New Biden Economy Pitch (Bidenomics) Shredded by Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Joe Biden has had a list of laughingstocks since he stole the presidency in 2021. His latest one is being touted as "Bidenomics", and is being pitched as a big success. Once again, leftists prove they will say anything, no matter how absurd.

Predictably, the real president, Donald Trump wasted no time, and immediately pounced on Biden's laughable claims, referring to the Biden economy as >> "the worst economic decline since the Great Depression."

"'Bidenomics' is the opposite of President Trump's historic economy," the Trump campaign said in a detailed statement deriding Biden's plan on Wednesday. "President Trump's success is low taxes, low regulations, low inflation, maximizing American energy production for affordable energy, fair trade, and no job-killing globalist agreements.

"'Bidenomics' is high taxes, crippling regulations, crushing inflation, war on American energy, soaring energy costs, job-killing globalist international agreements like the Paris Climate Accord, and total economic surrender to China and other foreign countries. America first economics vs. America last."

Hmmm, it's a funny thing about Joe Biden, He just sort of ambles along doing anything and saying anything he pleases. This includes assaulting women & children in front of press cameras, bragging about having an extensive voter fraud network, and extorting the Ukranians. Also, his latest > openly admitting that he sold state secrets.

So it shouldn't come as any surprise that that Biden would present his awful economy to the American people as being successful. I don't know if this dude could tell the truth if he tried.

"Every plank of President Trump's economy makes it easier, more attractive for American jobs, American workers, and American families in the U.S.," the Trump administration statement continued. "Every plank of 'Bidenomics' hurts jobs and workers in America and rewards outsourcers and foreign producers."

"Biden and the radical Democrat Congress singlehandedly created the highest inflation in decades,"
the statement said. "They spent trillions of dollars and pursued the socialist joke known as the Green New Deal.

"Now the inflation and high interest rates that Biden caused have resulted in the Biden banking crisis — a disaster of historic proportions."

Well, it looks like Americans aren't buying Biden's BS. A poll taken by Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research is showing a pitiful 34% approval of Biden's economy. That's even less than his unimpressive 41% overall job approval.

But, this is Biden being Biden. Bring on the eye rolls. :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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"Trump's historic economy" was only at 2.3% GDP when COVID hit. And that's with trillions in QE help from the Fed. And that's with his massive spending. And that's with an extended manufacturing recession in 2019.

So Trump is either ignorant or lying or (most likely) both. But we're used to that. That's who he is.

Regardless, Biden is just doing what politicians do: Take credit for the good. We all know that politicians slant everything in their favor. His actions haven't done that much. Presidents usually get too much blame or too much credit for the state of the economy.
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Biden also didn't mention (how forgetful of him) the many MILLIONS of illegal aliens that he has ushered in, by restoring Obama's obscene "Catch & Release" policy. This makes it harder for Americans to get jobs, and harder for businesses to sell their stuff.

Every alien working (replacing an American who otherwise would have had that job) represents lost sale$, as the many $$$ that the Americans would have earned would have been spent in their local stores (aka "the economy"). Instead, those $$$ are going out of the country, sent to aliens' home countries (remittances$$$$$$$$$)

In 2017, these remittances totaled $148 Billion/year, that amount undoubtably massively increased now, with the massive increase in illegal aliens, since Biden became president.

"Trump's historic economy" was only at 2.3% GDP when COVID hit. And that's with trillions in QE help from the Fed. And that's with his massive spending. And that's with an extended manufacturing recession in 2019.

So Trump is either ignorant or lying or (most likely) both. But we're used to that. That's who he is.

