"Never Forget" Means: Remember "Their" Crimes, Forget "Ours."


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

georgephillip gagajhahhahahahhahahahahhaha
that's a lot of crap --HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
FYI people die in wars!!!!!!!
AND--all those deaths are saddam's fault
HE started not 1 but 2 wars - hitler 1
he gassed his own people - like hitler
he violated the cease fire - like hitler
..your OP is total crap--troll
georgephillip gagajhahhahahahhahahahahhaha
that's a lot of crap --HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
FYI people die in wars!!!!!!!
AND--all those deaths are saddam's fault
HE started not 1 but 2 wars - hitler 1
he gassed his own people - like hitler
he violated the cease fire - like hitler
..your OP is total crap--troll
Dick Cheney and his puppet Dubya had more to do with 911 than Saddam since the latter had absolutely no advance warning of the "New Pearl Harbor."

9/11 Redux Pt.1

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

Damn it man, why werent you there in the tower when the plane went in. I could see you cheering them all the way, right into your window...
I see, so flying jets into our buildings and killing thousands of innocent people INCLUIDING MUSLIMS was justifiable revenge. Stick it up your ass commie.
Have you noticed there is only one nation on this planet killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the globe from its homeland?

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

"The criminal and racist US regime change invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the cause of certainly more than 100,000 deaths there.

"The invasion was a lawless and unjust response to 9/11, a terrorist attack conducted mainly by Saudis and planned in Germany.

"It followed Washington’s absurd refusal of the Afghan Taliban government’s offer to hand Osama bin Laden over to the US."

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”


GFY Squared!
Never Forget the total of at least 2.5 million civilians murdered by US Firepower in Korean and Vietnam Wars!
IMHO, Korea in 1945 is where US imperialism began its inevitable decline. At that time the US was the only nation with nuclear weapons and the proven willingness to use them on civilian targets.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea

"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

"a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR
b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state
c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea."

Americans would be wise to never forget 9/11/2001 was the day when US Middle East policy blew back on the nation's financial and political capitals.

If Americans should never stop mourning (and avenging) that holy day of inherently "good" and "exceptional" America's unjust martyrdom, we should also remember events that led to that fateful reckoning:

"+ The US-backed Latin American 9/11 (the Washington-supported coup in Chile on that day in 1973).

"+ The ferocious 'Highway of Death,' when US warplanes risked mid-air collisions in their rush to mercilessly slaughter thousands of surrendered Iraq troops retreating from Kuwait in 1991.

"+ US economic sanctions that killed at least half a million Iraqi children ('a price worth paying,' according to Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright) by the mid-1990s

"+ US funding and equipping of extremist Islamic-fundamentalist forces (for Cold War, anti-Soviet purposes) in Afghanistan starting in the late 1970s and 1980s, creating the very forces that would “attack America” in 2001."

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

The America-hating scum never stops. Hey, China is hiring.
Have you noticed there is only one nation on this planet killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the globe from its homeland?

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

"The criminal and racist US regime change invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the cause of certainly more than 100,000 deaths there.

"The invasion was a lawless and unjust response to 9/11, a terrorist attack conducted mainly by Saudis and planned in Germany.

"It followed Washington’s absurd refusal of the Afghan Taliban government’s offer to hand Osama bin Laden over to the US."
If that middle east oil gets endangered we will know about it pretty quickly. Perhaps eve go back there for another round of wars.
Have you noticed there is only one nation on this planet killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the globe from its homeland?

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

"The criminal and racist US regime change invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the cause of certainly more than 100,000 deaths there.

"The invasion was a lawless and unjust response to 9/11, a terrorist attack conducted mainly by Saudis and planned in Germany.

"It followed Washington’s absurd refusal of the Afghan Taliban government’s offer to hand Osama bin Laden over to the US."
you are out of your mind
..the US helps the world the most-including:
carriers /chppers/LCACs/etc helping in natural disasters
So because we weren't real nice to a bunch of Iraqi troops who got their asses kicked invading one of our allies we're evil?

You know what?

Fuck you. The military commander was told by his superiors to destroy every piece of Iraqi military equipment that it possibly could.

So they did. Don't want to get the fuck bombed out of you? Don't invade your neighbors.
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Have you noticed there is only one nation on this planet killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the globe from its homeland?

A 9/11 Reflection: Remember “Their” Crimes, Forget “Ours”

"The criminal and racist US regime change invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the cause of certainly more than 100,000 deaths there.

"The invasion was a lawless and unjust response to 9/11, a terrorist attack conducted mainly by Saudis and planned in Germany.

"It followed Washington’s absurd refusal of the Afghan Taliban government’s offer to hand Osama bin Laden over to the US."
..this is a total troll thread ......those people are not innocent

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