my next door neighbor keeps letting my cat in his home


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
My cat Mindy is an outdoor only cat since I got her from my neighbor across the street who had to go into a home. They (Mindy has a twin sister) have fresh food water every day and my B.I.L. Built them both a cat shelter (insulated).

My neighbor is very quiet and keeps to himself. He is about 45 years old, I'm 42. 2 days ago I realized I had not seen her for a couple days so I was worried. I put out flyers on Tuesday afternoon. I went to my next door neighbors house to find he said he took her in. I asked him if I could have my cat. He had said that she did not know she was mine etc etc.. I explained to him I cannot take her in my house as we already have 4 cats inside. Mindy is an outdoor only cat and so is her sister and they love it outdoors. Mindy is friendly with everyone and all my neighbors know I take care of her/ she is mine. No collars because they are dangerous for outdoor cats.

My neighbor (we will call him MIKE). Mike is pretty laid back and a bit weird? He is a nice guy but I am a bit wary. I asked Mike if he WANTED a cat or catS BECAUSE HE TOOK TWO of my cats in (yes, it is cold). Pretty Kitty is the other cat I take care of. She is also very friendly. I'm very attached to all my cats and love them to death. I wish I could take them all in.

Anyway, after talking w/ Mike he got both cats for me and they came outside. I immediately gave Mindy some of her fav. moist food (its cold here now) and refilled her water again. I told Mike thanks for taking them in but they are fine outside and are my cats. (Mindy also needed emerg vet service 2 or 3 years ago= 1500 I paid).

Keep in mind this was Tuesday afternoon. Yesterday (Wed) after getting ready for work, Mindy is no where to be found- I know she is inside Mike's AGAIN. I leave a note before work and when I get home Mindy is on my porch saying hello. I go over to Mikes and let him know AGAIN (VERY POLITELY) WHY Mindy is outside and how she is fine; has food/water/shelter etc... and to please not let her in or IF she does run in (she ran in his house as we were talking; Mindy follows me everywhere when she is left alone) to get her out right away. Mindy seems to now be used to Mike's porch and supposedly she sits near his door lately (well duh- you let her in several nights in a row now).
So I'm thinking "ok Kevin (me) its all good now, Mindy will be waiting for you in her insulated cat shelter with her sister after you get home from work tonight). GUESS WHAT!? She was no where to be found and I know Mikes got her inside his house again with the other outdoor cat too who I love feed and take care off everyday for 3 years now.

I AM PISSED! But I keep cool- its 12 am now as I write one more polite but to the point note to Mike letting him know please leave Mindy alone and outside; if she runs in please put her outside right away. I reminded him why she is outside and they have all they need on my porch. Is is that hard to not let the cat in?

I put my note inside his mailbox hanging out so he will see it this mornin (Thursday morning) before he goes to work. BTW, Keep in mind I straight out asked him" do you like cats; do you want cats etc..". He said straight up "no". So there is no reason for him to "want" cats in his house.

(side fact; When I was in his house on Tuesday afternoon, I saw Mike actually made a cat box from a dresser drawer and filled it with cat litter, lol.)

So my question is What should I do next? I;m not stupid enough to not know that Mindy will go wherever she wants; yeah- I get it... but once your neighbor (me) politely asked you (Mike) multiple times to please NOT LET your(my) cats in his house, AND HE STILL LETS THEM IN............. I don't know what he feeds them in there...prob. not enough etc.. and not only that they both like it outdoors its just that its cold and he keeps letting them in; not blaming the cats- I love them both. I told him also Mindy's sister is very upset that Mindy is missing so often lately. Like wth!?

As cat lovers plmk your honest advice. Btw I know I will get some at least she is warm inside etc.. yes I understand that, but she is not his cat #1 and #2 she has shelter on my porch, food, water, love, her sister etc..). I mean last winter was much colder and I never had this problem. Like I said too; supposedly he does not even want a cat.????????????? In my 25 years living here I have never had this situation happen. I have always had outdoor cats too, as well as my indoor cats.
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Dude, who gives a fuck? I got to about 3/4 of the way down your first paragraph and said somebody just shoot me in the ass or something. Cats are for lesbians. Dogs are for men.

