new George Clooney HBO documentary: It's a scary time in America — but know this: The MAGA Movement (including Trump, Gaetz, & Jim Jordan) is finished


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Trump is finished... Matt Gaetz is on the outs... and Jim Jordan is facing scrutiny for his role in a college sexual abuse scandal, the focus of an upcoming HBO documentary produced by George Clooney

Trump is finished... Matt Gaetz is on the outs... and Jim Jordan is facing scrutiny for his role in a college sexual abuse scandal, the focus of an upcoming HBO documentary produced by George Clooney

/----/ George Clooney ???? The leftards hate Trump for being an entertainer, and in the same breath idolizes one who does their bidding.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not down, not gone, we are sending in ground support, in this midterm, if they get cheated.
2. Just add blood.
3. This election will be the most scrutinized in history.
4. Careful to make sure to hide the evidence, (not like last time), we will be looking in *ALL* holes for evidence.
5. A stone won't be left un-turned.
6. And when its discovered, you libtards, cheated again, expect your blood, to be the end results.

democrats think they are at war with evil too...
No, they don't. They simply know that their schtick must include a shitload of trying to convince us that we are guilty of what they actually do. They know that they are the evil ones. They also know that they are compelled to confirm their evil to us.

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