NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !!

Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is incorrect. Never did the Nazis ever interfere in private profit making by corporation. In fact, they offered free, slave labor to companies. No company was ever nationalized by the Nazis or their profits reduced. They whole point of Hitler being appointed Chancellor was because big business picked him, and he never disappointed the benefactors he worked for.
Hitler was chosen because of his lies and manipulation gained over a Germany in total chaos and fear due to world economic forces at play. Then he duped Germany into destroying itself all due to them following after the ideologically driven mad man in which he turned out to be.

No, the indications are that Hitler chosen because he was foolish enough to be used as a patsy.
The industrialists knew that while war would increase profits, they would need someone to take all the blame.
It was the industrialists who order Hitler to do insane things, like invade Russia.
In no way was Hitler the one actually in charge.
Hitler previously was on good terms with Stalin, and they got along fine.
It was the industrialists who hated Stalin.
you stupid commie !!! nobody told Hitler what to do !! this fiend killed every one he deemed a rival in his quest for power !! the Nazi [socialist] enthralled an entire country with almost supernatural like effectiveness !
They tricked the people by presenting a germanic utopia where the land was thriving and the people were genetically superior through the application of negative, and positive, eugenics and gene manipulation and environmentalism/conservation/state control of resources.

Sound like anyone you know? Sure does to me. They're called "progressives"...."democrats" in this country.
Anti semitism [the squad] .... attacks on white Christian conservatives ,outing [doxing] Trump donors and supporters targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like [ANTIFA ], a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector ,calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler !! the democratic party should be called the Demonazi party !!
So, the trumpettes try to paint Democrats as Nazis to hide the fact the Trump is following in the footsteps of his Homeland's Hitler.
Because you are nazis. And no, the people who have noticed are not nazis, too.

Gaslighting is also a tactic of nazis. And of other totalitarian fuckwits.
Nice try assfuck. But everyone knows whic party is protecting the US Nazis. Republicans. Let's not forget Trump's grandfather was a German during WWII.
governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


Yes, it is, exactly.
Take the case of oil.
We know where it is, places like Texas, Pennsylvania, California, Alaska, Louisiana, etc.
Instead of using our tax money to pump and refine it ourselves, we sell it to private companies who buy the rights for pennies, and then jack up the prices and make huge profits.
We could instead, easily cut out the middle man and save lots of money.
That doesn’t prove government Ownership of my production lol you are living in socialism lala land


  • 1.a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

So read the definition more carefully.
While socialism can mean we collectively invest in some means of production, so that means it is goverment owned, but the definition of socialism also includes that the means of production can be just "or regulated by the community as a whole".
If the privately owned company is not causing any harm, why would anyone vote to provide an expensive government alternative? You only vote for socialization of an enterprise when it is harmful.
LOL, and you can keep your doctor too... ROTFLMBO.
There was nothing in the ACA that set policy networks.

If you bought a ;policy that did not include your doctor than that is your fault.
For believing the lying democrat nazis.
Nazis were for big business, social darwinism, against homosexuals, and Jews.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is totally untrue.
If you look at any weapons development in Germany during WWII, there were always multiple contract bidders, and they were always then built for profit. There was not a single industry nationalized or taken over. The fascists were not only pro-business, but they were created, supported, picked, and put in power by the industrialists.
Nazis were for big business, social darwinism, against homosexuals, and Jews.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is totally untrue.
If you look at any weapons development in Germany during WWII, there were always multiple contract bidders, and they were always then built for profit. There was not a single industry nationalized or taken over. The fascists were not only pro-business, but they were created, supported, picked, and put in power by the industrialists.
Nazi, Germany was NOT capitalist.
The Myth of "Nazi Capitalism" | Chris Calton

You can quote liars all you want, but it was capitalists who appointed Hitler Chancellor, directed every move he made, and continually racked up record profits.
There was not a single industry nationalized by Hitler, and all companies submitted profitable bids on any weapons they produced.
man !! what arrogance !! history tells us Hitler was a socialist !! and we are talking about news reports in a time that was much more truthful than the traitorous left wing media is today ! Hitler was not a socialist because you say was not a socialist !! what a load of crap !! a few yrs ago the democratic party would have lied and denied that they are socialist !! today they have switched to defending socialism !
Last edited:
No one can tell if a building has a working sprinkler system, flammable components, a shoddy electrical system that shorts out and can cause fires, etc. Restaurants are very dangerous due to the deep fryer oil and other flammables.
Of course you can, it’s unexposed.. are you nuts?

