Nevada GOP Caucus Thread

Lol, I finally get off the fence and decide to support Cruz here in Virginia, and then Trump got up to 45% of the vote in Nevada!

I guess I'm like a bad penny; maybe I'll support RUBIO instead!

I predict, no matter where Rubio finishes, Fox News will proclaim him the winner!
2nd and 3rd place are the new 1st.. In 5th place you have a path. Jeb! can even re enter and has a chance. This election is like no other. When Trump wins the nomination he can still lose it...

And that's the problem. as things are going now, Trump will have the majority of delegates going into the convention, unless the GOP cheats. I suppose that if Rubio and Cruz go into the convention with a t hird of delegates each, they could edge Trump out, but that would just mean a lot of the people who supported him will stay home in November. Republicans lose.

Or they can just let him have it, women and Hispanics turn out in droves to vote against him, Republicans lose again.
All due to Trump. Rep vote in NV, 73500. DEM VOTE 12000. Trump can easily win in nov.
Lol, I finally get off the fence and decide to support Cruz here in Virginia, and then Trump got up to 45% of the vote in Nevada!

I guess I'm like a bad penny; maybe I'll support RUBIO instead!

A few weeks old:

Virginia: Christopher Newport University Poll
Christopher Newport University conducted a Virginia GOP poll February 3-14. The poll has a margin of error of 5.6 percentage points.

Donald Trump 28%
Marco Rubio 22%
Ted Cruz 19%
John Kasich 7%
Ben Carson 7%
Jeb Bush 4%
Donald Trump: 46%

Marco Rubio: 24%

Ted Cruz: 21%

Ben Carson: 5%

John Kasich: 4%

Even Fox News is starting to kiss Trumps ass after he wiped out Cruz and Rubio in Nevada. Trump won the Hispanic vote in Nevada, ouch!
Where's Jake, who said Trump can't get over 30% of the Republican vote? :lol:
He's busy raising the bar again. He along with Karl Rove raised the bar another 5'.

JakeStarkey been wrong about everything, I think he just makes things up as he goes along. Jillian is another one. She loves numbers and percentages

Jake: "Yeah Trump won Nevada and the evangelical vote and the hispanic vote and the female vote and the canine vote, but he needs the Seventh Day Adventist vote in order to win the election. He also needs 6% of the homeless population to take the 'winner take all' states and he just doesn't have them. His ceiling is at 35%...I mean it tops off at 45%....ok 50%"

jillian : Trump needs 25% of the 50% on the 6% vote in order to clear the 35% of the electorate who endorse 55% of the fraction of the 80% of evangelicals who support 22% of middle income blue collar who make up 65% of the electorate. Take 45% off the top because of his brashness and add 75% of the female vote who wont't vote for him and it drops him another 67%. He can't win with these numbers.

Jake I'm just bustin your balls man ;) but its true

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