Nancy Pelosi, The Most Shameful, Disgusting Politician In Modern History

That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

Here is Graham causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":

Here is Trump causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":


So what was it about
Shameful, Disgusting Politicians In Modern History?
Now we know what AntonioToo spends his days doing! As the economy sags and people lay in hospitals sick, rather than being out helping his community, he's on the Fake Trump Bullshit Say Anything To Get Biden Elected Campaign working around the clock tracking Trump drawing pictures!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Nasty Pelosi is a total disgrace.

What a worthless human being.

- "Get President Donald Trump re-elected and take the gavel away from this hand waving, denture tonguing, worthless, clueless, pathetic, muttering SuperScumhag" -
Seriously, are you folks able to forget the past 6 weeks that easily?
I never forget. I still remember the things that really actually matter that actually affected lives that you NEVER complain about, like:
  • When Bill Clinton raped an employee then threatened them to keep it to themselves.
  • When the Clintons secretly gave Lorel missile technology to the Chinese.
  • When Bill and Hillary tried to rob the White House with a truck full of its stuff.
  • When Obama told the nation he was going to save them thousands of dollars a year with a bill he KNEW was a total lie.
  • When Obama incited race riots across the country, blamed cops and his AG told the cities to let them loot.
  • When Obama sicked the FBI after journalists wiretapping and wrecking their lives to keep them from doing their jobs.
  • When Hillary ignored hundreds of pleas and let four Americans die to cover her gun-running operation then blamed it on a video.
  • When Hillary had her govn. paid State Dept Staff also working for her private enterprise.
  • When Hillary destroyed 30,000 govn. records kept secretly in her home to cover her illegal activities.
  1. Trump drew a mark on a map where it looked a hurricane might go before it actually fooled everybody and changed direction.
  2. Trump downplaying the virus best as possible early on hoping for the best trying to assuage public fears.
THE FUNNY THING IS that in the first instance, you blamed him for not doing the 2nd thing.
And in the 2nd instance, now you are bitching because he didn't do the FIRST thing!!!! :lmao:
Wear your Corona Virus mask you Nasty Pelosi creature! :mad-61:

Just a month ago, she was trying to coax people down to Chinatown. Wonder how many people will die because of her actions ?
The virus originated in China. Not Chinatown. Those are different places.
And that i why it is called the China Virus and not the China town Virus
So what does Pelosi talking to people going down to Chinatown have to do with anything?

What part of "social distancing" was confusing to you? Or "hypocrisy", for that matter? That shriveled twat wants to gas away about how Trump is responsible for deaths because he didn't take this seriously soon enough, and at the exact same time, SHE was encouraging people to gather in huge, packed crowds and blowing off the notion of spreading the infection? And now YOU, her faithful lapdog, want to excoriate Trump but act all bewildered at the idea of doing the same to her?

I'm not discounting the possibility that you really are that fucking stupid, but somehow, I think you're actually just being dishonest in this case.

Pelosi visited Chinatown in late Feb, a point at which there were a dozen cases in the US and a few dozen cases that had been repatriated.

It was a point in time when the CDC was not recommending social distancing. It was a point in time during which testing for COVID was minimal. It was a point in time during which Trump’s administration claimed that the county was pretty well air tight because of his travel restrictions which were obviously inadequate.

Furhtermore, you can’t escape the fact that the others poster leveled this criticism due to the fact that Chinatown was involved, which has an obvious racial implication.

What you failed to do was discuss the issue with any specificity (what does Pelosi fault Trump for doing specifically) and instead chose to attack me personally.

1. We were talking about social distancing as early as late January and Early Feburary and if you lie and say we were not then click the links I provided because the CDC was issuing warnings already and guidelines back then!

2. My mentioning of New York Chinatown had to do with an idiot name Bill de Bozo of New York that is their Mayor and how he was trying to tell the people of New York it was safe to go to Chinatown during Chinese New Year when people from China were coming in as of late January and possible Carrier of the Coronavirus 19 which I gladly call Kung Flu Pandemic seeing you want to call it Trump plague!