No its not.
You can't see though the drywall to see if the walls are built out of flammable wood or inflammable steel studs.
Even if you see sprinklers, you can't tell if they are connected, if the sensors will detect the heat, etc.
So you think people open business so it will burn down and kill people?

Why do you think I posted the example of the Triangle products fire?
It was not intentional, but it showed how short sighted entrepreneurs trying to cut corners can and DO kill lots of people.
Well that’s a cool story and you are insane lol
Biz owner do not want to kill people.

Can you name an American business you know that currently wants to kill people? Lol
Anti semitism [the squad] .... attacks on white Christian conservatives ,outing [doxing] Trump donors and supporters targeting them and attacking with militant mobs like [ANTIFA ], a demand for the socialist takeover of the economy and private sector ,calls for forced gun confiscation and much much more are similar to the tactics used by Adolf Hitler !! the democratic party should be called the Demonazi party !!
So, the trumpettes try to paint Democrats as Nazis to hide the fact the Trump is following in the footsteps of his Homeland's Hitler.
Because you are nazis. And no, the people who have noticed are not nazis, too.

Gaslighting is also a tactic of nazis. And of other totalitarian fuckwits.
Nice try assfuck. But everyone knows whic party is protecting the US Nazis. Republicans. Let's not forget Trump's grandfather was a German during WWII.
Nope, we're going after the nazi democrats.
You aren't protecting them. You ARE them.

You're scumbags now just like you were scumbags back when you heiled hitler all over the place. Worthless culls.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is totally untrue.
If you look at any weapons development in Germany during WWII, there were always multiple contract bidders, and they were always then built for profit. There was not a single industry nationalized or taken over. The fascists were not only pro-business, but they were created, supported, picked, and put in power by the industrialists.
Let's examine that.
  • Nazis were for big business. So you are saying that it is better to be AGAINST the one thing which creates most jobs for people, drives the economy and brings most substantive new products and inventions which improve quality of life to people? And you wonder why more democrats are poor?
  • Nazis were for social Darwinism. That nature selects winners and losers and survival of the fittest is a universal proven fact in all the living world. That you are against it suggests its opposite: Social Engineering of forcing less qualified people to get hired first, and social equity of making people of different abilities all come out equal regardless. Some people call that fascism.
  • Nazis were against homosexuals. Homosexuality is an obviously deviant behavior that brings chaos into society, so yes, I can see that the Nazis were against that, but even if you are not against it, why would you be FOR sexual disorder?
  • Nazis were against Jews. Last I checked, it was Obama and the Dems that were always railing against Israel while Trump and the GOP are their friends.
You are correct. Nazi, Germany controlled the economy and were not pro-business at all.

That is totally untrue.
If you look at any weapons development in Germany during WWII, there were always multiple contract bidders, and they were always then built for profit. There was not a single industry nationalized or taken over. The fascists were not only pro-business, but they were created, supported, picked, and put in power by the industrialists.
Nazi, Germany was NOT capitalist.
The Myth of "Nazi Capitalism" | Chris Calton

You can quote liars all you want, but it was capitalists who appointed Hitler Chancellor, directed every move he made, and continually racked up record profits.
There was not a single industry nationalized by Hitler, and all companies submitted profitable bids on any weapons they produced.
When faced with hard evidence to the contrary you refuse to admit you are wrong. I see.
its a symptom of a mental disorder called modern liberalism ..
When entrepreneurs use inferior and cheaper products or buildings, they don't intend to kill people, but when the accidental fire happens and the cheapskate has no sprinkler system, people can and have died in the past.
Left to their own choice, the entrepreneur will often pick profits over safety usually.
So don’t go in that building.. it’s your choice

No one can tell if a building has a working sprinkler system, flammable components, a shoddy electrical system that shorts out and can cause fires, etc. Restaurants are very dangerous due to the deep fryer oil and other flammables.
Of course you can, it’s unexposed.. are you nuts?

