Nation-Wide Dish Soap Shortage?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I saw this at Walmart this morning. Hmmmm.

What would be causing a shortage of dish soap? Maybe the fires in California?

I have no idea.


“Procter & Gamble, which makes Dawn and Gain soaps, confirmed the low supply in a statement to "We’re aware that some P&G hand dish products might be harder to find right now," a representative said. "For a temporary period, demand exceeded what we were able to supply." The representative also noted that P&G is taking steps to alleviate the shortage. "Our team is working around the clock to refill shelves, and supply is catching up with demand, so all variants should be available soon," she said.”
A Brief Dish-Soap Shortage Has Officially Been Resolved
short lived.
“Procter & Gamble, which makes Dawn and Gain soaps, confirmed the low supply in a statement to "We’re aware that some P&G hand dish products might be harder to find right now," a representative said. "For a temporary period, demand exceeded what we were able to supply." The representative also noted that P&G is taking steps to alleviate the shortage. "Our team is working around the clock to refill shelves, and supply is catching up with demand, so all variants should be available soon," she said.”
A Brief Dish-Soap Shortage Has Officially Been Resolved
short lived.


Don't Panic, But America Is Running Out of Dish Soap
Either that or Wal Mart decided profits would show better if they put off paying their suppliers.
Either that or Wal Mart decided profits would show better if they put off paying their suppliers.

Not sure why they'd do something like that. Look at their stock history...

"We're sorry, but supplies are currently low so we can increase demand as well as the price. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Proctor and Gamble closed a Kansas plant and is moving it to West Virginia...hence the temporary shortage
I saw this at Walmart this morning. Hmmmm.

What would be causing a shortage of dish soap? Maybe the fires in California?

I have no idea.


They had to clean up the keystone oilspill, and Dawn takes grease out of your way.
I saw this at Walmart this morning. Hmmmm.

That's revealing already.

What would be causing a shortage of dish soap? Maybe the fires in California?

Yyyyyyeeeeaahhhhh, because dishwashing soap grows on the Dawn trees in the desert. That's the ticket.

'scuse me a moment. :banghead:

Maybe China tariffs?

Of course. I never thought of that: "It's Trump's fault."

Thank you for setting the world straight. You deserve a medal for that...


And the Lord knows, you wouldn't be caught dead in a Walmart. I mean with all those deplorables and such. You'd probably be so overwhelmed by the smell that you'd be overcome with the vapors and faint dead away, you poor little snowflake.

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If DemocRats perchance win the 2020 election, we do know there will be an eventual shortage of toilet paper.
Then soon right after toilet paper, tampons become scarce.
The 2020 election could be a bloody result!
The very first indication that Venezuela was in trouble was a shortage of toilet paper.
As long as Calizuela doesn't run out of toilette paper.....which is more important than dish soap :confused:

and yes .... please pardon my french.
Soviet women got used to it. Venezuelans are used to it. It’s your future as Marxist Democrats gain power here. Right after you get used to having no electricity like California or natural gas shortages like New York.

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