Oh I understand whats a happening here.. Are you high? Dude, lay off the pipe. This is the biggest buzz kill thread of all fucking time. You made me say Jesus Christ the lords name in vein. Wasted time here. Shit.
Dude, who gives a fuck? I got to about 3/4 of the way down your first paragraph and said somebody just shoot me in the ass or something. Cats are for lesbians. Dogs are for men.

Oh I understand whats a happening here.. Are you high? Dude, lay off the pipe. This is the biggest buzz kill thread of all fucking time. You made me say Jesus Christ the lords name in vein. Wasted time here. Shit.

I like dogs too, and lions who I'll be working with in the near future. Please stay out of my thread.
I thought post number 1 was pretty lame.

Until I read post number 2.

important enough for you to comment. Welcome to ignore, both of you. Serious replies only please. Obv. these 2 idiots are not cat lovers.

Ironic since I posted that with my cat nuzzled on my left shoulder. His usual spot.

The lack of clue is rampant here.
My cat Mindy is an outdoor only cat since I got her from my neighbor across the street who had to go into a home. They (Mindy has a twin sister) have fresh food water every day and my B.I.L. Built them both a cat shelter (insulated).

My neighbor is very quiet and keeps to himself. He is about 45 years old, I'm 42. 2 days ago I realized I had not seen her for a couple days so I was worried. I put out flyers on Tuesday afternoon. I went to my next door neighbors house to find he said he took her in. I asked him if I could have my cat. He had said that she did not know she was mine etc etc.. I explained to him I cannot take her in my house as we already have 4 cats inside. Mindy is an outdoor only cat and so is her sister and they love it outdoors. Mindy is friendly with everyone and all my neighbors know I take care of her/ she is mine. No collars because they are dangerous for outdoor cats.

My neighbor (we will call him MIKE). Mike is pretty laid back and a bit weird? He is a nice guy but I am a bit wary. I asked Mike if he WANTED a cat or catS BECAUSE HE TOOK TWO of my cats in (yes, it is cold). Pretty Kitty is the other cat I take care of. She is also very friendly. I'm very attached to all my cats and love them to death. I wish I could take them all in.

Anyway, after talking w/ Mike he got both cats for me and they came outside. I immediately gave Mindy some of her fav. moist food (its cold here now) and refilled her water again. I told Mike thanks for taking them in but they are fine outside and are my cats. (Mindy also needed emerg vet service 2 or 3 years ago= 1500 I paid).

Keep in mind this was Tuesday afternoon. Yesterday (Wed) after getting ready for work, Mindy is no where to be found- I know she is inside Mike's AGAIN. I leave a note before work and when I get home Mindy is on my porch saying hello. I go over to Mikes and let him know AGAIN (VERY POLITELY) WHY Mindy is outside and how she is fine; has food/water/shelter etc... and to please not let her in or IF she does run in (she ran in his house as we were talking; Mindy follows me everywhere when she is left alone) to get her out right away. Mindy seems to now be used to Mike's porch and supposedly she sits near his door lately (well duh- you let her in several nights in a row now).
So I'm thinking "ok Kevin (me) its all good now, Mindy will be waiting for you in her insulated cat shelter with her sister after you get home from work tonight). GUESS WHAT!? She was no where to be found and I know Mikes got her inside his house again with the other outdoor cat too who I love feed and take care off everyday for 3 years now.

I AM PISSED! But I keep cool- its 12 am now as I write one more polite but to the point note to Mike letting him know please leave Mindy alone and outside; if she runs in please put her outside right away. I reminded him why she is outside and they have all they need on my porch. Is is that hard to not let the cat in?

I put my note inside his mailbox hanging out so he will see it this mornin (Thursday morning) before he goes to work. BTW, Keep in mind I straight out asked him" do you like cats; do you want cats etc..". He said straight up "no". So there is no reason for him to "want" cats in his house.

(side fact; When I was in his house on Tuesday afternoon, I saw Mike actually made a cat box from a dresser drawer and filled it with cat litter, lol.)

So my question is What should I do next? I;m not stupid enough to not know that Mindy will go wherever she wants; yeah- I get it... but once your neighbor (me) politely asked you (Mike) multiple times to please NOT LET your(my) cats in his house, AND HE STILL LETS THEM IN............. I don't know what he feeds them in there...prob. not enough etc.. and not only that they both like it outdoors its just that its cold and he keeps letting them in; not blaming the cats- I love them both. I told him also Mindy's sister is very upset that Mindy is missing so often lately. Like wth!?