No its not.
You can't see though the drywall to see if the walls are built out of flammable wood or inflammable steel studs.
Even if you see sprinklers, you can't tell if they are connected, if the sensors will detect the heat, etc.
So you think people open business so it will burn down and kill people?

Tobacco companies did it for years.

Cutting corners is common in cheapass profit grabbers ion construction. If a building burns down or collapses, they declare bankruptcy & move on.
If it saves money, yes. Where the fuck have you been where no corporations have been sued for faulty products.
Lol so what’s proof American entrepreneurs want to kill people LOL WHAT!?

When entrepreneurs use inferior and cheaper products or buildings, they don't intend to kill people, but when the accidental fire happens and the cheapskate has no sprinkler system, people can and have died in the past.
Left to their own choice, the entrepreneur will often pick profits over safety usually.
So don’t go in that building.. it’s your choice

No one can tell if a building has a working sprinkler system, flammable components, a shoddy electrical system that shorts out and can cause fires, etc. Restaurants are very dangerous due to the deep fryer oil and other flammables.
Of course you can, it’s unexposed.. are you nuts?
Now you are just being a fucki9img asshat.
The MAIN reason that I try to avoid permits is because that is how the can tell to raise your property taxes.
Sure I am a cheater, but I don't like taxes.
If the wealthy did not have so many loopholes for cheaters, then I would not mind paying my fair share.
Regardless in order for property to sell in Massachusetts it has to have the requirements of the state, Boston is worse. They give you to contract their friends at HIGH COST. That needs to end

There can be no state where you can't do all the work yourself.
That is an inherent individual right.
The most they can do is make you pay $100 or so for a licensed person to inspect and sign off on what you have done.
I do this ALL the time, and in half a dozen states. There can't be one that won't let you do your own work, as long as it is a residence and not a commercial building.
I have opened up many restaurants in Boston,, it cost millions for property to up to the standards of just the fire department.. same with homes and apartments

Sure the standards are high for restaurants. You would expect anything less? That is why restaurants are the one business I avoid like the plague. You can make a lot more money with less cost by opening a computer game arcade. I would even pick a book store over a restaurant.
You saying that people with less capital have low standards?? Huh? You hate poor ordinary people.. why?
Stupid fuck. It has nothing to do with capital. You would have restaurants with rat droppings & mold & etc because of no restaurant inspections. You would eat there & not have a clue.

You should move to China. That is how they do business.
The point is that those with money routinely abuse the poor who have no choice by to accept any work they can get, because wealthy know the poor are so desperate just to survive.
Historically the wealthy have been guilty of slavery, child abuse, rape, long hours, dangerous work conditions, etc. and no one could do anything to stop them.
Unrestrained capitalism has never even been true in the US and we still have all this very dark history.
If you want to really see capitalism at work, you have to go back to feudal times, or ancient Rome.
The Roman circuses, gladiators, arena deaths, crucifixions, etc. are all exactly what you get when you fail to prevent the inherent abuses of capitalism. Capitalism is power, but it is totally without any degree of ethics.
Well you don’t have to live in this republic, and we built America on capitalism, not socialism.. never works. Sorry buddy

This country was build on socialism, not capitalism.
For example, the Continental Army relied on volunteers, and the founder never wanted a mercenary standing military or police. Roads, schools, the post office, defense, fire fighting, etc., have all always been socialist.
lol no it’s not.. most roads were paved by animals haha
Free men pioneer the west , farmers , blacksmith , carpentry regulation free , amazing times .. sorry buddy

If not for socialism, there would have been no forts, defense, roads, railroads, bridges, harbors, schools, etc.
Huh? Paying a tax for things we need is not socialism lol we are free to change our minds with votes
Regardless in order for property to sell in Massachusetts it has to have the requirements of the state, Boston is worse. They give you to contract their friends at HIGH COST. That needs to end

