NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville

Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
Yes, they both did. If I post proof, will you admit being wrong like an adult?
I already posted a link to a city official stating they did not have a permit, but you post whatever you want.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Which itself isn't true. Only a Nazi sympathizer would say such a thing.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.
so condemn them. why can't you? If you can't, that makes you one of them. it is very simple, the MSM tell us all the time, if you can't condemn you must be one.
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
You haven't condemned them antifa
What have I done then? Do you have reading problems?
you condemned their actions, not them. condemn them. they are communists and they want just as much as the white supremacy to silence free speech. maybe even more now. so you're backing a sinking ship. they are exposed. they are as violent if not more than the white supremacists. condemn them or you are one of em.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.

What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.
I see you are on the pro communists side. You are not on america's side. you are for the commie antifas. hello antifa, want to take away my rights? come and get them.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Which itself isn't true. Only a Nazi sympathizer would say such a thing.
well he is spot on and it's a free country, you choose to lie it's allowed. we'll just continue to point it out to you. Liar.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
Its not PC to point out the violence and hypocrisy of the left. The liberal media is used to reporting just one slanted side of an event, having a POTUS embarrass the liberal media by pointing out how biased and one sided they are pisses the liberal media off.
It's the moral equivalence between White Supremicists and people like the girl who was murdered that is getting the Orange Cetin hung out to dry
White supremacists are only uniquely evil to those with a racist mindset who think that white people are uniquely morally inferior.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

False. President Trump condemned he violence on both sides, the liberal media got pissed off because Trump dared point out their one sided biased reporting again. Both sides were engaged in violence, Trump condemned it, fact.
The Orange Lie failed to point out that Without the White Supremicists none of this would have occurred.
Double digit IQ confirmed.

You are officially ignored.
I'm fine with groups that stand up for anti-racist, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-fascist causes. I think fringe extremists of BLM have gone way too far and I condemn those acts. I think ANTIFA has developed into a much too aggressive actor that has insights too much violence, destruction and silencing of free speech so I think they have lost their way from their core mission. I don't know if those are fringe activists or if they represent the core of that org. Either way, i absolutely condemn those actions.

I bet you cant tell the difference between ANTIFA and NAZIS, thats the sad thing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
You haven't condemned them antifa
What have I done then? Do you have reading problems?
you condemned their actions, not them. condemn them. they are communists and they want just as much as the white supremacy to silence free speech. maybe even more now. so you're backing a sinking ship. they are exposed. they are as violent if not more than the white supremacists. condemn them or you are one of em.
The extreme activists that want to silence free speech and commit violent acts and threatening speech I do condem. The ones that are working in the community, with our youth, with our schools to help with anti-racism, anti-sexism etc efforts I do not condemn. The core of these two groups have good intent and good people doing good work, then there is a fringe that takes it overboard and those people should be condemned.

What's the good work and efforts that the Nazis and white supremacists are doing that in line with their core mission? What about them do you praise and support?
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Only one side killed somebody while trying to
kill many at this event.
A USMB poster had the best take i've seen on this so far. It was a clash between violent Nazi and Communist assholes. They all should have been arrested. When are Americans gonna learn? Fanatics on both the Right and Left are very dangerous people. They both take you to the same place in the end... Totalitarianism.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Only one side killed somebody while trying to
kill many at this event.
only one person killed one. ONE PERSON. why do you have difficulty with facts?

NBC and the BBC: There were violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville - Hot Air

"Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight."

Bottom line: There was violence on both sides as Trump suggested.

Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims About Charlottesville
The NEO NAZIs and White Supremacists Hate Donald Trump because "He Gave His Daughter To A Jew"

Direct quote from the Video from a Neo Nazi
The NEO NAZIs and White Supremacists Hate Donald Trump because "He Gave His Daughter To A Jew"

Direct quote from the Video from a Neo Nazi


Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Only one side killed somebody while trying to
kill many at this event.
only one person killed one. ONE PERSON. why do you have difficulty with facts?

The killers affiliation was clear. The nazi side killed a person while trying to kill many.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.

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