NBC Broadcasters Butthurt The Donald Dissed Weirdos Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinsk

Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details

None are needed, of Trump bitch slapped them they have butt hurt.
Not to mention both are fucked up progressives

I'm old enough to remember when the news was actually news. When it was interesting to learn what was really going on in the world from actual journalists. This twisted half truth Soviet Union like propaganda they broadcast today makes me want to puke.
CNBC broadcasters were all sad.

LOL- Trump is so thin skinned.

Really- he is whining about broadcasters who are not kissing his ass again.
Trump is more obsessed about those who are not kissing his ass than he is about his campaign. He can't stay on message

Tricky Trump- the king of insults.

Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details

None are needed, of Trump bitch slapped them they have butt hurt.

Trump LOVED them- until they started to criticize him.

He was on Scarborough's show every week- until Scarborough disagreed with him.

Trump is a thin skinned 5 year old with a Twitter account.

Trump discovered they are lying lowlife scum liberals not journalists so he kicked the shit out of them.
you would think Donnie has more important things to do other than dick around with talk show hosts wouldn't you?

he continues to prove he's too unstable to be the POTUS.
Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details

None are needed, of Trump bitch slapped them they have butt hurt.

Trump LOVED them- until they started to criticize him.

He was on Scarborough's show every week- until Scarborough disagreed with him.

Trump is a thin skinned 5 year old with a Twitter account.

Trump discovered they are lying lowlife scum liberals not journalists so he kicked the shit out of them.

Odd isn't it- that he discovered this only after being on their shows hundreds of times for years- and when they finally start to offer any criticism of Trump?

Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
He added later that the rest of the press corps was just jealous that his show was the first to take Trump seriously. "You're really angry because we called this first," he said. "You're humiliated because this is your job."

The reality, of course, is that Scarborough currently is winning the access battle with Trump because Donald Trump, like the Chinese emperors of yore who surrounded themselves with eunuchs as palace guards, refuses to interact with anyone who threatens him in any way.

Thus Trump's regular media contacts are exclusively a gang of supplicating ratings-whores like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and especially Scarborough, who appears to be Trump's favorite lapdog. Trump seems to get a kick out of the fact that he now has an ex-congressman carrying his skirts for him in public, and he tosses Scarborough's name around at events like a war trophy.
Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details
It doesn't matter, both people mentioned are progressive fuck ups...

Politics of personal destruction means you dont need details

That is what the Morning Joe show has turned into. Two and a half hours of the politics of personal destruction of Donald Trump and a half hour of how marvelous Hillary Clinton is.

Trump does love him that Putin- probably because Putin doesn't have to resort to Twitter to deal with pesky reporters...

Donald Trump left Joe Scarborough stunned after being asked about Vladimir Putin killing journalists

interview with Donald Trump, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was baffled by the Republican front-runner's embrace of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Sure, when people call you 'brilliant' it's always good. Especially when the person heads up Russia," Trump told cohost Mika Brzezinski when asked about Putin praising him as "very talented" the day before.

Scarborough pointed to Putin's status as a notorious strongman.

"Well, I mean, it's also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?" Scarborough asked.

"He's running his country, and at least he's a leader," Trump replied. "Unlike what we have in this country."

"But again: He kills journalists that don't agree with him," Scarborough said.

The Republican presidential front-runner said there was "a lot of killing going on" around the world and then suggested that Scarborough had asked him a different question.
Fox bashes Clinton 24/7.... Why isn't she after Hannity and Mild Bill ?

oh yeah, she's busy kicking the crap out of Donnie.

never mind.

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