Nazis also subjugated churches under the state.

The retards see old time KKK members were Democrats and thinks that has some relevance to the modern day. They ignore the fact that there were far right wing Democrats behind the segregationist movement. Those far right wing Democrats are the political ancestors of the modern day far right wing Republicans.

Kennedy was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 precisely to try to court the far right element of his party so he could run for re-election the following year. Governor Connally was a leading figure of the far right Democrats.

"KKK is Democrat" as though the KKK would support the modern day Democratic platform of affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay marriage, labor unions, higher taxes, and bigger government!

I honestly do not know why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. The only explanation I can come up with is that it requires actual cognition to suffer from the dissonance which would arise from such contradictory thoughts.

Just how willfully stupid do you have to be to keep banging the "KKK is Democrat" drum? Clearly, we have a cognition problem.

This is exactly the same willful stupidity that thinks the word "socialism" in National Socialism means Nazis are left wing.

There is a historical revisionist movement afoot to overturn reality so that the extreme right wing can make headway into the mainstream.

They are Republicans now.

I don't know there's a movement per se. But obviously these posters are being motivated somehow. Perhaps Obamaderangementsyndrome. But as for the KKK, the KKK in 1960 was not the same KKK as in 1890, nor is the KKK in 2015 the same as either one.

The KKK arose because the deep south had places were BLACKS WERE IN THE MAJORITY. Mississippi, La and SC ALL had black majorities in the late 19th century. The KKK arose to counter Reconstruction.

Great Migration African American - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

After the two great African American Migrations of WWI and WWII, blacks have consistently been minorities throughout the South, though still not as minority as in the N. and West. By the 1960s, the KKK pushed for Jim Crowe. Rather than seeking to maintain white rights in the face of Reconstruction, it was now an effort to prevent even a minority from political representation.

And today, the KKK is simply an avenue to express paranoia and excuse personal failure.

And KG seems to have some fear that her world will come tumbling down if the only protected space for discriminating against GLBT is within the four walls of a church that has not commercial ventures and takes no public money beyond tax exempt status.
The retards see old time KKK members were Democrats and thinks that has some relevance to the modern day. They ignore the fact that there were far right wing Democrats behind the segregationist movement. Those far right wing Democrats are the political ancestors of the modern day far right wing Republicans.

Kennedy was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 precisely to try to court the far right element of his party so he could run for re-election the following year. Governor Connally was a leading figure of the far right Democrats.

"KKK is Democrat" as though the KKK would support the modern day Democratic platform of affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay marriage, labor unions, higher taxes, and bigger government!

I honestly do not know why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. The only explanation I can come up with is that it requires actual cognition to suffer from the dissonance which would arise from such contradictory thoughts.

Just how willfully stupid do you have to be to keep banging the "KKK is Democrat" drum? Clearly, we have a cognition problem.

This is exactly the same willful stupidity that thinks the word "socialism" in National Socialism means Nazis are left wing.

There is a historical revisionist movement afoot to overturn reality so that the extreme right wing can make headway into the mainstream.

They are Republicans now.

I don't know there's a movement per se. But obviously these posters are being motivated somehow. Perhaps Obamaderangementsyndrome. But as for the KKK, the KKK in 1960 was not the same KKK as in 1890, nor is the KKK in 2015 the same as either one.

The KKK arose because the deep south had places were BLACKS WERE IN THE MAJORITY. Mississippi, La and SC ALL had black majorities in the late 19th century. The KKK arose to counter Reconstruction.

Great Migration African American - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Historical racial and ethnic demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

After the two great African American Migrations of WWI and WWII, blacks have consistently been minorities throughout the South, though still not as minority as in the N. and West. By the 1960s, the KKK pushed for Jim Crowe. Rather than seeking to maintain white rights in the face of Reconstruction, it was now an effort to prevent even a minority from political representation.

And today, the KKK is simply an avenue to express paranoia and excuse personal failure.

