New GOP Plan: If We Can't Scrape Off Trump, We'll Split Dem Vote & Tear Down Hillary!


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Inspired by this conversation here: Case Alleging Trump Raped 13 Year Old Girl Is Re-Filed In New York

Only leftists will buy it and they weren't voting for Trump.

Well actually leftists aren't all who won't vote for Trump. The majority won't be voting for Trump. No matter how much he switches course and changes his stories; sometimes within 5 minutes. And, a candidate needs a majority to win. Just in case you forgot about that.
I didn't forget. How can I forget something that lives in your mind? Trump has been consistent with his priorities, lefties get lost in the weeds and overlook Hillary's glaring problems. There's a different set of standards in play, sniveling about it endlessly just makes it all the more obvious.

That may all be true what you just said. But the only people blindly devoted to voting for Trump are a minority of the vote in the Fall. Minorities don't win elections dear.

The middle voters (who decide elections) who think with their frontal lobes instead of their reptilian brain will NEVER be impressed by Trump enough to put him in the most powerful seat in the nation/the world. They will begrudgingly vote for Hillary. And they may be alarmed enough by the GOP in general, promoting Trump "any which way they can...including the obvious insertion of third party dem-splitting candidates and the like...beating the weary drum of "Never Hillary!"...over and over and over, that the loss of votes for the GOP will likely spill over into close Congressional races as well.

The GOP by stubbornly going into this mode of tearing down Hillary instead of promoting a winning candidate is the final nail in the coffin of public trust of the GOP. This is such an important point in fact, that I'm going to start a separate thread about it. This thread.

So the GOP plan is to:

1. Still try to back Trump, even against unbelievable odds that he will likely alienate a huge majority of voters.

2. Still try to back Trump, even though doing so, and Trump's pathological personality = smearing the GOP label by association.

3. Still try to back Trump, even though doing so will cement the rift of trust between the moderate voters who would otherwise fall back in love with the GOP if they promoted a candidate people gravitated towards, instead of felt really really shitty about and frightened of.

4. Still try to back Trump by inserting and promoting third-party vote-splitting candidates with a left-leaning bent.

5. Still try to back Trump not by wooing voters back to the GOP in general by their virtues (which is what impresses thinking people, not reptilians), but instead by launching probably one of the most negative anti-opposition campaigns in the history of the US.

6. Still try to back Trump doing 1 through 5 here, even though doing so in this day and age of information and social media sharing, will permanently divorce middle voters from ever considering voting republican again.


All that being said; there is time. And the Trumpsters will recover should their icon step down. Because they don't really like Trump. ie: he isn't "irreplaceable" in their minds. Instead, they like the idea of any conservative candidate who bucks the normal GOP protocol. There was another candidate who didn't exhibit pathological personality flaws who also is shunned by the GOP's Cheney-gang, a governor who thinks and acts autonomously for the good of the people he governs. That's the thing the Trumpsters are in love with...if the GOP would only give them their substitute.

We'll see. The GOP stands now on the edge of a precipice. Will they continue to listen to the advice of the Cheney machine and die a final death? Has The Republican Party Been Getting Dicked For Decades Now? Or will some of its rogue members finally figure out that the Cheney plan has not worked for three election cycles and that this particular cycle is the last of "three strikes"...and they're out?

People are weary of tearing down Hillary. Women in particular might be like the Trumpsters, so alarmed by the attack of the opposition on someone they identify with, that they might just gravitate to Hillary to spite the obvious assault on her (women by extension). That's how visceral thinking goes. And that's how even with the best laid plans of mice and men, they can backfire. Beware GOP. I know who you're listening to. All the signs are there. Job security dictates you fire your adviser and start thinking for yourselves.

I'm a moderate democrat, but I'm smart enough to know that we need a two party system at least. A country with only one ideology is a dangerous country. We might as well change our name to "Rainbow North Korea" if the GOP commits this final blunder.
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As to the point on women, the majority of voters in the US who will gravitate away from the GOP (as a whole) as it embraces and defends Trump:

Yeah, we need to be cerebral when it comes to Clinton and her corruption. DERP!

Not gonna work. People know and expect all politicians to come with a certain amount of corruption. Thinking people realize you can't make it in politics without scrambling to get to the top. It's a lukewarm issue. And as for the guys who keep turning up dead "all of a sudden" who published against the Clintons in the past...well...Hillary is way too smart if she was the type to off people, to do it IN THE MIDDLE OF HER CAMPAIGN, CREATING A SCANDAL AGAINST HER.

