Nearly 2/3 of people opposed to Obamacare


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Nov 26, 2013
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With only 35% of people supporting the law, there must be alot of Democrats across the country who are in the "against" list. It's about time. I wonder whether the Democrats will have the gumption to repeal the thing.
All I know of Obamacare is what the 4 or 5 tv news outlets I watch have said about it. Would be against any required-by-law spending of money though. As far as I'm concerned, it's all insurance company lobbying making it required just so they make more money. Is insurance a good idea? Of course it is. But it shouldn't ever be required by law.

Government wants to tax its citizens' income, they outta pay for their healthcare so they can work and pay those taxes. Not tax them coming and going by making them buy stuff.
All I know of Obamacare is what the 4 or 5 tv news outlets I watch have said about it. Would be against any required-by-law spending of money though. As far as I'm concerned, it's all insurance company lobbying making it required just so they make more money. Is insurance a good idea? Of course it is. But it shouldn't ever be required by law.

Government wants to tax its citizens' income, they outta pay for their healthcare so they can work and pay those taxes. Not tax them coming and going by making them buy stuff.

When I read that article today I just realized something, with premiums so high, people will still stick the tax payers with the bill at the hospitals. A person making $25 grand will not be able to pay out of pocket $5,000.. So the liberals point is mute about insuring the uninsured.
What swim is not telling you from the link is that 50% like ACA or think it should do even more.
Think healthcare in any taxed citizenry should be 100% free to ensure people can keep working to pay those taxes. Wanna charge for healthcare should eliminate all income tax.
What swim is not telling you from the link is that 50% like ACA or think it should do even more.

Even more what? Such a statement is meaningless.

Your statement makes no sense, son, because you failed to give the full meaning of the original statement.

I have cleared that up for you.

We have enough trouble in the GOP from folks who, like you, cannot clearly and objectively present an issue,

Do better next time.
Nearly all of the newfound opposition is coming from women.

"Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.

And Pelosi says the Democrats are going to make Obamacare the centerpiece of the next elections? Good luck with that.

CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

According to your own link;

That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month.

So the majority consensus is that the system is either fine or should become singlepayer?
What swim is not telling you from the link is that 50% like ACA or think it should do even more.

Even more what? Such a statement is meaningless.

Your statement makes no sense, son, because you failed to give the full meaning of the original statement.

??? Are you trying to make a coherent point here. Or just responding with gibberish because someone called you on your bullshit?

Just answer the question. What is it that 50% supposedly want ACA to do 'more' of? You can't say, because the surveys didn't ask. All that was asked about was the vague notion that ACA should 'go further'. Hell, I'd even answer 'yes' to that - because ACA does nothing at all to address the real problems with health care. Without specifics, the results of asking such a question on a survey are meaningless.
Nearly all of the newfound opposition is coming from women.

"Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.
And Pelosi says the Democrats are going to make Obamacare the centerpiece of the next elections? Good luck with that.

CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

It will get more popular after people find out how it works.

What swim is not telling you from the link is that 50% like ACA or think it should do even more.

I love how idiots point ot the fact that 15% of the people say it needs to do more and jump to the conclusion that it means that over half of the people hate it because it is too conservative.
Nearly all of the newfound opposition is coming from women.

"Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said.
And Pelosi says the Democrats are going to make Obamacare the centerpiece of the next elections? Good luck with that.

CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

According to your own link;

That means half the public either favors Obamacare, or opposes it because it's not liberal enough, down four points from last month.
So the majority consensus is that the system is either fine or should become singlepayer?

Do you know how to read? The majoroty consensus is that the current system sucks, with 15% of that group wanting the program to be more expansive.
Even more what? Such a statement is meaningless.

Your statement makes no sense, son, because you failed to give the full meaning of the original statement.

??? Are you trying to make a coherent point here. Or just responding with gibberish because someone called you on your bullshit?

Just answer the question. What is it that 50% supposedly want ACA to do 'more' of? You can't say, because the surveys didn't ask. All that was asked about was the vague notion that ACA should 'go further'. Hell, I'd even answer 'yes' to that - because ACA does nothing at all to address the real problems with health care. Without specifics, the results of asking such a question on a survey are meaningless.

The gibberish is yours, son. The silly tried to pretend that so many people didn't like it, when in fact 50% disagree with that silly statement.

Now do you understand?

No, you don't. So let's consider Nearly 2/3 of people opposed to Obamacare . Logically then, when we read the link, we find that 50% don't want it, and 50% want it or have it expanded.

And as it improves, the latter number will increase.
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So the majority consensus is that the system is either fine or should become singlepayer?

Why are we bringing up single payer? Nowhere have I said anything about that. Getting back to the issue at hand, two out of three people oppose Obamacare. Only 16% of people expect it to help them.

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