Nazis also subjugated churches under the state.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
First he embraced religion. As soon as he was in power, he established that the church and clergy acknowledge the state as their primary authority. If they did not do so publically, they were prosecuted, removed from their position in the church, and frequently killed. Where do you think progressives are going with their targeting of Christians? I know. You do too.
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in China
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.
And the
And today, right now in China, they are 're-educating' Catholics. Who are lucky because in some parts of China they burn churches and kill Christians. The state also forces women to get abortions.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in China
And they are blowing up churches (and anyone who happens to be nearby). And yet our progressive pigs say there is no precedent....Christians are perfectly safe.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

Assuming you have a proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Spit it out.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

Assuming you have a proof that Christians were refusing service to blacks. Spit it out.

In a left loon's world anything bad is done by Christians
Organized religion on the far right is pissed that it can no longer tell the rest of America what to do. That is all this is about.
The next step here is to redefine religious freedom so it means only with the confines of the church. Then prosecution for 'hate sppech' and closure of churches and criminalization of clergy that will not openly declare the church answers first to the state. All of which have already happened, but it will spread like wildfire.
First he embraced religion. As soon as he was in power, he established that the church and clergy acknowledge the state as their primary authority. If they did not do so publically, they were prosecuted, removed from their position in the church, and frequently killed. Where do you think progressives are going with their targeting of Christians? I know. You do too.

upholding the US constitution is like Nazi's targeting Christians? :lol:
Religious organizations may not intrude on government.

Separation of church and state is a corner stone of American life.
Let me has the potential to spread like wildfire. There are many who want to see exactly that....and many of them are in positions of incredible power and have the implicit support of millions.
[URL=""]Is this a fair representative of Christianity?[/URL]

The court’s ruling makes clear that clergy and religious organizations are not obliged to perform same-sex marriages
, but some groups have expressed concerns about their tax-exempt status. the past two decades, several other religious groups have moved to allow same-sex couples to marry within their traditions. This includes the Reform and Conservative Jewish movements, the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ.

And the list is growing: Clergy from the Episcopal Church will be able to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies after the church’s General Convention approved a new definition of marriage this week. Another mainline Protestant denomination, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), voted to formally sanction same-sex marriage earlier this year.

Where Christian churches other religions stand on gay marriage Pew Research Center
First he embraced religion. As soon as he was in power, he established that the church and clergy acknowledge the state as their primary authority. If they did not do so publically, they were prosecuted, removed from their position in the church, and frequently killed. Where do you think progressives are going with their targeting of Christians? I know. You do too.

The nazis were cracker christers

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The far right crazy social con Christians have no loyalty to America or the Constitution.
Pretty moronic, Supposed Christian were saying the same thing in the 60's too when they were no longer allow refuse service to or give second class accommodations to black folks. Nazi this Nazi that..........Keep up the good work.

What a racist fucking retard, Christians were the compassionate ones running underground railroads and sanctuaries ..................
Look, you shit stirring bitch, SOCIETY IN GENERAL REFUSED BLACKS PRE 60's ..........................
Insurance companies will deny coverage which will force church closure.
Organized religion on the far right is pissed that it can no longer tell the rest of America what to do. That is all this is about.
Exactly so. It's the unorganized wingnuts, like the OP, who cry "churches will be forced to marry gays," when there's absolutely no chance of that happening, and churches themselves will still be free to hire and fire based on their own teachings. But, when churches and individual Christians foray from the church into commerce ... that's where there will be conflict.

In their dissents to the ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts, and Justices Samuel Alito and Antonin Scalia, each expressed similar concerns. First Amendment protections for clergy and worship are clear, leaving churches to decide who they will marry. But religious liberty protections are less certain for faith-based charities, schools and hospitals that want to hire and fire based on religious beliefs.

"I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools," Alito wrote
Conservative churches confront new reality on gay marriage - Yahoo News
The far right southern Christians in the South supported segregation.

They would do it again in a heart beat. They are Bob Jones cracker fundamentalists.

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