NBA's Sterling Brown Arrest Video Released Shows NBA Player Getting Tased

another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??
The illegal parking was the basis for the law enforcement contact was it not?. The police cannot arrest people just because they want to, the person has to first violate a law that allows arrest and a parking violation is not an arrestable offense. The fact that the agency dropped the resisting arrest charge against Brown is telling.

They had no legal basis for what they did which is why they crafted their story as Brown getting aggressive with them, presumably setting things up so that they could then lie and say that they were in fear [for their lives] as the basis for their unlawful escalation of force against him
Everything was video tapped you idiot!
That's right a bunch of professional LEOs got together and all of them put their carriers on the line by "crafting a story". You REALLY are a fucking dummy!
When the police tell you to take your hands out of your pockets, the correct answer is not to tell them you have something in your hands. The cop should be commended for restraint.
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??
The illegal parking was the basis for the law enforcement contact was it not?. The police cannot arrest people just because they want to, the person has to first violate a law that allows arrest and a parking violation is not an arrestable offense. The fact that the agency dropped the resisting arrest charge against Brown is telling.

They had no legal basis for what they did which is why they crafted their story as Brown getting aggressive with them, presumably setting things up so that they could then lie and say that they were in fear [for their lives] as the basis for their unlawful escalation of force against him

Boy I surely hope that miketx, dannyboys or harmonica are never chosen as jurors in a case involving a black man.

They'd phone in their verdict before the bailiff had a chance to say "all rise".
If Brown hadn't acted like such a kunt the LEOs would have let him go.
Brown KNEW he was causing trouble and he did it on purpose.
Lucky for him he didn't make any sudden aggressive moves.
Yeah, you sound real happy for him. I wonder who called the police and if they provided the license plate of the vehicle during the initial call. From the article:

It all went down around 2 AM on January 26 in Milwaukee when cops responded to a report of a car parked across 2 handicap spaces in an empty Walgreen's parking lot.
Not endangering anyone, not even inconveniencing anyone because the lot was empty

The cop on scene aggressively confronts Brown and begins to question him about the parking job.

Brown remains calm throughout the ordeal -- but the police officer continues to escalate the situation ... seemingly unnecessarily ... until several more cops arrive.
So the police lied about Brown being aggressive when it fact it was they who were being confrontational and antagonistic - classic pretext in order to excuse, rationalize and ultimately attempt to justify an unlawful escalation and use of force absent a threat to themselves or anyone else

At one point, the cops order Brown to take his hands out of his pockets but Brown responds, "I got stuff in my hands."

At that point, cops swarm Brown from all sides and wrestle him to the ground.

A few seconds later, you hear an officer yell for the taser and Brown gets shocked.​

How Brown was acting is irrelevant because contrary to the beliefs of a shockingly large percentage of the population, our laws do not authorize the police to beat, taser, shoot or kill citizens for not immediately complying with their orders. Nor does it allow this type of force to be used for what essentially amounts to an infraction of a parking code.

The doofus bowed up on the cop and ignored commands.
He got what he deserved.
I mean how stupid do you have to be to get up in a cops face and refuse to step back when told to?
If Brown hadn't acted like such a kunt the LEOs would have let him go.
Brown KNEW he was causing trouble and he did it on purpose.
Lucky for him he didn't make any sudden aggressive moves.
Yeah, you sound real happy for him. I wonder who called the police and if they provided the license plate of the vehicle during the initial call. From the article:

It all went down around 2 AM on January 26 in Milwaukee when cops responded to a report of a car parked across 2 handicap spaces in an empty Walgreen's parking lot.
Not endangering anyone, not even inconveniencing anyone because the lot was empty

The cop on scene aggressively confronts Brown and begins to question him about the parking job.

Brown remains calm throughout the ordeal -- but the police officer continues to escalate the situation ... seemingly unnecessarily ... until several more cops arrive.
So the police lied about Brown being aggressive when it fact it was they who were being confrontational and antagonistic - classic pretext in order to excuse, rationalize and ultimately attempt to justify an unlawful escalation and use of force absent a threat to themselves or anyone else

At one point, the cops order Brown to take his hands out of his pockets but Brown responds, "I got stuff in my hands."

At that point, cops swarm Brown from all sides and wrestle him to the ground.

A few seconds later, you hear an officer yell for the taser and Brown gets shocked.​

How Brown was acting is irrelevant because contrary to the beliefs of a shockingly large percentage of the population, our laws do not authorize the police to beat, taser, shoot or kill citizens for not immediately complying with their orders. Nor does it allow this type of force to be used for what essentially amounts to an infraction of a parking code.