Regardless, Biden is just doing what politicians do: Take credit for the good. We all know that politicians slant everything in their favor. His actions haven't done that much. Presidents usually get too much blame or too much credit for the state of the economy.
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

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How can 34% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy? Our Democrats, who pride themselves on being educated, are proving themselves to be the dumbest mofos to ever set foot in this country. In the end, it's not Biden's fault for lying, it's progressive ignoramuses' fault for believing the unbelievable.
How can 34% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy? Our Democrats, who pride themselves on being educated, are proving themselves to be the dumbest mofos to ever set foot in this country. In the end, it's not Biden's fault for lying, it's progressive ignoramuses' fault for believing the unbelievable.
They are robots, programmed, blindly walking around parroting whatever is fed to them by the Bidens, and the leftwing media. If Biden had them marching out into th streets with machine guns pointed at them, they would say thank you.
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

I described specifically what supported and buoyed his economy. I could have also pointed out that unemployment was clearly trending down when he took office, but I didn't bother.

You don't have to agree.
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)


and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020

That's not how it works.
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

Love the Musial analogy....
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 6.15.54 AM.png

Highlighted is Q2 2018, trumps highest GDP.
View attachment 799825

Highlighted is Q2 2018, trumps highest GDP.
FALSE! Trump's highest GDP was Q3 2020, which was the highest in US history (35.3%), more than doubling the previous high.


Also, you don't know how to read a graph. Your graph isn't quarterly GDP growth %s. It is % CHANGE of GDP from the previous year, and it says that right in your screenshot. :rolleyes:
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I described specifically what supported and buoyed his economy. I could have also pointed out that unemployment was clearly trending down when he took office, but I didn't bother.

You don't have to agree.
What supported and buoyed Trump's economy was good policies, as noted in the OP. And what was also "trending down", was GDP growth in Obama's last 2 years , as noted in the V-GRAPH.
I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

Stan Musial's batting average was NOT higher than .288 in the previous 20 years. I guess you have trouble reading data in charts.

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 9.50.18 AM.png

The 2 years previous were both lower than .288
"Trump's historic economy" was only at 2.3% GDP when COVID hit. And that's with trillions in QE help from the Fed. And that's with his massive spending. And that's with an extended manufacturing recession in 2019.

So Trump is either ignorant or lying or (most likely) both. But we're used to that. That's who he is.

Regardless, Biden is just doing what politicians do: Take credit for the good. We all know that politicians slant everything in their favor. His actions haven't done that much. Presidents usually get too much blame or too much credit for the state of the economy.
His actions have wrecked The American Dream. Higher housing, fuel, and prices of everything. Everything costs a greater percentage

of American income than ever before.

So yes, his actions have done much, and all of it bad.

It started on Day 1:

I'll go along with what you say about presidents and the economy, in general, but not what you said about Trump. A president who is president for 4 years, has 16 quarters of measured GDP growth. To spotlight ONE of those quarters, isn't being realistic. It's like presenting Stan Musial's 1961 batting average of .288, when his averages were higher than .310 every year for 20 years (one year as high as .376)

Fact is, Trump was great on the economy, and even left wing pundits have conceded that routinely. After Obama handed him a GDP SINKING economy in 2017, he raised it continually, illustrated in the often shown (on conservative TV) "V-GRAPH.. (never shown on leftwing TV).
In Obama's last 2 years, the economy was sinking like a rock.
After Trump took over, it rose right back up again. Here's some of the numbers >>
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1


Even after the disaster of the 2020 covid shutdown, which if course were beyond any president's control, he responded by reopening the economy, and had the highest GDP increase in US history (65.2% - 3rd quarter of 2020 + a respectable 3.9% in the 4th quarter.)

None of that is true. Excluding 2020, growth in Trump’s initial three years in office was 2.5 percent — barely above Obama and well below the growth under the Clinton, Reagan and Johnson administrations. And Trump inherited a strong economy not the destroyed economies passed to Obama and Biden.

Even the employment situation was simply the trend he inherited. Obama inherited a disaster and fixed it. Trump inherited a fixed employment situation and turned it into a disaster.

Economy under Biden has been stellar. Other than right wingers thinking its bad the metrics are outstanding for coming out of the situation we started in. Anyone not employed or isn’t making more than they did under Trump just isn’t trying… lazy I guess.

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