NBC & BBC Provide Video Evidence Trump Was Correct - Violent left-wing protesters in Charlottesville

Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.
After his first statement there was a lot of speculation around what he didn't say and about what he meant by certain things. Trumpsters called that fake news. But he proved on Tuesday that his opponents were correct in their interpretation of his statements. It's ugly.
He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.
After his first statement there was a lot of speculation around what he didn't say and about what he meant by certain things. Trumpsters called that fake news. But he proved on Tuesday that his opponents were correct in their interpretation of his statements. It's ugly.

I think he should have stuck with the strong message.
What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.

I get that. Like I said, you're pro Fascism and Pro Nazi.

You must be proud.
What an ignorant statement.
You just cant bring yourself to admit antifa and the blm are every bit as bad as the white supremacist.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.
I see you are on the pro communists side. You are not on america's side. you are for the commie antifas. hello antifa, want to take away my rights? come and get them.

Listen, however you want to try and justify that you are willing to take the side of the Nazi's, you go for it.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.

Which itself isn't true. Only a Nazi sympathizer would say such a thing.
well he is spot on and it's a free country, you choose to lie it's allowed. we'll just continue to point it out to you. Liar.

It's amazing how many of you Nazi sympathizers there are on this site.
It's true. These fucking unreal morons are equating themselves to the soldiers on D day.

This RDD loser is a very specific type of stupid.

Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.

I get that. Like I said, you're pro Fascism and Pro Nazi.

You must be proud.

You're some kind of stupid....
I've already denounced them.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.
After his first statement there was a lot of speculation around what he didn't say and about what he meant by certain things. Trumpsters called that fake news. But he proved on Tuesday that his opponents were correct in their interpretation of his statements. It's ugly.

I think he should have stuck with the strong message.
I think his true feelings and motives were expressed and it's disturbing
but you won't condemn them, they did the acts. dude you are one of them, I get it.
Can you not read, I just explained it. Are you only capable of reading the headlines?
You haven't condemned them antifa
What have I done then? Do you have reading problems?
you condemned their actions, not them. condemn them. they are communists and they want just as much as the white supremacy to silence free speech. maybe even more now. so you're backing a sinking ship. they are exposed. they are as violent if not more than the white supremacists. condemn them or you are one of em.
The extreme activists that want to silence free speech and commit violent acts and threatening speech I do condem. The ones that are working in the community, with our youth, with our schools to help with anti-racism, anti-sexism etc efforts I do not condemn. The core of these two groups have good intent and good people doing good work, then there is a fringe that takes it overboard and those people should be condemned.

What's the good work and efforts that the Nazis and white supremacists are doing that in line with their core mission? What about them do you praise and support?
nope, can't have it both ways sis. you either condemn the group or not? if someone who accepts the name antifa and allow extreme activists to take over, have nothing. start a new group. antifa has displayed over and over the folks within cannot be controlled, so you either accept them or not. I condemn them and the white supremacists and kkk. all of them anyone who is a member of any of them. condemned. unless you can make that statement, then you align with them.

I condemn them all of them. are you fking a nut job and can't understand the word condemn? hey everyone, perhaps that's what it is, the left doesn't know what the word condemn actualy means.
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Yup, Americans vs. Nazi's. Which side are you on?

So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.

I get that. Like I said, you're pro Fascism and Pro Nazi.

You must be proud.

You're some kind of stupid....
I've already denounced them.

Nah, all you've done is try to normalize them. You're a Nazi sympathizer plain and simple. American fought a war to defeat your kind once, we sure as hell will not put up with Nazi's trying to make a comeback on our own soil.
So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.

I get that. Like I said, you're pro Fascism and Pro Nazi.

You must be proud.

You're some kind of stupid....
I've already denounced them.

Nah, all you've done is try to normalize them. You're a Nazi sympathizer plain and simple. American fought a war to defeat your kind once, we sure as hell will not put up with Nazi's trying to make a comeback on our own soil.

Off to ignore land...enjoy your stay.
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
no it isn't, that is the left lying about what was said. stop your misrepresentation of the statements made, it would help. you obviously have no skill in interpretation.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.
After his first statement there was a lot of speculation around what he didn't say and about what he meant by certain things. Trumpsters called that fake news. But he proved on Tuesday that his opponents were correct in their interpretation of his statements. It's ugly.

I think he should have stuck with the strong message.
I think his true feelings and motives were expressed and it's disturbing
i think you have no idea about what you discuss about what the president said. you can't be accurate so you lie.
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
when did that all happen?
So whats it like being a member of antifa?

So you're pro Fascism and pro Nazi? Interesting.

