My hypothesis about God/gods

Reading your sig there Jim about NSA spying it occured to me that the way people talk to gods that don't exist might work better if they picked up a phone and began talking to whatever spook is listening. :)

"Forgive me Agent for I have sinned..." :)
Reading your sig there Jim about NSA spying it occured to me that the way people talk to gods that don't exist might work better if they picked up a phone and began talking to whatever spook is listening. :)

"Forgive me Agent for I have sinned..." :)

lol, but God does exist, we know that from the impossibility of eternal flow of time. Something eternal must have started the flow of time at one point or another because of the impossibility of an infinite regression of time.
Gods are a human invention used as a coping mechanism to deal with the fear of what was not understood.
Gods are a human invention used as a coping mechanism to deal with the fear of what was not understood.

Easy to say, but you cant prove it.

This myth of atheism is a preference on your part, but atheism is fundamentally flawed.

Strong Atheism that claims there is proof God does not exist suffers from the impossibility of such an endeavor. No one can go to every place in the universe and show that God is not there.

Weak Atheism claims that the lack of evidence proves God does not exist but even a first year science major learns that 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'

And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

But it doesn't. The monsters are still there, and you either face them (the challenges of life and evil bastards) and defeat them or you get eaten alive.

God wont give you a pass just because you claim you are an atheist, no, not at all.
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Gods are a human invention used as a coping mechanism to deal with the fear of what was not understood.

Easy to say, but you cant prove it.

This myth of atheism is a preference on your part, but atheism is fundamentally flawed.

Strong Atheism that claims there is proof God does not exist suffers from the impossibility of such an endeavor. No one can go to every place in the universe and show that God is not there.

Weak Atheism claims that the lack of evidence proves God does not exist but even a first year science major learns that 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'

And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

But it doesn't. The monsters are still there, and you either face them (the challenges of life and evil bastards) and defeat them or you get eaten alive.

God wont give you a pass just because you claim you are an atheist, no, not at all.

I didn't claim to be an atheist did I?

But let's look at the history of gods and religion.

People worshiped many gods related to weather, fertility, the earth all for specific reasons. And this is universal across all cultures.

Why is that? Could it be since we are all basically the same physiologically that our brains would naturally respond similarly?

People believed in all these gods without proof of their existence just like people believe in their own particular one god.

The last two questions we can't answer about our environment are

"How did the universe get here?" and
"What happens after we die?"

We conveniently hold onto the notion of a god to explain away the confusion and fear.

The fact is we may never be able to understand the universe on the level needed to explain it just as my dog will never be able t understand algebra.

As far as death is concerned the after life is just a bed time story to quell our fears of death.
And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God. That that seems irrelevant to them, it is in fact comforting since it reinforces their belief that this lack of proof is what God requres for free will. Maybe. I have no problem respecting their faith so long as they don't try to force it on me.

What I object to is their distain for those of us who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion. We are either evil or stupid or ignorant. I like to think none of those are true for me, I just value logic over faith. Any distain I feel for them comes when they attack and distort the available evidence that generations have amassed.
And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God. That that seems irrelevant to them, it is in fact comforting since it reinforces their belief that this lack of proof is what God requres for free will. Maybe. I have no problem respecting their faith so long as they don't try to force it on me.

What I object to is their distain for those of us who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion. We are either evil or stupid or ignorant. I like to think none of those are true for me, I just value logic over faith. Any distain I feel for them comes when they attack and distort the available evidence that generations have amassed.

What Christian has tried forcing their religion on you?

A Christian has a duty to spread the word about Christ, it is Jesus' command that they do so. You nor anyone else has even been forced to listen.
And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God. That that seems irrelevant to them, it is in fact comforting since it reinforces their belief that this lack of proof is what God requres for free will. Maybe. I have no problem respecting their faith so long as they don't try to force it on me.

What I object to is their distain for those of us who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion. We are either evil or stupid or ignorant. I like to think none of those are true for me, I just value logic over faith. Any distain I feel for them comes when they attack and distort the available evidence that generations have amassed.

What Christian has tried forcing their religion on you?

A Christian has a duty to spread the word about Christ, it is Jesus' command that they do so. You nor anyone else has even been forced to listen.

I believe many of our laws are based on theology, mostly Christian theology. Two that come to my mind are abortion and same-sex marriage. Both tied more to Christian morality than science and rationality. There are a host of minor laws that prohibit what can be done on Sundays but they don't really bother me much.

