks prevent the infected person from transmitting the virus to others, and microscopic droplets can travel up to 20 feet in an enclosed area. That mask you got from Walmart is basically worthless, and will do nothing but cause a respiratory infection.

Well, I disagree on that, but we all have our opinions. If both parties wear masks AND social distance, the odds are significantly decreased. I think that is worth it.

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