It was de Bozo as of late January to early February telling the residents of his city to Wash their hands, SOCIAL DISTANCING, get a flu shot and if ill stay home!

3. Facts hurt you and your argument saying Trump did nothing to stop the spread when as of early January the CDC was offered to assist China Government in containing the virus and they ( China Government ) refused the assistance, so who is to blame?

You will scream " Trump " and yet facts say you are retarded as hell by doing so!

I believe several Democrats in NY, including the head of public health in NYC, were also encouraging people to go out, have fun, attend parades . . . and I distinctly recall the Democrat mayor of New Orleans encouraging people to attend Mardi Gras, and later blaming Trump for it not being shut down because he didn't "call her and tell her" to do so.

Had he told the Mayors in Democrat Cities to shut down Chinese New Year or Mardi Gras the media would have attacked him and scream he was overreacting!

True. And it also wasn't Trump's job to shut down individual city events. That's what cities have mayors for.

I think it’s the job of the CDC to do so. A mayor could hardly be expected to understand what measures are necessary on their own. They simply lack the expertise and information to do so.

I think you're utterly clueless about who has the authority to do what. The CDC does not have the authority to shut down Mardi Gras or any other event. That authority belongs to the government with the legal jurisdiction; in the case of Mardi Gras, that would be the city government of New Orleans, headed by the mayor.

Also, this whole "a mayor can't understand on her own (fixed the grammar for you)" line is a straw man, because no one suggested she should do it on her own. The CDC's primary purpose is advisory, to provide necessary public health information to those who need it, which includes city governments. And that's aside from the fact that New Orleans has a Public Health Department, whose primary job is advising the city government on public health concerns. Where were they? Did Mayor LaToya talk to her Director of Public Health, or whatever the title is? Did either of them contact the CDC? Are they both too damned dumb to do the simple math of "infectious disease + large gathering of people = maybe not a good idea", as you seem to suggest is not only the case, but a perfectly acceptable state of being?

You’re right. I should have been more precise. The mayor would have the authority but they had no advice or information that would lead them to make that call.

The CDC would be best in position to know if that were necessary but made no such determination. Recommendations to avoid gatherings didn’t come out for about 2 weeks.

The mayor of New Orleans would not have sufficient information at that time (given the only known cases were identified in travelers from China) and if I’m remembering correctly, zero of those cases were in Louisiana.

The mayor didn't have the advice or information to make that call? Was she hiding under a rock with no TV, Internet access, or telephone service? If that's the case, could it be that MAYBE she's incompetent to hold that office?

Just for the record, Mardi Gras was the last week of February. Are you actually suggesting that it's reasonable to assume the fucking mayor of fucking New Orleans was so out-of-touch with what's going on in the world that she couldn't be expected to know there was a pandemic going on, and that she MIGHT want to consult with medical experts of some sort about thousands of people flooding into her state and congregating?

Mardi Gras was two weeks before it was determined to be a pandemic.

So no, I don’t consider the fucking mayor of fucking New Orleans to be expected to know there was a fucking pandemic going on because at that time it wasn’t a fucking pandemic.

Seriously, dumbass? Your argument is that the mayor couldn't POSSIBLY have been expected to anticipate that there might be a problem she'd want to check into prior to the "official pandemic date", and that someone else needed to figure that out and make that call for her?

I say again that maybe she's incompetent to hold that office, if that's the case.

Did YOU not know the coronavirus was a problem we needed to worry about prior to the "official pandemic date"?

Is there no pretzel into which you will not twist yourself in order to hold Democrats blameless for anything and everything while simultaneously condemning Republicans to the flames of hell for the exact same stuff? Never, ever come at me with outrage because you think I'm not treating you and your posts seriously enough, because you've just proven that I've been treating you far more seriously than you deserve. Be grateful that I acknowledge you enough to sneer and kick you.

All I’m saying is that at the end of February, not even the established medical community was recommending things like canceling large events such as Mardi Gras.

I dont consider her incompetent for not adequately anticipating the future better than people who have devoted their entire lives to studying the issue. Literally, you’re now criticizing her for not figuring out it was a pandemic two weeks prior to the WHO determining that. That’s really pretty weak.

