Nadler once called Holder contempt vote ‘shameful,’ now leads charge against Barr

Oh, really, it stated what you said?

“that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.”
How did I make stuff up? The quote I posted came from the OP's link. Correction your link.

You just make stuff up to fit your agenda.
These additional documents were turned over in 2017.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Trump associates have turned over “tens of thousands” of documents to lawmakers probing alleged corruption and abuses of power by the President and his administration, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced Monday evening.

Nadler, whose panel launched a sweeping investigation into Trump world earlier this month, said “a large number” of the 81 people, federal agencies and business entities he demanded documents from on March 4 have complied and forked over records.

“Those documents already number in the tens of thousands,” Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement.
Democrats have obtained ‘tens of thousands’ of documents from Trump associates, entities in sweeping House probe

You also fail to note they have turned over 10’s of thousands to the Senate, the House and Mueller. He never once claimed executive privilege, until now.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Now, suddenly, all that is not good enough. They charge Barr with contempt for nothing other than they don’t like the facts Mueller found him not guilty in a crime that isn’t even a crime to begin with.

And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
It was before his last one. You know when Barr peddled his summary, Trumpybear was all good with the Mueller report, not so much after the public version came out. You don't recall his tweeter-fit? But, my mistake, I thought you meant the fact that the committee "was mum on details about who complied."

Oh, really, it stated what you said?

“that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.”
How did I make stuff up? The quote I posted came from the OP's link. Correction your link.

You just make stuff up to fit your agenda.
These additional documents were turned over in 2017.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Trump associates have turned over “tens of thousands” of documents to lawmakers probing alleged corruption and abuses of power by the President and his administration, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced Monday evening.

Nadler, whose panel launched a sweeping investigation into Trump world earlier this month, said “a large number” of the 81 people, federal agencies and business entities he demanded documents from on March 4 have complied and forked over records.

“Those documents already number in the tens of thousands,” Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement.
Democrats have obtained ‘tens of thousands’ of documents from Trump associates, entities in sweeping House probe

You also fail to note they have turned over 10’s of thousands to the Senate, the House and Mueller. He never once claimed executive privilege, until now.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Now, suddenly, all that is not good enough. They charge Barr with contempt for nothing other than they don’t like the facts Mueller found him not guilty in a crime that isn’t even a crime to begin with.

And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.

Ah, no, it was after the Dems tried to imply it said something other than what it did and decided to play a game and subpoena every Tom, dick and Harry he has ever known, that had nothing to do with Russia. He was fine with the release, itself.
They are playing games. He called them on it.
It was before his last one. You know when Barr peddled his summary, Trumpybear was all good with the Mueller report, not so much after the public version came out. You don't recall his tweeter-fit? But, my mistake, I thought you meant the fact that the committee "was mum on details about who complied."

Oh, really, it stated what you said?

“that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.”
How did I make stuff up? The quote I posted came from the OP's link. Correction your link.

You just make stuff up to fit your agenda.
These additional documents were turned over in 2017.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Trump associates have turned over “tens of thousands” of documents to lawmakers probing alleged corruption and abuses of power by the President and his administration, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced Monday evening.

Nadler, whose panel launched a sweeping investigation into Trump world earlier this month, said “a large number” of the 81 people, federal agencies and business entities he demanded documents from on March 4 have complied and forked over records.

“Those documents already number in the tens of thousands,” Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement.
Democrats have obtained ‘tens of thousands’ of documents from Trump associates, entities in sweeping House probe

You also fail to note they have turned over 10’s of thousands to the Senate, the House and Mueller. He never once claimed executive privilege, until now.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Now, suddenly, all that is not good enough. They charge Barr with contempt for nothing other than they don’t like the facts Mueller found him not guilty in a crime that isn’t even a crime to begin with.

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.

Just have to LOVE hid HYPOCRISY!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., led the charge Wednesday to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress for not handing over documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe -- declaring the move necessary as the country enters a "constitutional crisis."