I'm not the one supporting antifa and the blm.

I get that. Like I said, you're pro Fascism and Pro Nazi.

You must be proud.

You're some kind of stupid....
I've already denounced them.

Nah, all you've done is try to normalize them. You're a Nazi sympathizer plain and simple. American fought a war to defeat your kind once, we sure as hell will not put up with Nazi's trying to make a comeback on our own soil.
what he did was condemn all parties. he never normalized anyone. you did. so the shame is on you
Trump can and should condemn any violent protesters. But he shouldn't condemn nazi protesters after an event where the nazis killed a person and tried to kill many. Why don't people get this. You cant unite the country by making nazi/kkk leaders happy.
BTW, Trump did condemn all of them. both sides. So perhaps you don't know what the word 'all' means. not sure but it's sure been clear here you have a problem with the word.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

Or raising the alt-left to the same standard as the alt-right which is correct. Groups like Antifa and their Black Blog are a nasty bunch bent of bending people to their will thru violence and intimidation. Pull your butt out of your head and call late hate instead of measuring degrees. I kind of like having a President who calls a spade a spade instead of some mushy, touchy, feely words that "sound presidential".
Yeah he is doing a great job calling out those spades. The great unifier!

Following in Obama's footsteps as a "unifier".
I have but one question for the alt left, why didn't you just kill all of the white supremacists and kkk that were at the protest? you all have lost me. you can't stand them, you feel they shouldn't exist, so why do you allow them to live? I mean shit, have some balls and take them out.
Yes there are Trump haters in the GOP that was obvious during the GOP primaries. This is classic liberal media gotcha politics. The CEO's know full well if they challenge the liberal view the left will attack them, hence its best for business leaders and their corporations to avoid getting tangled up in politics, the left are just too unstable.
Excuses excuses... I don't even know if they are worth a response. You just babble bullshit. The GOP Trump haters were not the only ones that came out against him. Many that have had his back spoke out against him. The HEADS OF EACH OF OUR MILITARY BRANCHES SPOKE OUT. That never happens. This is a clusterfuck, admit it!

Facts not excuses, facts you cannot dispute which is why you didn't even try. There are over 300 million people in the US how many spoke out 80?
No, but keep telling yourself that and belittling the situation, it just makes you look like even more of an asshole. Watch that Vice Documentary, they covered the rally in details with many interviews from the leader. Then come back and defend them...

I'm not defending them, I'm defending their rights under the Constitution. When public opinion turns against you will you be okay with having your rights under the Constitution stripped from you simply because mob rule has decided your views are vile? Hell no.
Trump said there were good people among the torch and club carrying White Supremicists who marched chanting anit-semetic propaganda. No doubt there was violence from some of the anti-Klanners, but Trump made a false equivalency for which there is ZERO support, yet you feel a need to defend it. Strange.

So let me ask you, were there good people there counter-protesting among the Antifa Black Bloc thugs? You know, people who think the statues should come down but don't subscribe to Antifa's violence, vandalism and intimidation tactics? Or do we tar everyone counter-protesting with the same brush as the terror group Antifa? You can't have it both ways.
Wow, you still don't get it do you? Nobody said he was lying about the "Alt-Left" protestors... He is being criticized for condemning them in the same light as the Nazi's/kkk/white supremacists thus watering down the seriousness and critique of the hate groups. Take your head out of your butt, clean out your ears and maybe you'll hear what is really going on

He wasn't watering down the seriousness of Nazis and KKK, he was bringing to our attention that the radical left Antifa is just as dangerous.
The ANTIFA attacks are appropriate after Berkeley and the other instances where they instigated violence destruction and shut down speech. This situation calls for another level of clarity and messaging, which he overwhelmingly failed to do. He said the words that he condemns the supremacists but in the same breath he turned it back into the Left. That's an equivalent to saying "I'm sorry but..."

Whatever gets you thru the nights Sally.
I'm not listening to the left, I watched all 3 of his speeches and so did others. Why would Corker come out against him... why would the mother of the girl that died thank Trump on Monday then condemn him after she saw his presser on Tuesday. Why would all those CEOs and business leaders leave the councils? Maybe you are the one missing the interpretation

Up until Tuesday I thought the media wasn't being fair. Then trump seemed to walk back his strong previous message.
After his first statement there was a lot of speculation around what he didn't say and about what he meant by certain things. Trumpsters called that fake news. But he proved on Tuesday that his opponents were correct in their interpretation of his statements. It's ugly.

I think he should have stuck with the strong message.
I think his true feelings and motives were expressed and it's disturbing
i think you have no idea about what you discuss about what the president said. you can't be accurate so you lie.

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