Now, go ahead and show me where I’ve criticized a Republican for doing the exact same thing because I think you’re not fairly representing my position.

And all I'M saying is this dumb twat and a whole raft of other Democrats are getting a free pass that none of them - nor you - are willing to extend to President Trump.

I never criticized Trump for now doing things like shutting down large events at that time. If think you can prove otherwise, go for it.

If that’s all you’re saying, then it’s false.

Straw man. I never said you were criticizing Trump "for now doing things like shutting down large events at that time." The point is that you and every other leftist TDS sufferer out there is bloviating away about how Trump didn't do enough, didn't take it seriously early enough, blah blah blah de blah, but when it's pointed out how many of THEM didn't take it seriously at the same time, THEY get a pass.

You really should learn to read and understand the squiggly lines on the page. They have meaning and convey information, y'know.

So was your criticism of the mayor of New Orleans real or satire?

When I criticized Trump for not taking it seriously, it’s because he was saying really stupid things about how it’s totally contained and cases are going down. How it’ll just disappear and that the Democrats were blowing it out of proportion. I criticize his administration for bungling testing at an extremely crucial time, for not enforcing strict enough quarantine protocols and overly limiting testing. Some of these mistakes are inexcusable and some are honest mistakes. But they are still mistakes.

Note that I don’t fault him or anyone else for recommending all large events be cancelled in the last week of February, which is before any community spread has ever been identified.

Trump is head of the administration. He is in charge of the CDC, HHS, DHS, and FDA. He is in charge of the federal response. He receives briefings, data and some of the nations foremost experts report directly to him. That’s his job. He signed up for it.

So yeah, I don’t hold him to the exact same standard as a mayor. It’s not because of TDS, it’s because there dramatically different positions of authority and responsibility.
Seriously, are you folks able to forget the past 6 weeks that easily?
I never forget. I still remember the things that really actually matter that actually affected lives that you NEVER complain about, like:
  • When Bill Clinton raped an employee then threatened them to keep it to themselves.
  • When the Clintons secretly gave Lorel missile technology to the Chinese.
  • When Bill and Hillary tried to rob the White House with a truck full of its stuff.
  • When Obama told the nation he was going to save them thousands of dollars a year with a bill he KNEW was a total lie.
  • When Obama incited race riots across the country, blamed cops and his AG told the cities to let them loot.
  • When Obama sicked the FBI after journalists wiretapping and wrecking their lives to keep them from doing their jobs.
  • When Hillary ignored hundreds of pleas and let four Americans die to cover her gun-running operation then blamed it on a video.
  • When Hillary had her govn. paid State Dept Staff also working for her private enterprise.
  • When Hillary destroyed 30,000 govn. records kept secretly in her home to cover her illegal activities.
  1. Trump drew a mark on a map where it looked a hurricane might go before it actually fooled everybody and changed direction.
  2. Trump downplaying the virus best as possible early on hoping for the best trying to assuage public fears.
THE FUNNY THING IS that in the first instance, you blamed him for not doing the 2nd thing.
And in the 2nd instance, now you are bitching because he didn't do the FIRST thing!!!! :lmao:

Here's 3 weeks ago:

The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2020
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

Here is Graham causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":

Here is Trump causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":


So what was it about
Shameful, Disgusting Politicians In Modern History?
View attachment 317662 Now we know what AntonioToo spends his days doing! As the economy sags and people lay in hospitals sick, rather than being out helping his community, he's on the Fake Trump Bullshit Say Anything To Get Biden Elected Campaign working around the clock tracking Trump drawing pictures!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hey moron, I'll make you a deal - you don't tell me how to spend MY time and I won't tell you what to do with yours. Mmmmk?

Now back you having zero actual response.
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

Here is Graham causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":

Here is Trump causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":


So what was it about
Shameful, Disgusting Politicians In Modern History?

See my conversation on this subject with Colfax, you steaming pile of hypocritical crap.

You are the one full of crap.

Congress passed the stimulus fairly quickly, especially considering it's unprecedented size of 2.5 times bigger than what was passed under Obama.