But Nadler took a very different stance on contempt back in 2012, when House Republicans took the same step against then-AG Eric Holder for refusing to hand over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, where DOJ officials tracked thousands of guns smuggled across the border but did nothing to stop them.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But It was different...........people got killed under Holders leadership!!!
A hypocrite like you and the rest of the ABNORMALS!
Let's recap why Holder was held in contempt because we know how memory is kryptonite to conservatives...

From 2009 to early 2011, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) conducted an operation where they witnessed or found out about illegal firearms sales, but didn't bust them up immediately. Instead, they tried to track the guns after the sale — called "gunwalking" — back to Mexico, to help build a case against higher-ups in cartels. This is something the ATF had done a few times before, including under the Bush administration -- but the ATF lost track of some of the guns, with one being used in the murder of a Border patrol agent -- therefore, Obama murdered border patrol agents.

Holder claimed the ATF didn't do gunwalking anymore, then he had to take that comment back when it showed that the ATF still did gunwalking operations -- it was then ended. Republicans demanded more documents be handed over concerning gun-walking. Holder turns over 10's of thousands of documents, republicans demanded more, Holder refused, he was held in contempt.

Funny how republicans are outraged over the ATF losing track of guns flowing back into Mexico, but don't give a fuck about the Trump admin losing track of live children within the US -- but what else is new.

And no, Obama didn't know about any gun-running programs -- but I understand if you want to believe that the president is aware and involved with every aspect of every operation all of the departments are engaged in -- unless that president is Trump of course, in that case, Trump isn't even aware of operations going on in his own least that is what Trumpers believe

How many ATF agents or higher ups have been indicted or charged for murder by the way?
Uhm, a settlement for the documents, after 7 years has just now been made.
Only last year did the DOJ agree to release any documents.
Let's recap why Holder was held in contempt because we know how memory is kryptonite to conservatives...

From 2009 to early 2011, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) conducted an operation where they witnessed or found out about illegal firearms sales, but didn't bust them up immediately. Instead, they tried to track the guns after the sale — called "gunwalking" — back to Mexico, to help build a case against higher-ups in cartels. This is something the ATF had done a few times before, including under the Bush administration -- but the ATF lost track of some of the guns, with one being used in the murder of a Border patrol agent -- therefore, Obama murdered border patrol agents.

Holder claimed the ATF didn't do gunwalking anymore, then he had to take that comment back when it showed that the ATF still did gunwalking operations -- it was then ended. Republicans demanded more documents be handed over concerning gun-walking. Holder turns over 10's of thousands of documents, republicans demanded more, Holder refused, he was held in contempt.

Funny how republicans are outraged over the ATF losing track of guns flowing back into Mexico, but don't give a fuck about the Trump admin losing track of live children within the US -- but what else is new.

And no, Obama didn't know about any gun-running programs -- but I understand if you want to believe that the president is aware and involved with every aspect of every operation all of the departments are engaged in -- unless that president is Trump of course, in that case, Trump isn't even aware of operations going on in his own least that is what Trumpers believe

How many ATF agents or higher ups have been indicted or charged for murder by the way?
Yeah, because Holder was refusing to turn over documents dealing with the failed Fast and Furious operation that ended up getting a Border Patrol agent killed. Holder deserved to be held in contempt by Congress. Funny how no liberals screamed about a "constitutional crisis" when Holder refused perfectly and entirely justified House subpoenas for Fast and Furious documents.
the failed Fast and Furious operation that ended up getting a Border Patrol agent killed.

So when the patrols commander gave the order for his men to engage the intruders with bean bag shot, who then returned with live, deadly fire, that had less to do with his death than the AFT surveillance program that failed to mitigate AZ lax gun laws?

I thought you cons don't believe that guns kill people, people kill people, right?