And KG seems to have some fear that her world will come tumbling down if the only protected space for discriminating against GLBT is within the four walls of a church that has not commercial ventures and takes no public money beyond tax exempt status.
There's a very interesting section of Democracy In America by Alexis de Tocqueville which discusses how blacks came to be concentrated so heavily in the South and how it would eventually lead to a civil war.

And I do think there is an actual movement. I moved in WN circles for a while, and I can smell a WN from a mile away. I can also smell their rancid rhetoric when it has bled over into the modern right in their media and their parroting rubes.

The White Nationalist community is working very hard to gain a foothold in the mainstream.

Sometimes, the right wing topics on this forum are indistinguishable from the ones on Stormfront.
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?
Hey now. One of my meals on wheels specialties is the giant can of green beans. First I fry up a package of Bacon. Reserve the bacon. Fry up a chopped yella onion in the grease. Dump in the beans, water an all. Chop up the bacon and add it back in. Add a third cup white wine vinegar. Bag it up with some of those canned white taters.
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
I did not say Bosnians. I said Bosnia.

The Serbs in Bosnia persecuted the Muslims.

try again-----the SERBS attacked the Bosnian muslims out of CENTURIES of hatred. In places in which muslims predominated they have been oppressing non muslims for centuries ---mostly in BOSNIA------in fact muslims are the reason that all of the jews of that country were murdered for the glory of allah during world war II.

as a kid----I had little girl friends------from a YUGOSLAVIAN family. That family seemed to hate everyone-----blacks, jews, wops, catholics, etc etc-------I grew up----I came to understand that their background was SERBIAN. I developed a friendship with a CROATIAN------catholic-------from her I learned that the serbs hated Croatians and the bosnians hated Croatians (of course all hated da jooos) its the way it is over there-----CHRONIC SECTARIAN HATRED to the point of killing)
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

but they do biscuits and fried chicken well
The Southern diet is delicious but deadly.

They even manage to ruin vegetables. Bacon fat in green beans! Are you freaking kidding me?

yeah----try doing southern for a boy that grew up-------UTTERLY KOSHER. I watch the southern cooking show making mental notes on how to ADAPT--------so far I have no answer for fried ---uhm ? chiccarones (I think that's Mexican----same thing ---tex-mex) I also cannot do cheese with meat------MY HANDS ARE TIED-------no creamed anything------nope---no béchamel------NOPE

Man, that's tough. I never thought how difficult it must be for people with religious dietary restrictions in the South.

I guess that's one way to keep Muslims out of the South. Put bacon fat in everything. :D
Could you possibly be more idiotic?
This historical revisionism is sickening to watch.

All you have to do is talk to an old timer in the Deep South. They'll be happy to tell you the Bible verses that were used back in the day to justify segregation and even slavery.

The very same way the modern day bigot hides behind the Bible to justify oppressing gays.

Same bullshit, different decade.

It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
I did not say Bosnians. I said Bosnia.

The Serbs in Bosnia persecuted the Muslims.

try again-----the SERBS attacked the Bosnian muslims out of CENTURIES of hatred. In places in which muslims predominated they have been oppressing non muslims for centuries ---mostly in BOSNIA------in fact muslims are the reason that all of the jews of that country were murdered for the glory of allah during world war II.

as a kid----I had little girl friends------from a YUGOSLAVIAN family. That family seemed to hate everyone-----blacks, jews, wops, catholics, etc etc-------I grew up----I came to understand that their background was SERBIAN. I developed a friendship with a CROATIAN------catholic-------from her I learned that the serbs hated Croatians and the bosnians hated Croatians (of course all hated da jooos) its the way it is over there-----CHRONIC SECTARIAN HATRED to the point of killing)
Yes, everybody hates everybody else there. I was deployed there twice. What's more, while we were trying to sort out who was who between Serbs and Croats and Bosnians and Muslims and Christians and smugglers and every kind of mix, we also had to be placed between our NATO allies from Greece and Turkey so THEY wouldn't start shooting each other over Macedonia!