Compaints that god forbid there was some disagreement along the way is nothing but politco posturing (which we all know is Graham's middle name).
That is pretty much what Lindsay Graham called her after Nancy accused Trump of causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around" after herself holding up the relief bill for days trying to stuff it full of unrelated, costly pork.

Here is Graham causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":

Here is Trump causing the deaths to Americans by "fiddling around":


So what was it about
Shameful, Disgusting Politicians In Modern History?
View attachment 317662 Now we know what AntonioToo spends his days doing! As the economy sags and people lay in hospitals sick, rather than being out helping his community, he's on the Fake Trump Bullshit Say Anything To Get Biden Elected Campaign working around the clock tracking Trump drawing pictures!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hey moron, I'll make you a deal - you don't tell me how to spend MY time and I won't tell you what to do with yours. Mmmmk?

Now back you having zero actual response.
I WILL tell you how to spend your time when it has NOTHING to do with the topic of my thread, butthole. Take your bullshit elsewhere. If you want to sit up to all hours of the night obsessed with what Trump says, that is YOUR fucking problem.
See my conversation on this subject with Colfax, you steaming pile of hypocritical crap.
Congress passed the stimulus fairly quickly, especially considering it's unprecedented size of 2.5 times bigger than what was passed under Obama.
That must be the "new math" taught you tards. According to my calculator, this relief package is approx. 1.37X bigger than the two quantitative easings Obama did, not 2.5X, and most of that money disappeared down a rabbit hole to his donators and supporters. Bet you had no problem with that.
Holy fucking shit!

You actually believe China Government reported all the infected and deaths?

The same Chinese Government that lied about how the virus was spread and arrested anyone that told the truth?

Until you prove otherwise, um, yeah.

We've now surpassed China in the number of cases and deaths. We've also passed France and Iran, both hard hit countries. It's only a matter of time before we overtake Spain and Italy.
As for your lie that you do not support Bernie or Cortez is a another lie by you because they are what you want as leaders for this country!

Actually, no, I really don't want them as leaders... I voted for Biden when they were still letting us have primaries. I flirted with voting for Bloomberg before he cratered and have frequently referred to Sanders as "Commie Bernie".

Show in any thread of mine or responses by me that I am a pure capitalist?

Doesn't matter, we are all socialists now. How about some socialism that benefits working folks for a change.

I am not but I also know in a Republic that we live in you can get your State to do what you need and not require the Federal Government to make everyone live under the system you want.

We could. But the states don't have the resources of the Federal Government. That's what we found out with Vermont's attempt at single payer.

So before you lecture me asshole you better find where I stated pure capitalism is great and you better know I have wrote many times you assholes should have passed the Nixon/Kennedy plan and not the ACA but no all of you knew better and now where are we at?

Again you do not want Scandinavian Socialism but Yugoslavian Communism and those like you love Stalin until you lived under his regime...

Actually, what I'd like is to have what my Dad had. Membership in a union that protected his job, good pay and good benefits. That's what I'd like. We don't have that anymore because dumbasses like you told us that this was holding us back.

1. Bill de Blasio is the Mayor of New York City and his words and actions or lack of do fucking matter when it can get his people infected and killed!

To ignore the CDC and WHO warning while standing in Chinatown in February telling his people there is nothing to worry about and just wash your hands, keep social distancing and get a flu shot is negligence on the Mayor part!

When did the CDC say not to go to Chinatown? If anything, Chinese resturants were the first places wiped out in the economic deluge brought by Trump's Plague.
2. China Government knew since December 1st 2019 that the Kung Flu Pandemic was dangerous and lied about it and you do not care?

Oh, they told the WHO as of December 29 2019 and Trump did nothing until March according to you.

Okay, the Chinese were less than forthcoming for 28 days. Shame on them.
Trump ignored this problem for three months. And he had the advantage of knowing just how bad the problem was going to be, unlike the Chinese who didn't.

3. When the WHO issued it warnings in late January Trump started to stop all international flights out of China and that was in January and not March and those like you were saying he was racist for doing so!