There can be no state where you can't do all the work yourself.
That is an inherent individual right.
The most they can do is make you pay $100 or so for a licensed person to inspect and sign off on what you have done.
I do this ALL the time, and in half a dozen states. There can't be one that won't let you do your own work, as long as it is a residence and not a commercial building.
I have opened up many restaurants in Boston,, it cost millions for property to up to the standards of just the fire department.. same with homes and apartments

Sure the standards are high for restaurants. You would expect anything less? That is why restaurants are the one business I avoid like the plague. You can make a lot more money with less cost by opening a computer game arcade. I would even pick a book store over a restaurant.
You saying that people with less capital have low standards?? Huh? You hate poor ordinary people.. why?
Stupid fuck. It has nothing to do with capital. You would have restaurants with rat droppings & mold & etc because of no restaurant inspections. You would eat there & not have a clue.

You should move to China. That is how they do business.

Oh so that doesn't exist now?

You're a useful idiot. I bet you live in subsidized housing on a fixed SSI income. You probably grew up sucking the state tit...were you a foster child? You have that whole cognitive dissonance thing going that the drug babies raised by the state (until they get their own retard checks) have.
Hitler and the socialist dream
Because they had shared ideological ideas as socialist.

Yes. Hitler often gave speeches about the need for, and spreading of national socialism. That what Nazism was for Pete's sake, National Socialism. As I just posted in another thread:


NAZI = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or, "National Socialist German Workers’ Party"

Funny, I don’t see a lot of Germans in the Republican Party but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party.
In fact, not only do I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party, but I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to be able to murder an entire class of people (abortion) just like Hitler did, and who violently attack people in the streets who disagree with them, just like Hitler did. Plus, I see plenty of Socialists in the Democrat Party who want to teach junk science about the human race (transgenderism) just like Hitler did. AND NOW their antisemitism has also percolated to the top in recent months.

As was recently noted in another thread NAZI's have taken controll of the Democratic party !!! Demonazi's !! :
  • Democrats are no different from Nazis from their strong arm tactics, to their roving blackshirts in the streets, to their murder of millions of innocent people in Planned Butcherhood death camps, to their embracing of socialism (Hitler always spoke of national socialism), to their willingness to squash free speech and other rights, and to their embracing of junk science on human beings (like transgenderism), the Democrats are EXACTLY like Nazis.
There is no denying the sameness of Democrats and Nazis. We deny it at our own peril, just as the Germans did

Whether or not there is sameness between Nazis and current democrats, neither were at all in any way socialist.
If they were, Bernie Sanders would have been the candidate in the last election,
there will be a Nazi socialist nominee for the democratic party for the 2020 election ...and dont try to claim that Warren is not a socialist if she is nominated !
Lol so what’s proof American entrepreneurs want to kill people LOL WHAT!?

When entrepreneurs use inferior and cheaper products or buildings, they don't intend to kill people, but when the accidental fire happens and the cheapskate has no sprinkler system, people can and have died in the past.
Left to their own choice, the entrepreneur will often pick profits over safety usually.
So don’t go in that building.. it’s your choice

No one can tell if a building has a working sprinkler system, flammable components, a shoddy electrical system that shorts out and can cause fires, etc. Restaurants are very dangerous due to the deep fryer oil and other flammables.
Of course you can, it’s unexposed.. are you nuts?
Now you are just being a fucki9img asshat.
You are going t hate America after the next 6 years lol move out now
Hitler and the socialist dream
Because they had shared ideological ideas as socialist.

Socialism is based on collaboration between workers, to cut out the profit motivated middle man.
That can never be centralized or authoritarian.
Well history has proven you wrong.

When someone kills off all the leaders of a philosophy and implements something completely different, it is wrong to still call it what the dead philosophers believed in.
Hitler was a hard core socialist.

Socialism is where workers unit to collaboratively pool resource for their own means of production and profit sharing.
How was Hitler then at all a socialist?
And if he was a socialist, then why did the oligarchs have Hindenberg appoint him as Chancellor?
He was not elected you know.
so business partners in a small business started by a handful of people from the ground up ....lets say 3 friends started a cleaning and lawn care business is socialism ??? nah..... thats capitalism ! socialism is government control over business .... like what Chavez did that destroyed Venezuela.
The only similarity between them is they were centralists, and socialism is inherently NOT at all centralized.
And leftist implies egalitarian income equality.
Did any of these leaders support egalitarian income equality?
No, they were the exact opposite, and supported their own personal profits, which is pure capitalism.
Savagery is a tactic any system can use, not a philosophy goal.

