Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:

What the hell country do you live in? As far as my eyes can see—across my semi-rural area—Trump-Pence signs dot the landscape. No one I know, locally—from the VFW and Legion to the old-timers at the convenience stores every morning—lives in any kind of fear of our great President. The opposite is true, in fact. We adore the Man.

If you find yourself living in terror because of Donald Trump then there's only one cause for it: you're an evil self-worshipping creep who believes Trump is going to end the psycho-circus cultural madness which has enabled your kind to prance around the country sowing destruction and brainwashing the minds of our young. If that is the case, the source of your fear, then you damn well better be crawling out of your skin in terror . . . for when The Man comes around.
Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:


' Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.' telling people if Trump is elected, 20 million people will lose their health care?
I am very depressed, for I agree with the author that the Honorable Donald J. Trump will lose this election.

The Dems will usher in the most authoritarian regime in our history, with the Republicans for all intents & purposes losing all influence in Washington, Douglass Commonwealth (as the Dems will rename it).

If people think that 2020 was a horrible year, wait until they get a load of what is waiting for them in 2021 under the brilliant leadership of Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Ms. Nancy, Mr. Chuck, Ms. AOC., & BLM.
Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:


I'll just stand over here and LMFAO. What a load of horse shit.
  • Funny
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Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:


I have better credentials than this dude, in RELEVANT fields.

It's going to be a Trump landslide. Every American is welcomed to participate in making it even bigger.
Its almost like the Dems refuse to open their eyes.
Kinda like a child that has never been disciplined, and then throws a fit. :itsok:
I am very depressed, for I agree with the author that the Honorable Donald J. Trump will lose this election.

The Dems will usher in the most authoritarian regime in our history, with the Republicans for all intents & purposes losing all influence in Washington, Douglass Commonwealth (as the Dems will rename it).

If people think that 2020 was a horrible year, wait until they get a load of what is waiting for them in 2021 under the brilliant leadership of Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Ms. Nancy, Mr. Chuck, Ms. AOC., & BLM.
This is GREAT news and would put America back on track.

We've already lost too much these past 4 horrible years.
I am very depressed, for I agree with the author that the Honorable Donald J. Trump will lose this election.

The Dems will usher in the most authoritarian regime in our history, with the Republicans for all intents & purposes losing all influence in Washington, Douglass Commonwealth (as the Dems will rename it).

If people think that 2020 was a horrible year, wait until they get a load of what is waiting for them in 2021 under the brilliant leadership of Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Ms. Nancy, Mr. Chuck, Ms. AOC., & BLM.
This is GREAT news and would put America back on track.

We've already lost too much these past 4 horrible years.

Poor guy

Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:


You'll be happy to know the Senate found Trump innocent
President Trump is not creating any fake evil. Democrats are simply pulling of their masks and people are observing.


President Trump is good at fighting the evil.
What the hell country do you live in? As far as my eyes can see—across my semi-rural area—Trump-Pence signs dot the landscape. No one I know, locally—from the VFW and Legion to the old-timers at the convenience stores every morning—lives in any kind of fear of our great President. The opposite is true, in fact. We adore the Man.

If you find yourself living in terror because of Donald Trump then there's only one cause for it: you're an evil self-worshipping creep who believes Trump is going to end the psycho-circus cultural madness which has enabled your kind to prance around the country sowing destruction and brainwashing the minds of our young. If that is the case, the source of your fear, then you damn well better be crawling out of your skin in terror . . . for when The Man comes around.

Is Trump still popular in rural America?
What the hell country do you live in? As far as my eyes can see—across my semi-rural area—Trump-Pence signs dot the landscape. No one I know, locally—from the VFW and Legion to the old-timers at the convenience stores every morning—lives in any kind of fear of our great President. The opposite is true, in fact. We adore the Man.

If you find yourself living in terror because of Donald Trump then there's only one cause for it: you're an evil self-worshipping creep who believes Trump is going to end the psycho-circus cultural madness which has enabled your kind to prance around the country sowing destruction and brainwashing the minds of our young. If that is the case, the source of your fear, then you damn well better be crawling out of your skin in terror . . . for when The Man comes around.
His theory is flawed because those were proven to be FAKE impeachments, that failed. The blatant corrupt lawfare since has only proven that corrupt Dems will stop at nothing to avoid another election against Trump. Trump is going to crush them like bugs then victory lap for 4 years while we MAGA!!
His theory is flawed because those were proven to be FAKE impeachments, that failed. The blatant corrupt lawfare since has only proven that corrupt Dems will stop at nothing to avoid another election against Trump. Trump is going to crush them like bugs then victory lap for 4 years while we MAGA!!

Neuroscientist Explains Why Trump Is Unlikely To Win This Time

In a piece he wrote for‭ “‬Scientific American‭”‬,‭ ‬neuroscientist and author R.‭ ‬Douglas Fields offered his professional opinion on why the impeached president trump is not likely to win the‭ ‬2020‭ ‬Presidential Election.

From his past five years observing the impeached president trump,‭ ‬his devoted fanatics,‭ ‬and the rapidly increasing number of people who voted for the impeached president trump in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬but have now gotten fed up with his obscene antics,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Fields makes a convincing argument.‭ (‬But only to people who live in the real world,‭ ‬not those living in a right-wing fantasy land.‭)

Dr.‭ ‬Fields explains the impeached president trump relies on his ability to strike fear in the minds of specific‭ ‬segments of the‭ ‬voting public,‭ ‬choosing his base carefully, and creating evil where it does not exist,‭ ‬or greatly exaggerating the fears already in the minds of his target audience.

It is a form of brainwashing that is only successful for a finite period in those voters less susceptible.‭ ‬The fear created in their minds by the impeached president trump’s repetitive blather loses its effectiveness over time,‭ ‬as this targeted group learns the repeatedly cited‭ “‬dangers are not grounded in fact.‭”

But,‭ ‬for conservatives who long ago bought into the GOP's decades of nonstop fearmongering, these voters were already convinced they were being victimized from all sides. So,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s brainwashing of these folks required only a light rinse.

With FOX Noise and other similar‭ ‬right-wing‭ ‬outlets hammering the impeached president trump’s message into his devoted fanatics‭’ ‬noggins,‭ ‬repeatedly,‭ ‬24/7,‭ ‬since he received the Republicans‭’ ‬nomination in‭ ‬2016,‭ ‬it’s quite possible his devoted fanatics will never recover.

Sadly,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics‭’ ‬hatred of education and learned professionals could very well force these poor souls to hold onto their fear of the non-existent evils he planted in their noodles, for the rest of their lives.

To read the article about Dr.‭ ‬Fields, and his essay in Scientific American,‭ ‬click on the link below:


E = mcBecause democrat cheat in the tens of millions column

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