Speaking of "DERP!".. Thinking folks can see right past that type of crap. Although I admit, if anyone was offing these guys on purpose, it sure MAKES IT LOOK LIKE HILLARY DID IT... Gawd. Learn this: middle voters aren't dumb.
I maintain that it would be a whole lot easier and a number of souls saved besides, if the GOP negotiated with Trump to step down and insert his not-insane autonomous-thinker twin Kasich instead.

So MUCH EASIER than what's going on now. Fer Crissakes.
Yeah, we need to be cerebral when it comes to Clinton and her corruption. DERP!

Not gonna work. People know and expect all politicians to come with a certain amount of corruption. Thinking people realize you can't make it in politics without scrambling to get to the top. It's a lukewarm issue. And as for the guys who keep turning up dead "all of a sudden" who published against the Clintons in the past...well...Hillary is way too smart if she was the type to off people, to do it IN THE MIDDLE OF HER CAMPAIGN, CREATING A SCANDAL AGAINST HER.

Speaking of "DERP!".. Thinking folks can see right past that type of crap. Although I admit, if anyone was offing these guys on purpose, it sure MAKES IT LOOK LIKE HILLARY DID IT... Gawd. Learn this: middle voters aren't dumb.

Middle voters who don't see, and vote against, Hillary's corruption, are too stupid for cerebral.
Inspired by this conversation here: Case Alleging Trump Raped 13 Year Old Girl Is Re-Filed In New York

Only leftists will buy it and they weren't voting for Trump.

Well actually leftists aren't all who won't vote for Trump. The majority won't be voting for Trump. No matter how much he switches course and changes his stories; sometimes within 5 minutes. And, a candidate needs a majority to win. Just in case you forgot about that.
I didn't forget. How can I forget something that lives in your mind? Trump has been consistent with his priorities, lefties get lost in the weeds and overlook Hillary's glaring problems. There's a different set of standards in play, sniveling about it endlessly just makes it all the more obvious.

That may all be true what you just said. But the only people blindly devoted to voting for Trump are a minority of the vote in the Fall. Minorities don't win elections dear..
I'm your dear? Are you trying to have sex with me? I don't swing that way. I will repeat:

"Trump has been consistent with his priorities, lefties get lost in the weeds and overlook Hillary's glaring problems."
The middle voters who think with their frontal lobes, your words, support trump and have supported trump. Another premise of yours that is a lie.

You claim trump has inserted Gary Johnson in the race. Care to back that up with a link.

And speaking of women. Hilary supports women so much she attacks Melana trump not only for being an accomplished woman but for working to do immigration right and become an American citizen.

The only hate I see is coming from the left, but that has been true for the whole Obama administration whose minions have said on more than one occasion that you whites are racist you just don't know it. I guess now we are haters and we need people like sil to explain that to us because we just don't know it.

Your op is more,one,of wishful thinking than reality. You repeat democratic talking points without a filter, not what a thinking person does. We have had eight years of one ideology, a failed one, jammed down,our throats. Polls show a majority of Americans have had enough of fundamentally changing the country. I am sure you believe this majority is of lesser intelligence than yourself but then again maybe you didn't get the memo. I don't know who is going to win in November, but trump could not do any worse than Obama.
Your op is more,one,of wishful thinking than reality. You repeat democratic talking points without a filter, not what a thinking person does. We have had eight years of one ideology, a failed one, jammed down,our throats. Polls show a majority of Americans have had enough of fundamentally changing the country. I am sure you believe this majority is of lesser intelligence than yourself but then again maybe you didn't get the memo. I don't know who is going to win in November, but trump could not do any worse than Obama.

Now, how about the close Congressional races? What happens when Trump's stink-mouth drags the rest of the party to the loser's deck with him? Hmm? :popcorn:
The people nominated the two most hated & untrustworthy candidates this country has ever seen and you think they give a fuck? Pull your head out of your ass.

"The People"...well it was up to the party leadership to clean up the lame choices at their conventions. But the GOP is too susceptible to their advisers who in my opinion have been RINO moles for decades much so that their base revolted finally. You trash too many of your base's long held ideologies and platforms and they're gonna turn on you. But the GOP is now so afraid of their advisers, they just have no spine left and will die the political death of spineless men...apparently...
Support for Donald trump or Hilary for that matter is fluid. When one is up in the polls the down ticket reluctantly supports the top of the ticket, when one is down in the polls the down ticket distances themselves. If Donald hits a home run in the debates look for some headspinning that will,rival the exorcist.

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