Nancy Pelosi gives Democrats an F- for health care


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Inadvertently she gave her own party an F- while deflecting a grade on Trump as an F- on The health care issue that
1) is an issue cause Dems partisan Obama care failed miserably
2) no Dem intended to vote for tweeking it and necessary changes thus sabotaged any passing bill=F- grade is actually theirs.
3) Bills take a while to tweek for all to get on board with for putting forth a more solid plan, they don't all get passed first draft and dems know this and use their sabotage to point fingers but that F- belongs to them.
Last time I checked, this socialist health care was their brain child, they own it.
Bill Clinton called it crazy, thus the orchestrators of Obama care crazy.
The fact it had not been in conjunction with tort reform proves how stupid they are and how corrupt protecting their lawyer brethren over true affordable care for all.
Seriously what schools did these clueless politicians go to? YOU should be concerned not to send your kids to these same institutions as they were breed from.
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Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently.

OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.
Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently.
OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.

You are always welcome to invite your puppet master into the conversation, and as what never existed never shows up you can then ask your magic eight ball or your psychic network phone operator.
On a side note:
I found your 2020 candidate
(pictured below), for the bully baiting, demonizing, "Negative Nancy's", aggitator sock puppets party.

Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently. OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.

You are always welcome to invite your puppet master into the conversation, and as what never existed never shows up you can then ask your magic eight ball or your psychic network phone operator.
On a side note:
I found your 2020 candidate
(pictured below), for the bully baiting, demonizing, "Negative Nancy's", aggitator sock puppets party.

View attachment 123607
You try to bully, fail, then claim others are bullying you. Priceless.
Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently. OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.

You are always welcome to invite your puppet master into the conversation, and as what never existed never shows up you can then ask your magic eight ball or your psychic network phone operator.
On a side note:
I found your 2020 candidate
(pictured below), for the bully baiting, demonizing, "Negative Nancy's", aggitator sock puppets party.

View attachment 123607
You try to bully, fail, then claim others are bullying you. Priceless.

I thought you said I was not the protector, liberator, that Michael (Dan 12:1-4) who stands up and bullies the oppressors and bullies Luciferians?
When Luciferians call you a bully, you are calling me

Thank you! Got any more double negatives to throw at me there Wile E.?
Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently. OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.

You are always welcome to invite your puppet master into the conversation, and as what never existed never shows up you can then ask your magic eight ball or your psychic network phone operator.
On a side note:
I found your 2020 candidate
(pictured below), for the bully baiting, demonizing, "Negative Nancy's", aggitator sock puppets party.

View attachment 123607
You try to bully, fail, then claim others are bullying you. Priceless.
I thought you said I was not the protector, liberator, that Michael (Dan 12:1-4) who stands up and bullies the oppressors and bullies Luciferians?
When Luciferians call you a bully, you are calling me THAT GUY WHO KICKS LUCIFER'S ***. Thank you! Got any more double negatives to throw at me there Wile E.?
Your logic confuses yourself more than others. Try again.
Michael, no she did not, neither deliberately nor inadvertently. OK, go ahead and tell us you as Messiah are right on this.

You are always welcome to invite your puppet master into the conversation, and as what never existed never shows up you can then ask your magic eight ball or your psychic network phone operator.
On a side note:
I found your 2020 candidate
(pictured below), for the bully baiting, demonizing, "Negative Nancy's", aggitator sock puppets party.

View attachment 123607
You try to bully, fail, then claim others are bullying you. Priceless.
I thought you said I was not the protector, liberator, that Michael (Dan 12:1-4) who stands up and bullies the oppressors and bullies Luciferians?
When Luciferians call you a bully, you are calling me THAT GUY WHO KICKS LUCIFER'S ***. Thank you! Got any more double negatives to throw at me there Wile E.?
Your logic confuses yourself more than others. Try again.

No you clearly are saying that
THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS is saying Michael (the Evening Star) is
Bullying Lucifer (the Morning Star).

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this *as to a lamp shining in a dark place*, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19

“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28

· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

That makes you a Luciferian who claims I am bullying you guys.

Leave it to you guys to twist blame and demonize your opponents.
I am clearly saying that you, Michael, are ranting and chanting nonsense. You think you are Messiah. Do you deny that? You will say 'yes' in accordance with the doctrine of silent affirmation if you refuse to answer the question. You are no Messiah.
Jake, I already won this argument.
You are merely showing the sore loser and bullying nature you guys show so well.
BY YOUR OWN ARGUMENT you INADVERTANTLY admitted that Christianity Bullied Jews. When asked:
"Where is your Messiah" and "You are welcome to bring him to discuss in this forum" your reply was either crickets or ad hominem avoidance.
Do you deny that the Morning Star(Lucifer)
is your Messiah?
tmp_24415-MISSING PERSON Milk Carton-909089474.jpg
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Messiah Mike, you think you won because you have said you won. But that is not the criteria for winning. The winning has do with the OP, which you have done nothing about. Your criteria above is laughable.

Are you the Messiah? The doctrine of silent affirmation is now invoked.
Do you or your party ever realize how bad you incriminate yourselves, using your own standards everytime you attack your opponents.
Mirror reflection lesson:
" you (Dems) think you won because you have said you won popular vote."
Mirror reflection:
"The doctrine of silent affirmation about (Your messiah being Lucifer)
is now invoked."
Which means I answered you without you recognizing the answer, because you are the ones with the blinders on. You also realize while trying to make me look like the nut (because you don't understand Judaism or the word anointed), you inadverantly revealed yourself as one of 2 Billion of what you accuse me to be and this is why you are affraid to admit you believe in a flying out of the sky man god.
THE FOLLOWING is HILLARY Clinton's cloud server logo: a fallen morning star symbol.
If the Republicans pass a healthcare bill with no Democrat votes, will the RWnuts attack that as having it 'rammed down our throats' the way they did with Obamacare?

lol, I'm thinking 'no'.
If the Republicans pass a healthcare bill with no Democrat votes, will the RWnuts attack that as having it 'rammed down our throats' the way they did with Obamacare?

lol, I'm thinking 'no'.

There's a big difference.
Republicans wanted to help improve the original plan even though they didn't want one. They ended up right all along and Dem stuborness caused it's I told you so failures.
This time around Dems don't want to help pass a plan or vote at all. It's a politics maneuvering and sabotage without any inkling of working for the people.
Hebrew 101:
Lesson for today:
The word Sawtawn (Satan)=i.e. Accuser, adversary.
Pelosi, Clinton, Warner, Cummings, Schumer, Perez, and that Lady who looks like Lurch from the Adam's Family wearing a scarf= all are Accusers and Adversarys of a functioning successful "stable"(Shalem) gov't.
Sabotaging the "ones who's right it is" (Shiloh).
That makes them Satanists (adversary- accusers)

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