Christ, what a clusterfuck that was.
It's not JUST CHRISTIANS, EVERY religion / society on the face of the earth is AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR currently.

Owning another human being is wrong culturally worldwide, so is homosexuality.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
I did not say Bosnians. I said Bosnia.

The Serbs in Bosnia persecuted the Muslims.

try again-----the SERBS attacked the Bosnian muslims out of CENTURIES of hatred. In places in which muslims predominated they have been oppressing non muslims for centuries ---mostly in BOSNIA------in fact muslims are the reason that all of the jews of that country were murdered for the glory of allah during world war II.

as a kid----I had little girl friends------from a YUGOSLAVIAN family. That family seemed to hate everyone-----blacks, jews, wops, catholics, etc etc-------I grew up----I came to understand that their background was SERBIAN. I developed a friendship with a CROATIAN------catholic-------from her I learned that the serbs hated Croatians and the bosnians hated Croatians (of course all hated da jooos) its the way it is over there-----CHRONIC SECTARIAN HATRED to the point of killing)
Yes, everybody hates everybody else there. I was deployed there twice. What's more, while we were trying to sort out who was who between Serbs and Croats and Bosnians and Muslims and Christians and smugglers and every kind of mix, we also had to be placed between our NATO allies from Greece and Turkey so THEY wouldn't start shooting each other over Macedonia!

Christ, what a clusterfuck that was.

I have never been there-----but if I had not spent so much time as a child-----in the home of----AMERICAN BORN---background serb people as a child----I would never have had insight into WHAT DA HELL was going on over there in Bosnia. Even as a kid I could imagine the people of that family SHOOTING at their "enemies" (everyone) from behind a rock------like the Hatfields and the McCoys
The far right southern Christians in the South supported segregation.

They would do it again in a heart beat. They are Bob Jones cracker fundamentalists.

Woodrow Wilson
Bob Jones. Strom Thurmond. David Duke. Cruz. Perry.

Lets start here. Have you read original Democrat party platform that call for rights to force people into slavery? Compare it to Republican platform that calls for abolishing the slavery.
This is 2015. And Jenny Horne and Nikki Haley said, in effect, to you fucks on the far right, to shut the fuck up. This is over.
Spit it out.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

I asked for proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Christians and church in particular.
You quoted words of Circuit Judge appointed by Democrats. Try again.
Who was supported by Southern conservatives.
"So you are implying the actions of a mad man is the normality of the christian populace??" In fact, that is a good description for the tiny portion of nutcase America headlined by koshergril, keys, americano, etc.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

"Someone's telling the truth about us! Quick, hide behind the blacks!"
First he embraced religion. As soon as he was in power, he established that the church and clergy acknowledge the state as their primary authority. If they did not do so publically, they were prosecuted, removed from their position in the church, and frequently killed. Where do you think progressives are going with their targeting of Christians? I know. You do too.

The nazis were cracker christers


Someone either didn't read the post he allegedly answered, or somehow magically missed the first sentence of it. Hmmmm.
Yes, there is a thousands year long "tradition" of oppressing whatever minorities exist in the midst of a population and using God as the excuse to do so.

An Armenian in the Ottoman Empire.

A Muslim in Bosnia.

A negro in Alabama.

A homosexual anywhere.

We must purify our country! Where is your flag pin/armband? Down with multiculturalism! Sieg Heil!

sorry lad------I treated an elderly BOSNIAN-----he was a Christian from Bosnia and told me (with tears in his eyes) of his childhood in MUSLIM BOSNIA--- its not the Christians who oppressed muslims in BOSNIA-----you is thinking of the SERBS who hate their guts
I did not say Bosnians. I said Bosnia.

