NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.
Last edited:
CO2 pollution bounces back, climate goals at risk: IEA
CO2 pollution bounces back, climate goals at risk: IEA - France 24
3 Mar 2021 ~~

Carbon dioxide isn’t pollution. It's a natural process of Photo synthesis...
It’s like calling oxygen “pollution”. What ticks me off about articles like this is it’s “hit and run”.
It is NOT pollution. That said, the amount being created can be measured. My assertion is that there was not more created in 2020 than in 2019 as the article claimed. At least in the Boston area traffic is way below normal levels. Vast numbers of people are working from home now and not commuting 2-3 hrs a day. I’m sure the same is true in the other big metro areas run by lefties.
They publish this crap and refuse to allow any rebuttal, any comments on the page.
I really find it hard to believe that emissions in the US and Europe are higher than pre-pandemic. Are all the increases happening in India and China? ie nothing we do here will change this
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Part of that is about managing grazing animals in 90 day rotations. Zimbabwe has reclaimed lots of desert for over a decade to reverse desertification.
Which reminds me I need to contact my county auditors office, state legislature and others to see about getting a carbon credit on my property taxes. This link to NASA shows the tech is there to make it possible.

In the middle of Summer, my neighbors on each side have their half acre plots in mostly lawn. My plot on the other hand is jammed with several trees; fruit, nut, and the oak and maple grove, plus the grape vines, berry bushes and veggie garden plots (and my beehives). Count that vertical component of my backyard "jungle", flora biomass, and I'm sure I've got far more "carbon credit" due than my neighbors.

Counting those individual blades of grass and the weeds, etc. I've got billions of self-expanding, self-replicating flora biomass carbon sequestration units covering more than mine and my wife's "carbon footprint" and I really think I should get some discount on my property taxes to offset the money and labor, etc. I put into doing this public service.
CO2 pollution bounces back, climate goals at risk: IEA
CO2 pollution bounces back, climate goals at risk: IEA - France 24
3 Mar 2021 ~~

Carbon dioxide isn’t pollution. It's a natural process of Photo synthesis...
It’s like calling oxygen “pollution”. What ticks me off about articles like this is it’s “hit and run”.
It is NOT pollution. That said, the amount being created can be measured. My assertion is that there was not more created in 2020 than in 2019 as the article claimed. At least in the Boston area traffic is way below normal levels. Vast numbers of people are working from home now and not commuting 2-3 hrs a day. I’m sure the same is true in the other big metro areas run by lefties.
They publish this crap and refuse to allow any rebuttal, any comments on the page.
I really find it hard to believe that emissions in the US and Europe are higher than pre-pandemic. Are all the increases happening in India and China? ie nothing we do here will change this

Yeah that is galaxy class stupidity to label CO2 as a pollutant, but that was done for POLITICAL purposes, of which the democrats are the chief architect in their never ending drive to remake the world we live through a barrage of lies and legal threats.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Higher temperatures will always be a net positive for life on earth. Unless you tried to get rich telling everyone how they'll die from global warming, then you just look like a fucking idiot and a scammer.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Higher temperatures will always be a net positive for life on earth. Unless you tried to get rich telling everyone how they'll die from global warming, then you just look like a fucking idiot and a scammer.
Easier to live in a warm climate verses a cold.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Higher temperatures will always be a net positive for life on earth. Unless you tried to get rich telling everyone how they'll die from global warming, then you just look like a fucking idiot and a scammer.
Easier to live in a warm climate verses a cold.

I got tired of plowing a 600 foot driveway of snow every winter in the Southern Tier of New York State. We had accumulations of up to 8 feet per year... Moved to North Carolina.... haven't seen more than a smidgen of snow in two years....
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Higher temperatures will always be a net positive for life on earth. Unless you tried to get rich telling everyone how they'll die from global warming, then you just look like a fucking idiot and a scammer.
Easier to live in a warm climate verses a cold.
Yeah, but the powder in the Wasatch is worth it.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Higher temperatures will always be a net positive for life on earth. Unless you tried to get rich telling everyone how they'll die from global warming, then you just look like a fucking idiot and a scammer.
Easier to live in a warm climate verses a cold.

I got tired of plowing a 600 foot driveway of snow every winter in the Southern Tier of New York State. We had accumulations of up to 8 feet per year... Moved to North Carolina.... haven't seen more than a smidgen of snow in two years....

The Cities of Rochester then Buffalo New York are the top two snowiest cities.
Just got my bill from the mowing crew ... fuck ... maybe less CO2 is a better thing? ...