Which, as I've pointed out many times MADE THE PROBLEM WORSE. When Trump decided to close down air travel, it meant a lot of Americans who were already sick came back in a panicked hurry, spread the virus to a bunch of other people waiting in airports, and spread the disease. It's just balooning up now.

4. I bet if I put an actual timeline up about the events you will slither away and cry it is Trump Plague and China Government did everything they could to protect the world when in fact China Government actions were a month to two months late!

Again- the Chinese government - a third world country with limited medical resources - had no idea what they were dealing with initially... It's one thing to not react in November when it's a handful of cases, it's another to not react in February when there are thousands of cases worldwide.

You have the fucking balls to defend China Government when you know they lied and hid everything about this goddamn virus!

Again, yeah, when you aren't a racist asshole, you put the blame where it belongs... This isn't the first outbreak of something in a third world country and it won't be the last. It was the first to really damage this country because Trump was completely unprepared for Trump Plague.

Also punk I did not vote for Trump and have not been shy to hold him accountable for his failures but I will be damn if I will thumb up your lying ass responses!

From the two links I provided in my response it shows what China Government did and how they knowingly hid facts from the World!

They did not accept WHO help until a month and half after the outbreak in China!

We spend 100 Billion a year on intelligence gathering operations... Whether or not China was forthcoming or not was besides the point. Trump ignored this problem, even called it a "Hoax" when we fully knew how bad it was in China.

You can fake your outrage to my wording when calling the Coronavirus 19 the Kung Flu Pandemic but you blaming Trump for China Government willingness to infect the World is sickening in my eyes!

Actually, quite the contrary, China DID exactly what we should have done. They locked down the affected areas before it could spread, enforced strict quarantines, implemented comprehesive testing. They didn't call it a hoax for three months and downplay the seriousness of it like your hero Trump did.
Had he told the Mayors in Democrat Cities to shut down Chinese New Year or Mardi Gras the media would have attacked him and scream he was overreacting!

Possibly. Maybe if we had a president who was focused on leading, rather than how he looked on TV, that wouldn't be an issue.

"They can appear to themselves, everyday
On closed circuit TV
To make sure they're still real.

It's the only connection they feel"
- Roger Waters, the Fletcher Memorial Home.
Timelines hurt Joe argument while he also said China Government was open and honest.

Joe also used China Government infected and Death total trying to say China Government was better suited at handling a virus they let get out of control!

They've had 80,000 cases and 3300 deaths.

We've had 180,000 cases and 4000 deaths.

Who let this get out of control again?
I never forget. I still remember the things that really actually matter that actually affected lives that you NEVER complain about, like:
  • When Bill Clinton raped an employee then threatened them to keep it to themselves.

His relationship with Monica was consensual.

When the Clintons secretly gave Lorel missile technology to the Chinese.

In order to put satellites we needed into orbit because our demand for them was exceeding the ability of NASA to put them into space.

When Bill and Hillary tried to rob the White House with a truck full of its stuff.

You mean their personal property?

When Obama told the nation he was going to save them thousands of dollars a year with a bill he KNEW was a total lie.

The purpose of the ACA was to make sure everyone was covered, and yes, costs did come down for a lot of people.

When Obama incited race riots across the country, blamed cops and his AG told the cities to let them loot.

Uh, no, the reason we have race riots is because Racist Cops get away with murdering black children. That's why we have race riots. We need to stop doing that.

When Obama sicked the FBI after journalists wiretapping and wrecking their lives to keep them from doing their jobs.

Last time I checked, outing agents was still against the law.

When Hillary ignored hundreds of pleas and let four Americans die to cover her gun-running operation then blamed it on a video.

The guy who launched the attack said it was about the video.

Trump drew a mark on a map where it looked a hurricane might go before it actually fooled everybody and changed direction.

Um, no. When he did that, the hurricane had ALREADY gone somewhere else... he put a mark on it to cover up for the fact he claimed it would hit a place it was never near.

Trump downplaying the virus best as possible early on hoping for the best trying to assuage public fears.

Downplaying fears is what got us into this mess, dummy.

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