New Hampshire lawmaker equates homeschooling to child abuse Nanny state measure to push on parents


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New Hampshire Lawmaker Equates Homeschooling to 'Child Abuse' - Nanny State Measures to be Pushed on Parents - Planet Free Will
In 2012, the State of New Hampshire passed a measure that eased the state’s intervention into the operations of homeschooling families by reducing the number of filings parents would have to submit in order to get state approval for their efforts to educate their children. This move, according to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), reduced the amount of notices homeschooling parents would have to submit from 3 to just 1 and has produced no negative problems since becoming law.


This move, according to Home School Legal Defense Association(HSLDA), reduced the amount of notices homeschooling parents would have to submit from 3 to just 1 and has produced no negative problems since becoming law.

New Hampshire Lawmaker Equates Homeschooling to ‘Child Abuse’

Which is total liberal leftist bs lies. They want to indoctrinate the kids just like in the days of Hitler. Homeschooled kids are WORLDS AHEAD of public zombies and that's is proven in every way there is.
If homeschooled is as they claim well then every freaking Music artist and actor etc better stop teaching their gawd dam kids because most of them have to be basically homeschooled using a tutor.
So you leftist losers pushing this stufp up and gtf out of our Country please we beg you to leave!!
If the kids are homeschooled the left can't get their grimy paws on them. Same with private schooling

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