As cat lovers plmk your honest advice. Btw I know I will get some at least she is warm inside etc.. yes I understand that, but she is not his cat #1 and #2 she has shelter on my porch, food, water, love, her sister etc..). I mean last winter was much colder and I never had this problem. Like I said too; supposedly he does not even want a cat.????????????? In my 25 years living here I have never had this situation happen. I have always had outdoor cats too, as well as my indoor cats.
The cat obviously has good sense.
What do you do? That's a peculiar problem. He doesn't seem to listening, so it's intentional. You don't want a pissed off neighbor for the next ten years, but you'd like to be able to keep your own pets!
Does your cat get along with others? What if you found a cat (newspaper or wherever) and ask your neighbor if he wouldn't mind taking care of it for you until you can find it a good home because it isn't getting along well with your other cats. Make it a female so Mindy and it won't want to be in the same domain.
It's kind of extreme, but short of taking out a restraining order, I can't think of anything else that won't end in bad feelings.
What a weird neighbor.
You might have to share her or let her go.

edit...If he pisses her off she won't hang around him. Your range may be overstocked.
What do you do? That's a peculiar problem. He doesn't seem to listening, so it's intentional. You don't want a pissed off neighbor for the next ten years, but you'd like to be able to keep your own pets!
Does your cat get along with others? What if you found a cat (newspaper or wherever) and ask your neighbor if he wouldn't mind taking care of it for you until you can find it a good home because it isn't getting along well with your other cats. Make it a female so Mindy and it won't want to be in the same domain.
It's kind of extreme, but short of taking out a restraining order, I can't think of anything else that won't end in bad feelings.
What a weird neighbor.

thanks I.R. , but no. I have had your reply only and 3 lib idiots. Karma's a bitch and if they have dog or pet....................
Tom, both my daughter and I have housed outside cats. Some just prefer it. Especially if they have been feral for awhile. The cat my daughter housed and fed, was an outside city cat that liked the food and shelter, but not her. Outside is an animal's natural habitat. It's not cruel, especially if they are being vetted, fed and watered, and sheltered.
I thought post number 1 was pretty lame.

Until I read post number 2.

important enough for you to comment. Welcome to ignore, both of you. Serious replies only please. Obv. these 2 idiots are not cat lovers.
Well, I'm going to take it seriously. I think it's a serious problem. Your neighbor is not respecting you. It's like taking away your property, except it is property you love and are emotionally attached to. It's like coming between you and your kids. He is very wrong to do what he is doing.

I wonder, do you have a garage? Can you house them in the garage, make a cat door for them to go in and out and have more safety and warmth? Can you put some kind of heated padding down in the cat shelter for them? They are going into his house because he is providing warmth and probably extra food. He wants the joy of having the animals around, but he does not want the responsibility of owning an animal. If one of them gets sick, ten to one he will not want to pay for any vet bills. I don't like this guy at all. I can see why you are mad.

I'll think about it some more. Right now I don't have any other ideas.
ok, lets make this short for those who don't wanna read a novel.

1. neighbor takes my outdoor-only cat inside his house.

2. says he doesn't want a cat.

3. lets my cat out when I go to his house.

4. keeps letting cat in his house though later at night.

5. i keep letting him know shes mine but she cannot come in my house because of other cats in my house and she has food shelter water everyday at my house on porch. As well as her twin sister misses her a lot.

6. I go to work, come home and shes back in his house, again (2 days in a row now) AFTER telling him she is mine and she is ok outside.

7. rinse, repeat. He says he does not want the cat.

eta- I tell him the reason she keeps wanting to go in his house is because he let her in already (duh).

8. don't know what to do next after leaving another friendly note in his mailbox. Me thinking call humane society or police if I have to (last resort).
Because you aren't prepared to take her inside and you can't control her.

He's ashamed to say he'd like her so he lies. If he gets bored with her he will stop letting her in. If he pisses her off she will leave. If neither of those things happens then she's found herself a better home, she's a cat, that's what they do.

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