Nelson Mandela is Removed from Terrorism Watch List

I'm sure all those gasoline necklaces his organization did were just misunderstandings.
Jews killing terrorists in protection of homeland.... good. Whites killing blacks in protection of homeland.... bad.

Simplification but terrorism is wrong, plain and simple. When one resorts to murdering civilians they forfeit any consideration as respectable human beings. It does not matter why they chose to murder civilians ON PURPOSE, it only matters that they chose to do so.
Simplification but terrorism is wrong, plain and simple. When one resorts to murdering civilians they forfeit any consideration as respectable human beings. It does not matter why they chose to murder civilians ON PURPOSE, it only matters that they chose to do so.


That may be the first ascii utterance I've read of yours that I can wholeheartedly sign onto.
You forget, with liberals you are not a terrorist if all you do is kill white people. Though with South Africa that group killed a lot of blacks as well.

dude, given your blank check support for israel despite the irony of Mandella you ARE one to talk..
Street preacher from Slacker: "Remember, terrorism is the surgical strike capability of the oppressed!"
You forget, with liberals you are not a terrorist if all you do is kill white people. Though with South Africa that group killed a lot of blacks as well.

That's what I was talking about, I knew not many would care about dead Whites but Mandella's damnable ANC would put burning tires filled with gasoline around the necks of their fellow Blacks if they weren't ANC.

Further, I'm not convinced that the ANC isn't just a Xhosa domination of the other Bantu and Bushmen peoples of South Africa. From my readings most of the ANC leadership is Xhosa which are a minority group.
That's what I was talking about, I knew not many would care about dead Whites but Mandella's damnable ANC would put burning tires filled with gasoline around the necks of their fellow Blacks if they weren't ANC.

Further, I'm not convinced that the ANC isn't just a Xhosa domination of the other Bantu and Bushmen peoples of South Africa. From my readings most of the ANC leadership is Xhosa which are a minority group.

I've never really given a crap about South Africa, or the rest of the continent for that matter. Should I?

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