Nanny Bloomberg won't stop at banning large sodas


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
And milk. Milk! These nanny assholes should be taken out and shot.

At the meeting, some of the members of board said they should be considering other limits on high-calorie foods.

One member, Bruce Vladeck, thinks limiting the sizes for movie theater popcorn should be considered.

"The popcorn isn't a whole lot better than the soda," Vladeck said.

Another board member thinks milk drinks should fall under the size limits.

"There are certainly milkshakes and milk-coffee beverages that have monstrous amounts of calories," said board member Dr. Joel Forman.

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I think Bloomberg's proposal is stupid. That being said, if it's going to go in to effect, it should cover juice and coffee drinks. Maybe that'll create more pressure to get rid of the whole cart.
Sure glad that I don't live up there in that dictatorship.

He can be a real pain in the ass. I do wish he would just take up a new hobby, one that didn't involve being such a control freak. He has done some good, too bad he has to ruin it.Rudy was a bully in his own way, the same holds for Bloomberg.
Nanny Bloomberg won't stop at banning large sodas. This was predictable. Once they start telling people what to do, they can't stop and keep looking for more things to control.

City health experts are weighing whether to extend the potential big-soda ban to other fattening snacks such as juices and popcorn

Read more: City health experts are weighing whether to extend the potential big-soda ban to other fattening snacks such as juices and popcorn - NY Daily News

thanks for your concern.

i don't recall you living in NY.
Knock knock knock.

"It's me, Dave, man. Open up, I got the Big Gulp!
i don't understand, no sales of sodas larger than 16oz, but refills are ok. hmmm hardly sounds like an infringement on choices.

when they say no more street dogs, give me a call.

The point is he just wants control. Its like liberals who advocate a one gun per month policy. So many ways around it, it's just plain stupid, and it takes your rights away.
They're just seeing how people react, pretty soon, they'll start attacking Coca-Cola and Reddenbacher and any "unfit" food.
Give liberals a little power and they go pants-crapping insane.

bloomberg isn't a "liberal"

You are correct. he is an out of control Statist.
i don't understand, no sales of sodas larger than 16oz, but refills are ok. hmmm hardly sounds like an infringement on choices.

when they say no more street dogs, give me a call.

The point is he just wants control. Its like liberals who advocate a one gun per month policy. So many ways around it, it's just plain stupid, and it takes your rights away.
They're just seeing how people react, pretty soon, they'll start attacking Coca-Cola and Reddenbacher and any "unfit" food.

Yes, it would seem stupid to most adults. The messaging is part of a wellness culture which states that prevention is the best fight against healthcare costs. Kindof like not allowing pepsi/coke to sell sodas in grammar school.
i don't understand, no sales of sodas larger than 16oz, but refills are ok. hmmm hardly sounds like an infringement on choices.

when they say no more street dogs, give me a call.

The point is he just wants control. Its like liberals who advocate a one gun per month policy. So many ways around it, it's just plain stupid, and it takes your rights away.
They're just seeing how people react, pretty soon, they'll start attacking Coca-Cola and Reddenbacher and any "unfit" food.

Yes, it would seem stupid to most adults. The messaging is part of a wellness culture which states that prevention is the best fight against healthcare costs. Kindof like not allowing pepsi/coke to sell sodas in grammar school.

Again, everything under health care, I'm sorry but if it's legal then let it go. I mean if people cant afford health insurance or dont want it, dont treat them! But by God, I'll take my Big Gulp
I can think for myself, I dont need the government doing it for me. And guess what I bet Bloomburg pounds them down.
i don't understand, no sales of sodas larger than 16oz, but refills are ok. hmmm hardly sounds like an infringement on choices.

when they say no more street dogs, give me a call.

The point is he just wants control. Its like liberals who advocate a one gun per month policy. So many ways around it, it's just plain stupid, and it takes your rights away.
They're just seeing how people react, pretty soon, they'll start attacking Coca-Cola and Reddenbacher and any "unfit" food.

Yes, it would seem stupid to most adults. The messaging is part of a wellness culture which states that prevention is the best fight against healthcare costs. Kindof like not allowing pepsi/coke to sell sodas in grammar school.

I understand the concern of that having these big drinks creates a culture where Big Gulp is considered a "normal" size in the minds of kids, but it doesn't justify the regulation. We should get rid of soda machines in schools though.

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