New Jersey gym owner accepts a blind plea bargain.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
'Blind', meaning that the prosecution will recommend three to five years but the judge is not bound to honor the plea agreement....... meaning if the judge is in a bad mood, he can throw the book at him if you wants.

Welcome to America kids.
Too bad the guy doesn’t have Trump to pardon him
This is how things have long worked. What is your complaint exactly?
Complaining about the federal government using its' resources for abuse of power against political opponents whoever they may be.

People have been protesting over that for years now. They were dismissed.
So he committed a crime, assaulting a police officer, and he should be let go, because he did it for political purposes? I guess I don't understand your point....

Aren't all plea bargains made by the prosecution with the accused, ALWAYS up to the judge to accept or deny the plea and to delve out penalty with keeping the prosecution's recommendation in mind???
So he committed a crime, assaulting a police officer, and he should be let go, because he did it for political purposes? I guess I don't understand your point....

Aren't all plea bargains made by the prosecution with the accused, ALWAYS up to the judge to accept or deny the plea and to delve out penalty with keeping the prosecution's recommendation in mind???
When you're offered a plea bargain, you generally know the worst scenario. Which means the prosecution has talked it over with the judge and they agreed on a sentencing.

The only option this guy has is relying on mercy from the judge or mercy from a jury if he pleads not guilty.
What's potentially important here is this is the first moke to plead for 'assaulting an officer'.
Previously, the pleas have been for trespass, or for vandalism or property damage......or similar.

Now, we are getting to the meat-cutting. Spearing an officer with a Blue Lives Matter flagpole, or striking, or spraying a uniformed officer ain't the same as smearing poop on the wall. Those mokes who went into combat with the cops are now coming to the docket. And the penalties for such become steeper.

And their attorneys are watching the sentencing. I'm betting we will see more guilty pleas.

So, if you look at a progression of charges, we will get to the real high-risk for these arrested mokes soon enough. The poop-smearers will soon be dealt with. Then comes these diqs who assaulted officers.....and there'll be a progression of penalties depending on degree of violence or injury.

Then, we get to the folks who need be really really afraid ---- the conspirators, the co-conspirators.

We'll get to them, but after all these smaller fry have been dealt with.....and traded their testimony against the conspirators for benefit.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the adjudication of those diqs who showed up on January 6th with ill intent or bad behavior. And for those who planned on that bad behavior.
When you're offered a plea bargain, you generally know the worst scenario. Which means the prosecution has talked it over with the judge and they agreed on a sentencing.

The only option this guy has is relying on mercy from the judge or mercy from a jury if he pleads not guilty.
I've only followed one Plea deal in the Courts by reading every word of the trial transcripts, and that was Michael Flynn's.

And it wasn't like what you describe.

The judge asked Flynn in several different ways, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? PLEAD GUILTY? Are you certain you were not coerced to plead guilty for something you didn't do, because of threats etc, the judge asked as well...

the judge did not infer in any way that the plea deal was agreed upon with the judge ahead of timeor that the judge spoke to any prosecutors ahead of time. The judge was going off the briefs from both the prosecution and defense that was required before the court proceedings began.

There was never any agreed upon with the Judge penalty or jail time....only the prosecutor recommendations and agreed upon with defendant, but following the proceedings, it was always said, the judge did NOT have to follow the prosecutor's recommendation or plea deal....??
I've only followed one Plea deal in the Courts by reading every word of the trial transcripts, and that was Michael Flynn's.

And it wasn't like what you describe.

The judge asked Flynn in several different ways, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS? PLEAD GUILTY? Are you certain you were not coerced to plead guilty for something you didn't do, because of threats etc, the judge asked as well...

the judge did not infer in any way that the plea deal was agreed upon with the judge ahead of timeor that the judge spoke to any prosecutors ahead of time. The judge was going off the briefs from both the prosecution and defense that was required before the court proceedings began.

There was never any agreed upon with the Judge penalty or jail time....only the prosecutor recommendations and agreed upon with defendant, but following the proceedings, it was always said, the judge did NOT have to follow the prosecutor's recommendation or plea deal....??
Judge Emmet Sullivan is a clown appointed by Bill Clinton isn't he ?

That's just his day job.

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