ETA: Although this data confirms the theory ... it's only 20 years worth ... we can be hopeful this is a long term tread ... but we do need to be cautious about making profound claims ... we should have 50 or 75 more years worth of data in hand before ... enough time to smooth out decadal variations in weather ...
Last edited:
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.

NASA thinks CO2 is the dominant cause of the planet greening up, you dispute this?
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.

NASA thinks CO2 is the dominant cause of the planet greening up, you dispute this?

I don't know.. I know reverse desertification has been successful in controlled grazing practices.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.

NASA thinks CO2 is the dominant cause of the planet greening up, you dispute this?

I don't know.. I know reverse desertification has been successful in controlled grazing practices.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.

NASA thinks CO2 is the dominant cause of the planet greening up, you dispute this?

I don't know.. I know reverse desertification has been successful in controlled grazing practices.

In Zimbabwe they are trying to reclaim land that was lost thanks to Mugabe and his goons running off the white farmers.

They were the initial reclaimers over two centuries ago. It took one generation for the Socialists to destroy all of that work.
NASA Vegetation Index:
Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km!
NASA Vegetation Index: Globe Continues Rapid Greening Trend, Sahara Alone Shrinks 700,000 Sq Km! – Watts Up With That?
25 Feb 2021 ~~ By P. Gosselin

Looking at NASA’s Vegetation Index data, the news is good: the globe has greened 10% so far this century.
That’s good news because we know this ultimately means greater crop production area and forest expansion. Ironically, what many “experts claim to be a huge problem (CO2) is in fact one of the major reasons behind the greening.
Zoe Phin has a post on this topic at her site which really warrants attention.
Global Vegetation Index surges 10% in 20 years
Zoe downloaded all of NASA’s available 16-day-increment vegetation data from 2000 to 2021. Here’s her result:
NASA’s Vegetation Index has risen from 0.0936 to 0.1029, which is a 9.94% increase. Chart by Zoe Phin
“10% global greening in 20 years! We are incredibly fortunate!” Zoe comments on the results. “I just wish everyone felt that way. But you know not everyone does. To the extent that humans enhance global greening is precisely what social parasites want to tax and regulate. No good deed goes unpunished.”
Been greening 30 years!
This is not unexpected news to cool-headed climate realists. In August, 2019, we reported on a German study showing how the globe had been greening for 3 decades. Based on satellite imagery, German Wissenschaft reported, “Vegetation on earth has been expanding for decades, satellite data show.”
Sahara shrinking, becoming greener
Also not long ago a study by Venter et al (2018) found the Sahara desert had shrunk by 8% over the previous three decades. This is profound because the Sahara covers a vast area of some 9.2 million square kilometers. Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometers more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined.
So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1000 years.
70% driven by CO2
And there’s more good news if you think CO2 is a problem as a greenhouse gas (it isn’t).
Last August, NTZ weekly contributor Kenneth Richard cited a study by Haverd et al, 2020), and wrote that “about 70% of the Earth’s post-1980s vegetative greening trend has been driven by CO2 fertilization” and that this greening will offset 17 years (equivalent) of the Earth’s anthropogenic CO2 emissions by 2100.

Henny Penny -- OMG we’re losing the desert?!!!
The desert must be protected at all costs! Everyone, please start some tire fires, open your windows with the AC on. Just panic already!
Quick... China Joey Xi and his "Climate Change Appointees" John Kerry and Gina McCarthy are truly worried....
Undoubtedly, “if the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat government were to take over the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.”
Food security will be always factor because as long as global population increases, so must global agricultural production increase. That said (the need for agricultural output to keep pace with population), by far the biggest threat to humanity is NOT climate change.
Even though the air is cleaner in the UK, the EU, the US and Canada Climate Change moonbats want to tax our asses off and tie us to unsustainable wind and solar while heavy duty polluters, China, India, Africa, South and Central America keep their lights on using coal, natural gas and old tires. It’s hilarious
The biggest threat to humanity and resulting environmental destruction that a global famine would bring is Climate Change policy — the UN’s Socialist-Marxist climate policy to destroy access to affordable, abundant fossil fuels necessary to sustain global agricultural output.

Added to The Global Warming Scam

Thanks bigly.

Reverse desertification is well documented and now in common practice. Guess you never heard of it.

NASA thinks CO2 is the dominant cause of the planet greening up, you dispute this?

I don't know.. I know reverse desertification has been successful in controlled grazing practices.

I am not disputing that properly controlled grazing practices can protect the soils, it seems you are disputing NASA's well supported Satellite data showing that Greening is a concurent process all over the world, not just in desert regions.

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