New entitlement class!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Yes, boys and girls and liberals of all ages.....

Now there's a new entitlement class.

The vertically challenged!

OK, up to know that was just a sarcastic reference to the ridiculous. Y'know, like "differently abled".

But now there's scientific proof that VC is real and needs special accommodation!

Shorter people do feel inferior and weaker | Business Standard

The study was conducted at the prestigious Oxford University. As it says in the linked article:

"What they found was depressing. As Professor Daniel Freeman told the Guardian that our hunch was that the experience (of being small) would cause people to view themselves more negatively, reducing their sense of status and self-esteem, and triggering a sense of vulnerability."

The experiment involved computer generated "virtual reality" and 60 volunteers of varying size. They were sent on simulated subway rides once at a projected "normal" height and again at a projected size ten inches shorter. Next thing we know there was rampant paranoia amongst the volunteers.

Plainly this calls for accommodation. Will it come in the form of government-issued (taxpayer paid) elevator shoes for the vertically challenged? Or a more permanent solution like grafting an extra few inches into shin bones? Surgically? Perhaps....but since the whole thing is ongoing in England....might they not just bring back the rack?

How joyous will you feel when your tax dollars are being devoted to overcoming this ever (or not) growing challenge?

I am short - not quite 5'2" - and I can assure you that in no way, shape or form do I view myself more negatively, have a reduced sense of status and self-esteem, or have any sense of vulnerability. What utter bullshit.

They are certifiable, totally and completely. Shoot them, please.
the ignorant professor would be less ignorant if he would enlighten himself on the facts that the vast majority of vicious tyrants in the history of humankind were vertically challenged and that includes some of the current ones as well.
The experiment involved computer generated "virtual reality" and 60 volunteers of varying size.
the sample size - bwahahaha - is even more impressive than professor's ignorance :D
Wow there aren't enough stupid government policies to complain about, so we are imaging one that doesn't exist to mock and lament our tax dollars being spent on?

I am short - not quite 5'2" - and I can assure you that in no way, shape or form do I view myself more negatively, have a reduced sense of status and self-esteem, or have any sense of vulnerability. What utter bullshit.

They are certifiable, totally and completely. Shoot them, please.

Are you male or female?

I am short - not quite 5'2" - and i can assure you that in no way, shape or form do i view myself more negatively, have a reduced sense of status and self-esteem, or have any sense of vulnerability. What utter bullshit.

They are certifiable, totally and completely. Shoot them, please.

are you male or female?


You are not all that short, then. Of course you don't view yourself negatively.
Yes, boys and girls and liberals of all ages.....

Now there's a new entitlement class.

The vertically challenged!

OK, up to know that was just a sarcastic reference to the ridiculous. Y'know, like "differently abled".

But now there's scientific proof that VC is real and needs special accommodation!

Shorter people do feel inferior and weaker | Business Standard

The study was conducted at the prestigious Oxford University. As it says in the linked article:

"What they found was depressing. As Professor Daniel Freeman told the Guardian that our hunch was that the experience (of being small) would cause people to view themselves more negatively, reducing their sense of status and self-esteem, and triggering a sense of vulnerability."

The experiment involved computer generated "virtual reality" and 60 volunteers of varying size. They were sent on simulated subway rides once at a projected "normal" height and again at a projected size ten inches shorter. Next thing we know there was rampant paranoia amongst the volunteers.

Plainly this calls for accommodation. Will it come in the form of government-issued (taxpayer paid) elevator shoes for the vertically challenged? Or a more permanent solution like grafting an extra few inches into shin bones? Surgically? Perhaps....but since the whole thing is ongoing in England....might they not just bring back the rack?

How joyous will you feel when your tax dollars are being devoted to overcoming this ever (or not) growing challenge?

What next, a study on men with short "fifth appendages" and women with small breasts who want breast jobs since they might feel inadequate in some way? Perhaps commercials (paid for by taxpayers of course) which tout these differences as 'better'? Maybe surgical intervention?

There will always be differences. There is no way we can address them all. As far as raising the ceiling by 10 inches for someone, of course this might have an impact of some sort. Its different, an unknown. People are known to overcome and or compensate for their differences.

I fail to see how we can address each and every one, I think it would be impossible.

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