The doofus bowed up on the cop and ignored commands.
He got what he deserved.
I mean how stupid do you have to be to get up in a cops face and refuse to step back when told to?

Indeed - the proper course of action when encircled by confrontational asshole cops is to say "Yes Massa - may I shine your boots?" :icon_rolleyes:
WTF is wrong with those pigs? Most cops are professional, but this bunch is disgusting. I hope he sues them personally as well as suing the police department.

Bullshit. The asshole parked sideways across 3 handicap parking spots then acted like an entitled douche when confronted about it.
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??
The illegal parking was the basis for the law enforcement contact was it not?. The police cannot arrest people just because they want to, the person has to first violate a law that allows arrest and a parking violation is not an arrestable offense. The fact that the agency dropped the resisting arrest charge against Brown is telling.

They had no legal basis for what they did which is why they crafted their story as Brown getting aggressive with them, presumably setting things up so that they could then lie and say that they were in fear [for their lives] as the basis for their unlawful escalation of force against him

You are full of Shit.
WTF is wrong with those pigs? Most cops are professional, but this bunch is disgusting. I hope he sues them personally as well as suing the police department.

But Brown is big - and black. Very scary :rolleyes-41:
In this day and age, not showing your hands to the police when repeatedly ordered to do so only shows gross ignorance and belligerent faux machismo.

It's the very least that can be expected of any citizen, regardless of race. Also politely hand over any legal papers requested.

That way you won't get tased and beat down and arrested.
Technical Foul

So you don't like handicapped people and thinking it's funny when some dribbling jock hogs their parking spaces.
No. I personally believe that this aggression towards black people, black men in particular, by law enforcement that now everyone can see thanks to our current technology is because it's one of the very few avenues left to the racist element of society. And I say this because black people have long been taken to task for innocuous behavior that is considered "disrespectful" to whites especially law enforcement or others who feel they're entitled to be shown respect.

The prescribed punishment for violating a parking ordinance is a monetary fine - getting a ticket, not being beaten to the ground and tasered. The minute that I saw that they attempted to characterize Brown's behavior during the encounter as him "getting aggressive" with them, I was done. That's what liars do in order to rationalize and justify their behavior. In this case, their unwarranted and unlawful behavior.
We Took Them Out of the Jungle, But We Were Never Able to Take the Jungle Out of Them

If Blacks act like animals barking at anyone invading their precious private space, for any reason, then they deserve to get treated like animals.
Nothing good happens between midnight and 6:00 am.

The police overreacted to a parking ticket, why does the police officer care to escalate the interaction, give the ticket and move on. Dumb thing to do, taking up two handicap spaces, fine him for each space, and move on.
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??
The illegal parking was the basis for the law enforcement contact was it not?. The police cannot arrest people just because they want to, the person has to first violate a law that allows arrest and a parking violation is not an arrestable offense. The fact that the agency dropped the resisting arrest charge against Brown is telling.

They had no legal basis for what they did which is why they crafted their story as Brown getting aggressive with them, presumably setting things up so that they could then lie and say that they were in fear [for their lives] as the basis for their unlawful escalation of force against him
...the police have every right to question him!!
....they were RESPONDING to a report of an illegally parked car at 2 am--that is their JOB!!!!!!!
...they have every right/duty to tell him to get his hands out of his pockets
...the police did not INITIATE the problem--Brown did or the caller that reported
...Brown had every LAWFUL obligation to take his hands out of his pockets and he REFUSED
..yes --the cops had legal basis
you do not understand after I clearly pointed out that he was tazed for not complying with LEGAL, LAWFUL orders doesn't matter if the charges were dropped
charges are dropped in thousands of cases
99% of cops are good guys.

1% are bullies with badges.

We need to get rid of the latter.
99% of blacks are stupid for not complying to lawful orders...we need to get rid of them

Get rid of them? And how may I ask do you propose doing that -- ship them back to Africa or simply put them out of their misery??
whichever way JoeB wants to--it was his idea
Reconstruction II: Jamail Crow

It was also Abraham Lincoln's idea. When Abe died, we got Reconstruction.
If Brown hadn't acted like such a kunt the LEOs would have let him go.
Brown KNEW he was causing trouble and he did it on purpose.
Lucky for him he didn't make any sudden aggressive moves.
Yeah, you sound real happy for him. I wonder who called the police and if they provided the license plate of the vehicle during the initial call. From the article:

It all went down around 2 AM on January 26 in Milwaukee when cops responded to a report of a car parked across 2 handicap spaces in an empty Walgreen's parking lot.
Not endangering anyone, not even inconveniencing anyone because the lot was empty

The cop on scene aggressively confronts Brown and begins to question him about the parking job.

