Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
It is not just nervous Republicans, it is also the Trumpies who are frantic and frenetic at Dopey Donald Trump's crash and burn press briefings.

The longer Trump talks the more unbelievable bullshit he comes out with.

Trump's true believers will turn on him in furious anger after he brings the Senate down and Drowns Republican lawmakers in election losses.

How long can Trump keep silent? About 1 microsecond. He will be blithering and ranting again because he is irrational and constantly seeks attention.

Dopey Donald Trump is the architect of his own demise.

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him
By Jonathan MartinThe New York Times
Maggie Haberman
Sat., April 25, 2020

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Trump does not put the country on a radically improved course.

The scale of the GOP’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: new surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super political action committees plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

Perhaps most significantly, Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials. ...
“The private data of the two parties is largely mirrored by public surveys. Just last week, three Pennsylvania polls and two Michigan surveys were released showing Trump losing outside the margin of error. And a pair of Florida polls were released that showed Biden enjoying a slim advantage in a state that is all but essential for Republicans to retain the presidency.

To some in the party, this feels all too similar to the last time they held the White House.

In 2006, anger at former president George W. Bush and unease with the Iraq War propelled Democrats to reclaim Congress; two years later they captured the presidency thanks to the same anti-incumbent themes and an unexpected crisis that accelerated their advantage: the economic collapse of 2008. The two elections were effectively a single continuous rejection of Republican rule — as some in the GOP fear 2018 and 2020 could become in a worst-case scenario.” ibid

All that matters is that Trump is voted out of office this November.
It is not just nervous Republicans, it is also the Trumpies who are frantic and frenetic at Dopey Donald Trump's crash and burn press briefings.

The longer Trump talks the more unbelievable bullshit he comes out with.

Trump's true believers will turn on him in furious anger after he brings the Senate down and Drowns Republican lawmakers in election losses.

How long can Trump keep silent? About 1 microsecond. He will be blithering and ranting again because he is irrational and constantly seeks attention.

Dopey Donald Trump is the architect of his own demise.

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him
By Jonathan MartinThe New York Times
Maggie Haberman
Sat., April 25, 2020

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Trump does not put the country on a radically improved course.

The scale of the GOP’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: new surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super political action committees plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

Perhaps most significantly, Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials. ...

This. Before the pandemic broke out in late January, Trump's chances of re-election were 50/50. He was going to have the same electoral issues in 2020 that he had in 2016. Swinging enough of the independent voters into his column to squeak out another electoral victory. There were five Senate seats that were in play (4 Republican, 1 Democrat). Fast forward to today and now all the sudden, there are 6 maybe 7 seats in play. As a note, Trump has now pulled ahead in North Carolina where he was behind 3 months ago.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)
What's is there to be anxious about? If the people are anxious for Sleepy Joe and a Far Left Senate, that's what they will get. Its something to be concerned about, but accepting the fate of the country and accepting failure is part of life.
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

The Dems run the table and take the Senate. And I'm giving the Republican party Doug Jones's seat back. They only reason he won was because his name wasn't Roy Moore.
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

KY - amy mcgrath is kicking turtleboy's ass.

ms lindsey is having a tough time in SC as well. both (D) candidates are outpacing their opponents in donorship. i have donated & will continue to donate to them as well as the (D) candidates in maine & AZ.
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

The Dems run the table and take the Senate. And I'm giving the Republican party Doug Jones's seat back. They only reason he won was because his name wasn't Roy Moore.

the senate only had a couple seats up for bid in 2018 - tough ones to try to take, so the (D) party used most of their cash towards the house.

this time some 20+ senate seats are up & they only need what? 4? to take the senate.

i really don't think the house will flip back & donny getting a 2nd term. if he did get in again, but has a (D) controlled congress?

So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

KY - amy mcgrath is kicking turtleboy's ass.

ms lindsey is having a tough time in SC as well. both (D) candidates are outpacing their opponents in donorship. i have donated & will continue to donate to them as well as the (D) candidates in maine & AZ.

I didn't include KY or SC in the possibilities for the Democrats because these are deeply red states. In the end, I expect Republicans will hold these seats. McConnell is deeply unpopular in his own state but that's been the case for years and it hasn't manged to get him out the door. Graham is just a Trump toady but again, current demographic makeup in SC suggests that he isn't going anywhere. I see 6, maybe 7 seats in play right now. Jones seat is going back to the Republicans.
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

The Dems run the table and take the Senate. And I'm giving the Republican party Doug Jones's seat back. They only reason he won was because his name wasn't Roy Moore.

the senate only had a couple seats up for bid in 2018 - tough ones to try to take, so the (D) party used most of their cash towards the house.

this time some 20+ senate seats are up & they only need what? 4? to take the senate.

i really don't think the house will flip back & donny getting a 2nd term. if he did get in again, but has a (D) controlled congress?