The Serbs in Bosnia persecuted the Muslims.

try again-----the SERBS attacked the Bosnian muslims out of CENTURIES of hatred. In places in which muslims predominated they have been oppressing non muslims for centuries ---mostly in BOSNIA------in fact muslims are the reason that all of the jews of that country were murdered for the glory of allah during world war II.

as a kid----I had little girl friends------from a YUGOSLAVIAN family. That family seemed to hate everyone-----blacks, jews, wops, catholics, etc etc-------I grew up----I came to understand that their background was SERBIAN. I developed a friendship with a CROATIAN------catholic-------from her I learned that the serbs hated Croatians and the bosnians hated Croatians (of course all hated da jooos) its the way it is over there-----CHRONIC SECTARIAN HATRED to the point of killing)
Yes, everybody hates everybody else there. I was deployed there twice. What's more, while we were trying to sort out who was who between Serbs and Croats and Bosnians and Muslims and Christians and smugglers and every kind of mix, we also had to be placed between our NATO allies from Greece and Turkey so THEY wouldn't start shooting each other over Macedonia!

Christ, what a clusterfuck that was.

I have never been there-----but if I had not spent so much time as a child-----in the home of----AMERICAN BORN---background serb people as a child----I would never have had insight into WHAT DA HELL was going on over there in Bosnia. Even as a kid I could imagine the people of that family SHOOTING at their "enemies" (everyone) from behind a rock------like the Hatfields and the McCoys
It's all a consequence of WWI, and there are parallels to the future of the Middle East.

The various ethnic conflicts were held in check by authoritarian empires. I say empire for lack of a better word for the various forms these kinds of regimes which revolve around a powerful central figure may take.

When those empires collapsed in the Great War, all those centuries-old grudges were rekindled as each group tried to reacquire their old tribal homelands. During their subjugation under the empires, a lot of moving around and mixing had occurred, so re-establishing the traditional homeland meant booting out all the ethnic groups which had not been there before the days of empire. "Ethnic cleansing".

This is what is going to happen in the Middle East. Before democracy can ever take root, the empires have to collapse. Then the old ethnic rivalries will awaken, followed by much bloodshed. We see this happening after the collapse of the Iraqi dictatorship. Sunnis, Shias, and Kurds all trying to establish homelands based on very old pre-empire boundaries.

There really isn't much we, the US, can do about that. But it is hard to just stand aside while these various tribes go at each other's throats. Our involvement, though, means we will make enemies of the tribes we don't support, and we seem to always let down our friends.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

"Someone's telling the truth about us! Quick, hide behind the blacks!"
You are talking to yourself in the mirror. The far unChristian right has been exposed for good, and America is horrified.
How many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to believe these guys are left wing? I guarantee they know more about the Nazi belief system than the idiot rubes on this forum who guzzle the "nazis are left wing" high octane piss.

The "nazis are left wing" rubes would be completely unable to engage an actual Nazi in rhetorical combat. They are mentally unarmed. They would get their asses kicked.

In fact, quite a few of them would be taken in and absorbed into the Nazi fold if they even tried because they are so mentally weak and have so much in common with them.

The credulousness we see in the rubes is a prerequisite for being a Nazi.
^^^ Don't look like Marxists or even Democrats. You should be able to see S. J. and Keys if you look carefully.
The "nazis are left wing" rubes would be completely unable to engage an actual Nazi in rhetorical combat. They are mentally unarmed. They would get their asses kicked.

In fact, quite a few of them would be taken in and absorbed into the Nazi fold if they even tried because they are so mentally weak and have so much in common with them.

The credulousness we see in the rubes is a prerequisite for being a Nazi.
Wow you sound like you admire the Nazis of old. Of course you do.
The "nazis are left wing" rubes would be completely unable to engage an actual Nazi in rhetorical combat. They are mentally unarmed. They would get their asses kicked.

In fact, quite a few of them would be taken in and absorbed into the Nazi fold if they even tried because they are so mentally weak and have so much in common with them.

The credulousness we see in the rubes is a prerequisite for being a Nazi.
Wow you sound like you admire the Nazis of old. Of course you do.
Since I constantly kick people with Nazi tendencies like you in the crotch, you have to have about seven pounds of brain damage to think I admire Nazis.

You know, you really suck at smearing people. Is this straw man bullshit really the best you can do?

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