This concept has been hashed out numerous times on this forum, and I'm not interested in dragging it all back out.

The concept of leftists, there being equality and no differences in class among the whole of the people on earth is a lofty, bullshit fantasy.

Marx's own directions for achieving this bullshit utopian fantasy begins with a despotic global government and absolute collectivism. Everyone who has ever achieved political power under the red flag of "egalitarianism" centralized authority, "redistributed wealth" to themselves first, and whatever was left over to the people below in whatever amounts served his interests.

Under a capitalist free market system no individual takes political power over anyone. They just get rich or poor depending on variables that don't always line up perfectly because they can not control every nuance or aspect of the markets.

That's why billionaires buy political whores to control people, or rent them in the case of hitler and mussolini, or die at the hands of stalin after believing they've bought him.

You can not use savagery as a tactic to make people free, you have to use it to make people give up the profits or tangible rewards of their efforts. You don't need to coerce people who want to be free, in fact you have to use force to keep them in line.

You can accept these facts or not.

yep !! and what the ignorant dont understand about socialism is that the ones that have power and wealth when socialism is implemented to replace capitalism will become even more powerful and wealthy because they will buy influence in a government that has absolute control over industry and private ownership ! it always happens !
Yes, it is, exactly.
Take the case of oil.
We know where it is, places like Texas, Pennsylvania, California, Alaska, Louisiana, etc.
Instead of using our tax money to pump and refine it ourselves, we sell it to private companies who buy the rights for pennies, and then jack up the prices and make huge profits.
We could instead, easily cut out the middle man and save lots of money.
That doesn’t prove government Ownership of my production lol you are living in socialism lala land


  • 1.a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

So read the definition more carefully.
While socialism can mean we collectively invest in some means of production, so that means it is goverment owned, but the definition of socialism also includes that the means of production can be just "or regulated by the community as a whole".
If the privately owned company is not causing any harm, why would anyone vote to provide an expensive government alternative? You only vote for socialization of an enterprise when it is harmful.
LOL, and you can keep your doctor too... ROTFLMBO.
There was nothing in the ACA that set policy networks.

If you bought a ;policy that did not include your doctor than that is your fault.
For believing the lying democrat nazis.
For choosing a policy that did not include your doctor. Typical Trumpette, doing stupid shit & blaming Democrats for them.
That doesn’t prove government Ownership of my production lol you are living in socialism lala land


  • 1.a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

So read the definition more carefully.
While socialism can mean we collectively invest in some means of production, so that means it is goverment owned, but the definition of socialism also includes that the means of production can be just "or regulated by the community as a whole".
If the privately owned company is not causing any harm, why would anyone vote to provide an expensive government alternative? You only vote for socialization of an enterprise when it is harmful.
LOL, and you can keep your doctor too... ROTFLMBO.
There was nothing in the ACA that set policy networks.

If you bought a ;policy that did not include your doctor than that is your fault.
For believing the lying democrat nazis.
For choosing a policy that did not include your doctor. Typical Trumpette, doing stupid shit & blaming Democrats for them.

Typical lying demonazi, pretending their victims have it coming.
When entrepreneurs use inferior and cheaper products or buildings, they don't intend to kill people, but when the accidental fire happens and the cheapskate has no sprinkler system, people can and have died in the past.
Left to their own choice, the entrepreneur will often pick profits over safety usually.
So don’t go in that building.. it’s your choice

No one can tell if a building has a working sprinkler system, flammable components, a shoddy electrical system that shorts out and can cause fires, etc. Restaurants are very dangerous due to the deep fryer oil and other flammables.
Of course you can, it’s unexposed.. are you nuts?
Now you are just being a fucki9img asshat.
You are going t hate America after the next 6 years lol move out now
he's on ssi, he can't move off the subsidized plantation.

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