Every shit hole in America is run by democrats the only bright spot in this country inn across the world I conservative values.. what fucking retard would vote for a Democrat ?
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

The Dems run the table and take the Senate. And I'm giving the Republican party Doug Jones's seat back. They only reason he won was because his name wasn't Roy Moore.

the senate only had a couple seats up for bid in 2018 - tough ones to try to take, so the (D) party used most of their cash towards the house.

this time some 20+ senate seats are up & they only need what? 4? to take the senate.

i really don't think the house will flip back & donny getting a 2nd term. if he did get in again, but has a (D) controlled congress?

Every shit hole in America is run by democrats the only bright spot in this country inn across the world I conservative values.. what fucking retard would vote for a Democrat ?

uh-huh. go deep into coal mine country where the opioid addiction is rampant & a huge population are on some sorta SSDI... thinking that industry is coming back ... lol .... MAGATs keep voting against their best interest....
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

The Dems run the table and take the Senate. And I'm giving the Republican party Doug Jones's seat back. They only reason he won was because his name wasn't Roy Moore.

the senate only had a couple seats up for bid in 2018 - tough ones to try to take, so the (D) party used most of their cash towards the house.

this time some 20+ senate seats are up & they only need what? 4? to take the senate.

i really don't think the house will flip back & donny getting a 2nd term. if he did get in again, but has a (D) controlled congress?

Every shit hole in America is run by democrats the only bright spot in this country inn across the world I conservative values.. what fucking retard would vote for a Democrat ?

Little early in the morning to be hitting the bottle isn't it?
Well, you're today looking at some of the results of four decades of conservatism and their policy failures.
Who would vote for a Democrat? Anybody who's tired of the same policy failures being proposed by the other party year after year.
It is not just nervous Republicans, it is also the Trumpies who are frantic and frenetic at Dopey Donald Trump's crash and burn press briefings.

The longer Trump talks the more unbelievable bullshit he comes out with.

Trump's true believers will turn on him in furious anger after he brings the Senate down and Drowns Republican lawmakers in election losses.

How long can Trump keep silent? About 1 microsecond. He will be blithering and ranting again because he is irrational and constantly seeks attention.

Dopey Donald Trump is the architect of his own demise.

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him
By Jonathan MartinThe New York Times
Maggie Haberman
Sat., April 25, 2020

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Trump does not put the country on a radically improved course.

The scale of the GOP’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: new surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super political action committees plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

Perhaps most significantly, Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials. ...
“The private data of the two parties is largely mirrored by public surveys. Just last week, three Pennsylvania polls and two Michigan surveys were released showing Trump losing outside the margin of error. And a pair of Florida polls were released that showed Biden enjoying a slim advantage in a state that is all but essential for Republicans to retain the presidency.

To some in the party, this feels all too similar to the last time they held the White House.

In 2006, anger at former president George W. Bush and unease with the Iraq War propelled Democrats to reclaim Congress; two years later they captured the presidency thanks to the same anti-incumbent themes and an unexpected crisis that accelerated their advantage: the economic collapse of 2008. The two elections were effectively a single continuous rejection of Republican rule — as some in the GOP fear 2018 and 2020 could become in a worst-case scenario.” ibid

All that matters is that Trump is voted out of office this November.
It is not just nervous Republicans, it is also the Trumpies who are frantic and frenetic at Dopey Donald Trump's crash and burn press briefings.

The longer Trump talks the more unbelievable bullshit he comes out with.

Trump's true believers will turn on him in furious anger after he brings the Senate down and Drowns Republican lawmakers in election losses.

How long can Trump keep silent? About 1 microsecond. He will be blithering and ranting again because he is irrational and constantly seeks attention.

Dopey Donald Trump is the architect of his own demise.

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him
By Jonathan MartinThe New York Times
Maggie Haberman
Sat., April 25, 2020

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Trump does not put the country on a radically improved course.

The scale of the GOP’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: new surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super political action committees plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

Perhaps most significantly, Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials. ...

This. Before the pandemic broke out in late January, Trump's chances of re-election were 50/50. He was going to have the same electoral issues in 2020 that he had in 2016. Swinging enough of the independent voters into his column to squeak out another electoral victory. There were five Senate seats that were in play (4 Republican, 1 Democrat). Fast forward to today and now all the sudden, there are 6 maybe 7 seats in play. As a note, Trump has now pulled ahead in North Carolina where he was behind 3 months ago.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
So which senate seats will the democrats flip? Maybe the dems get CO, but lose AL, so the GOP has the senate again.
ME Sue Collins?
CO Cory Gardner?
AZ Martha McSally?
NC Thom Tillis?
Doug Jones is toast in AL (GOP +1)

KY - amy mcgrath is kicking turtleboy's ass.

ms lindsey is having a tough time in SC as well. both (D) candidates are outpacing their opponents in donorship. i have donated & will continue to donate to them as well as the (D) candidates in maine & AZ.

Fascinating that ignorant fools think so little of American voters.
America doesn’t hate national sovereignty, they don’t vote for open borders, free shit for wetbacks, hate whitey and all American virtues, they don’t vote to normalize and glamorize chicks with dicks...They don’t vote for almost dead, barely coherent twisted pieces of shit. You filthy fucks are so fucked...AGAIN! Hahahaha

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