Never Let 'em Forget....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...that there was no racism in Trump's victory.

The masses of Liberals require their elite masters to boil down all of reality until it fits into a neat....short...bumper sticker.
Possibly it's due to a problem with attention span....

1. But the truth is that there were multiple "reasons why 59 million Americans voted for Trump, including:
• 56 percent of voters who saw the Supreme Court nominations as “the most important factor” supported Trump.
• 64 percent of voters who thought immigration was the “most important issue” voted for Trump, as did 86 percent of those who want a wall built on the U.S.-Mexico border.
• 83 percent of voters who felt Obamacare “went too far” supported Trump.
• 57 percent of those who viewed terrorism as the top issue backed Trump, as did 85 percent of those who thought the fight against ISIS was going “very badly.”
• 73 percent of voters who felt the “government [is] doing too much” went for Trump."
Donald Trump’s Win Wasn’t About Racism

These are issues of national security, rule of law, and the scope of government.

2. Need that shortened?
Sure....over 59 million Americas rebelled against the suffering the same fate that the majority of subjects of collectivization fared......

Under the neoBolshevik, "Obama has aggressively worked to promote a liberal agenda, from Obamacare to the Iran nuclear deal.

He has used his executive power to grant amnesty,
to push gun control,
and to force schools to require high school girls’ locker rooms to allow biological males who identify as women to enter.

He has signed spending bills that have pushed the nation deeper and deeper into fiscal irresponsibility, and under his leadership, our national debt has close to doubled.

.... laws being made, not by the lawmakers we elect, but by unelected bureaucrats in the executive branch.
.... the Supreme Court uphold illegal provisions of Obamacare, and overrule the votes of millions of Americans on the legalization of same-sex marriage."

3. Bill's wife promised more of the same...and [when a]sked about Supreme Court nominations in the Oct. 19 debate, Clinton didn’t bring up appointing justices who adhered to the Constitution.

... it was revealed Clinton had said in a 2013 speech: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.”

.... her disdain for religious liberty, saying in a 2015 speech: “America moves forward when all women are guaranteed the right to make their own health care choices, not when those choices are taken away by an employer like Hobby Lobby.” (Hobby Lobby, which is owned by a religious family, only wanted not to offer abortion-inducing drugs to its employees—a case it had to fight all the way to the Supreme Court.)"

Any racism in there?????

Not a smidgen.....
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...that there was no racism in Trump's victory.

You must be either stupid or blind…

This popped up Wednesday morning --


Along with a thousand cases of Alt-Right White Pride aggression and empowerment all over the country.

The only way Trump can be successful moving forward is to declare these hemorrhoids the enemy of America.
...that there was no racism in Trump's victory.

You must be either stupid or blind…

This popped up Wednesday morning --


Along with a thousand cases of Alt-Right White Pride aggression and empowerment all over the country.

The only way Trump can be successful moving forward is to declare these hemorrhoids the enemy of America.


Using "Nazis" as a pejorative????? By a Liberal?????
That's like having Kevorkian on a poster for the Heimlich Maneuver!

It's amusing that Liberals, the spawn of communism and socialism, pretend that they somehow despise the Nazis....

After all....the Nazis are your siblings along with fascists and Progressives.

Every one of the six plan for the very same final collectivist "Utopia"

Communists, Liberals, Nazis, Progressives, Fascists and Socialists.

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"

You feel like a fool now, huh?

'Cause, you are.
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That is spot on, but Liberals never let a little thing like accuracy and truth get in the way. They will continue with accusations of Hate speech and Racism because it is all they have. Doug Schoen just gave a brilliant summary of the Democratic Party today. He said they are "Leaderless and Lurching Left".
...that there was no racism in Trump's victory.

You must be either stupid or blind…

This popped up Wednesday morning --


Along with a thousand cases of Alt-Right White Pride aggression and empowerment all over the country.

The only way Trump can be successful moving forward is to declare these hemorrhoids the enemy of America.
Why did you do it? Crap like that is always done by liberal fags.
...that there was no racism in Trump's victory.

You must be either stupid or blind…

This popped up Wednesday morning --


Along with a thousand cases of Alt-Right White Pride aggression and empowerment all over the country.

The only way Trump can be successful moving forward is to declare these hemorrhoids the enemy of America.

...painted by a liberal paid by Soros...
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and suggesting that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.

They cannot either stand, or comprehend, that Leftism was rejected by America.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Yet I would gamble that you want Muslims gone, hate when you hear people speaking Spanish instead of English, cross the street when you see a black person coming, and think Obama's only qualification in life for being President is that he's black.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and suggesting that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Punish putting them back to work?
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Yet I would gamble that you want Muslims gone, hate when you hear people speaking Spanish instead of English, cross the street when you see a black person coming, and think Obama's only qualification in life for being President is that he's black.
Typical libtard liar. My wife is Hispanic, speaks fluent Spanish. She's a certified translator at her job. Obastard has no qualification for existing, and I only cross the street when I see a back shooting dimocrat.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Yet I would gamble that you want Muslims gone, hate when you hear people speaking Spanish instead of English, cross the street when you see a black person coming, and think Obama's only qualification in life for being President is that he's black.
I want Muslims that want America. I hear Spanish all the time. Crossing the street is so 1940s. That last one...agree.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Yet I would gamble that you want Muslims gone, hate when you hear people speaking Spanish instead of English, cross the street when you see a black person coming, and think Obama's only qualification in life for being President is that he's black.
Typical libtard liar. My wife is Hispanic, speaks fluent Spanish. She's a certified translator at her job. Obastard has no qualification for existing, and I only cross the street when I see a back shooting dimocrat.
We been married 41 years. Gotta watch her though, she's got a meskin knife.
Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the fear of brown people that is rampant in socially conservative strongholds in this country. Nobody should ever forget that.

The OP just proved.....proved!....that you're wrong.'re at home being wrong, huh?
It did not. Any GOP nominees would have gotten similar percentages to the ones you posted. Trump beat them in the primaries by appealing to the crippling fear in socially conservative communities and saying that he would punish brown people. Never forget.
Another delusional nut case.
Yet I would gamble that you want Muslims gone, hate when you hear people speaking Spanish instead of English, cross the street when you see a black person coming, and think Obama's only qualification in life for being President is that he's black.
Typical libtard liar. My wife is Hispanic, speaks fluent Spanish. She's a certified translator at her job. Obastard has no qualification for existing, and I only cross the street when I see a back shooting dimocrat.
Don't let your wife find out that you have a crippling fear of her kind's growing population in the U.S.

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