Never trust anyone who smiles all the time!


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Be it a used car salesman or a professional politician or whoever.....beware if they are always smiling. People who have this ability use it to deceive ...folks who have been close to hillary have describe how when the camera is turned on it transforms her into a smily faced clown...quite ridiculous...and anyone with any analytical ability at all can easily see through all the fake smiles.

Hillary Grins Her Way Through Debate; Smiles At Mention Of ISIS, Human Rights Abuses
A sincere smiler also smiles with their eyes. That can't be faked. Whenever ISIS Foundress smiles, there's a clear flash of anger in her eyes. It's said the eyes are windows into the soul and Donald Trump is right........

She has a lot of hate in her heart.
Be it a used car salesman or a professional politician or whoever.....beware if they are always smiling. People who have this ability use it to deceive ...folks who have been close to hillary have describe how when the camera is turned on it transforms her into a smily faced clown...quite ridiculous...and anyone with any analytical ability at all can easily see through all the fake smiles.

Hillary Grins Her Way Through Debate; Smiles At Mention Of ISIS, Human Rights Abuses

Since her smile looks like its painted on I doubt anyone with a brain will believe its sincere.

Hell. Most of the time it looks like she's got a stick stuck up her ass.
That's because she is a psychopath. That is a person with no conscience.
A woman who uses as a foundation for a political career the name of a man who publicly humiliated her has no shame, no conscience.
Clinton/Dahmer '16
Mrs Bill Clinton/Mrs Anthony Weiner '16
Wow, if this is true, thank you for letting me know how honest of a person I am guessing that I am.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am like 50/50 where a smile is concerned. I smile a good deal, but I have my other moments too.

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