Brown remains calm throughout the ordeal -- but the police officer continues to escalate the situation ... seemingly unnecessarily ... until several more cops arrive.
So the police lied about Brown being aggressive when it fact it was they who were being confrontational and antagonistic - classic pretext in order to excuse, rationalize and ultimately attempt to justify an unlawful escalation and use of force absent a threat to themselves or anyone else

At one point, the cops order Brown to take his hands out of his pockets but Brown responds, "I got stuff in my hands."

At that point, cops swarm Brown from all sides and wrestle him to the ground.

A few seconds later, you hear an officer yell for the taser and Brown gets shocked.​

How Brown was acting is irrelevant because contrary to the beliefs of a shockingly large percentage of the population, our laws do not authorize the police to beat, taser, shoot or kill citizens for not immediately complying with their orders. Nor does it allow this type of force to be used for what essentially amounts to an infraction of a parking code.
What the fuck was the negro 'BB' star doing parked in an empty Walgreens taking up two handicapped spaces AT TWO IN THE MORNING?????????????????
Hoops for Hoods

That's exactly what someone who wanted to rob the place and make the quickest getaway would do.
...the police have every right to question him!!
....they were RESPONDING to a report of an illegally parked car at 2 am--that is their JOB!!!!!!!
...they have every right/duty to tell him to get his hands out of his pockets
...the police did not INITIATE the problem--Brown did or the caller that reported
...Brown had every LAWFUL obligation to take his hands out of his pockets and he REFUSED
..yes --the cops had legal basis
you do not understand after I clearly pointed out that he was tazed for not complying with LEGAL, LAWFUL orders doesn't matter if the charges were dropped
charges are dropped in thousands of cases

Yes - we will all feel for the MANY handicapped folks who really NEEDED those parking spots at 2 AM in an entirely empty lot during the 3 minutes they were occupied. :icon_rolleyes:
Some negro youth was taking up two handicapped spaces at the park with their sticker expired car and the police came. A 350 pound welfare queen got mouthy and more cops came. A drunk one tried to move the car, bumped the cop car and got arrested. More cops came and then every black in attendance decided to mouth off. Two more were arrested. The same bitch that got all teary about Freddie Grey is now banging the drum for the mistreatment of these retards.
The bonobo parked across two handicapped spots at TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNIG!!!!!!!
If you were a LEO would you want to question the driver?
The bonobo refused to take his hands out of his pockets. ANY LEO on the planet would then be getting alarmed.
The bonobo thought b/c he is some kind of fucking BB superstar he could get in the LEO's faces.
He might be able to dribble a fucking ball and 'run fast' but he's got an IQ in the low eighties.
Every fucking cop in that city will now be on the lookout for the POS. Next time 'something bad' may happen to him.
"The bonobo" racism to be seen here, ladies and gentlemen.
Indeed! The difference of course is I will put him on ignore while you CELEBRATE HIS RACISM & REJOICE IN IT
I am a huge supporter of police but in this case the officer was awkward, the “you are in my face” too over reactive and melodramatic, the whole thing should have been over quickly
another post that proves to be crap
he was NOT tazed for a parking 'infraction''......if you do not understand that, there is no use trying to explain anything to you because it proves your denseness
...I ask you--do you understand that he was NOT tazed for a the simple parking infraction??
The illegal parking was the basis for the law enforcement contact was it not?. The police cannot arrest people just because they want to, the person has to first violate a law that allows arrest and a parking violation is not an arrestable offense. The fact that the agency dropped the resisting arrest charge against Brown is telling.

They had no legal basis for what they did which is why they crafted their story as Brown getting aggressive with them, presumably setting things up so that they could then lie and say that they were in fear [for their lives] as the basis for their unlawful escalation of force against him
correct me if I'm wrong, but police can give parking tickets??
they can order cars to be towed??
Police were doing a business check about 2 a.m. Friday at the Walgreens at the corner of S. 26th St. and W. National Ave. when they saw a vehicle parked across two handicap spaces.
Milwaukee Bucks guard Sterling Brown arrested, Tased by Milwaukee police over parking incident
this is just like most of the other ''RACIST/BRUTAL'' cop incidents!!!!!
1.illegally parks
2. in 2 handicap zones!!
3. does not comply to LAWFUL [ whitey ] orders
4.resists arrests
!!!!!!!!!same same black stupid SHIT --commit a crime /violation--when cops LEGALLY/dutifully give orders, resist--do not comply
exactly like:
the cops have EVERY right to question him/ticket him/give LEGAL commands to get his hands out of his pockets

..they also charged cops in the Freddie Gray case--but they were found not guilty
the Mike Brown case was sent to a grand jury--not guilty
etc--so it doesn't matter if charges were dropped or made

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