The people who killed Agent Terry were caught, convicted and are in jail right now.
Just have to LOVE hid HYPOCRISY!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., led the charge Wednesday to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress for not handing over documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe -- declaring the move necessary as the country enters a "constitutional crisis."

But Nadler took a very different stance on contempt back in 2012, when House Republicans took the same step against then-AG Eric Holder for refusing to hand over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, where DOJ officials tracked thousands of guns smuggled across the border but did nothing to stop them.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But It was different...........people got killed under Holders leadership!!!
Not on the same planet, bot
And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!
And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight
Last edited:
The mantra “do as I say not as I do” continues!
To think a majority in his district voted for the fool.
And that lawless Holder being to scared of

Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
Yeah I remember that mean old Obummer not allowing anyone to deliver any requested documents too. And that lawless Holder being to scared of the House Republicans' questions the he refused to testify........(proly shat himself too.)

No, wait, never mind.
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
Good god.... Dem grammar again....

I'll tell you what bigoted treasonous kleptocratic coward Eric Holder is TOO SCARED of....


OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
You forget Trump has turned over thousands upon thousands of documents already, as well as what Mueller received-
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe

The sweeping request came as the Judiciary Committee kicked off its broad investigation into the president.
The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied.

“I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a statement on Monday, the deadline for document requests the committee sent on March 4.

"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.
OMG thirty lashes with a wet noodle.......Oh the shame.....How can I go on?
"81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents as part of the panel’s wide-ranging investigation into obstruction of justice allegations against President Donald Trump — but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

I wonder if Trumpybear was one of them? Besides, that was before his last sissy fit when he found out what Mueller's report actually reveals.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.

That makes it even funnier. You think he lied about the 10% responding.
noone complied. executive privilege was invoked. you must have missed that news. Most probably cause what you watch doesn't actually do news. just saying. it's out there for you!

No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.

That makes it even funnier. You think he lied about the 10% responding.
yeah I do. fk dude, he's subpoenaed a AG for a document he already has!! can't much more stupid then that. just saying the knives aren't sharp there.
No one? Really?

"The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it received responses from a “large number” of the 81 individuals and entities who were asked to provide documents....."

That's from Depotoo btw, I guess I could have read it wrong......

Nadler: ‘Tens of thousands’ of documents delivered in Trump obstruction probe
funny how they fake shit eh?

Trump officials prepared to stonewall Democratic oversight demands

here's what they claim

House Judiciary receives 8 responses to 81 Trump document requests


Trump's executive privilege strategy could mean messy fight

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.

That makes it even funnier. You think he lied about the 10% responding.
yeah I do. fk dude, he's subpoenaed a AG for a document he already has!! can't much more stupid then that. just saying the knives aren't sharp there.

Dude, the subpoena is for the redacted information, not what was released to the public.

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.

That makes it even funnier. You think he lied about the 10% responding.
yeah I do. fk dude, he's subpoenaed a AG for a document he already has!! can't much more stupid then that. just saying the knives aren't sharp there.

Dude, the subpoena is for the redacted information, not what was released to the public.
Nadler has everything except the grand jury names. that's not his to see. that's against the law to give him those names. he should know that. but he has everything else. And, he hasn't looked at it. and then he subpoena's it. too fking funny. what a derp.

Funny how wordsmithery is now fake shit.

The key in Depotoo's link was "large number.......but the committee was mum on details about who complied."

It works on both sides because it is what the audience wants to hear.
but there is a list. you asked for a list. it's fake, but there is a list. I presented the link. you really think George Pappadopolis complied? really? he's gonna be on a suing train shortly, he can't risk that exposure. so the mere fact his name was in the list disproves the list.

That makes it even funnier. You think he lied about the 10% responding.
yeah I do. fk dude, he's subpoenaed a AG for a document he already has!! can't much more stupid then that. just saying the knives aren't sharp there.

Dude, the subpoena is for the redacted information, not what was released to the public.
yes, the patriot act gives the house intelligence committee carte blanche access to this sort of classified info.

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