Christians that want to talk to me and offer their point of view are always welcome, I have found the vast majority to be polite and respectful and generally good people.
Gods are a human invention used as a coping mechanism to deal with the fear of what was not understood.

Easy to say, but you cant prove it.

This myth of atheism is a preference on your part, but atheism is fundamentally flawed.

Strong Atheism that claims there is proof God does not exist suffers from the impossibility of such an endeavor. No one can go to every place in the universe and show that God is not there.

Weak Atheism claims that the lack of evidence proves God does not exist but even a first year science major learns that 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'

And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

But it doesn't. The monsters are still there, and you either face them (the challenges of life and evil bastards) and defeat them or you get eaten alive.

God wont give you a pass just because you claim you are an atheist, no, not at all.

I didn't claim to be an atheist did I?

But let's look at the history of gods and religion.

People worshiped many gods related to weather, fertility, the earth all for specific reasons. And this is universal across all cultures.

Why is that? Could it be since we are all basically the same physiologically that our brains would naturally respond similarly?

People believed in all these gods without proof of their existence just like people believe in their own particular one god.

The last two questions we can't answer about our environment are

"How did the universe get here?" and
"What happens after we die?"

We conveniently hold onto the notion of a god to explain away the confusion and fear.

The fact is we may never be able to understand the universe on the level needed to explain it just as my dog will never be able t understand algebra.

As far as death is concerned the after life is just a bed time story to quell our fears of death.

lol, nothing but a long winded narrative that amounts to nothing more than your opinion and preference, i.e. what a bunch of rationalization for ignoring systematic morality.

That the Creator exists is simply fact, a fact you would prefer to ignore.

Fine by me, just stop acting like you have facts and reason on your side; you don't.
And so all of atheism amounts to is willful ignorance, most often incited by fear of guilt of one kind or another. Atheists are like small children who close their eyes and cover their face with their hands and think that makes the monsters go away.

Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God.

It has been proven repeatedly for many generations, Nimrod.
Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God. That that seems irrelevant to them, it is in fact comforting since it reinforces their belief that this lack of proof is what God requres for free will. Maybe. I have no problem respecting their faith so long as they don't try to force it on me.

What I object to is their distain for those of us who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion. We are either evil or stupid or ignorant. I like to think none of those are true for me, I just value logic over faith. Any distain I feel for them comes when they attack and distort the available evidence that generations have amassed.

What Christian has tried forcing their religion on you?

A Christian has a duty to spread the word about Christ, it is Jesus' command that they do so. You nor anyone else has even been forced to listen.

I believe many of our laws are based on theology, mostly Christian theology. Two that come to my mind are abortion and same-sex marriage. Both tied more to Christian morality than science and rationality. There are a host of minor laws that prohibit what can be done on Sundays but they don't really bother me much.

Christians that want to talk to me and offer their point of view are always welcome, I have found the vast majority to be polite and respectful and generally good people.

Christians vote based on their beliefs like everyone else, so when the public is 80% Christian of one kind or another, that means we will get laws that are in keeping with Christian precepts unless the courts force antithetical laws on us.

Live with it or emigrate to a nonChristian country; hey, I know, how about ISIL? I hear there are lots of vacancies in Mosul now.
Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God. That that seems irrelevant to them, it is in fact comforting since it reinforces their belief that this lack of proof is what God requres for free will. Maybe. I have no problem respecting their faith so long as they don't try to force it on me.

What I object to is their distain for those of us who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion. We are either evil or stupid or ignorant. I like to think none of those are true for me, I just value logic over faith. Any distain I feel for them comes when they attack and distort the available evidence that generations have amassed.

What Christian has tried forcing their religion on you?

A Christian has a duty to spread the word about Christ, it is Jesus' command that they do so. You nor anyone else has even been forced to listen.

I believe many of our laws are based on theology, mostly Christian theology. Two that come to my mind are abortion and same-sex marriage. Both tied more to Christian morality than science and rationality. There are a host of minor laws that prohibit what can be done on Sundays but they don't really bother me much.

Christians that want to talk to me and offer their point of view are always welcome, I have found the vast majority to be polite and respectful and generally good people.

What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages. Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?
I think the belief of gods came about to impose order onto society before large-scale governments and nations existed. Also, because much of the world works by way of counter-intuitive thinking, explaining things as being because God did it was more satisfying than microscopic germs caused the ifnection killing your kid. Demons did it because our village has been naughty was easier to accept.

And when you have a lot of discrete little settlements each doing their own thing, ensuring everyone works together instead of competing with each other and warring is only achievable if everyone's on the same page. So you invent a powerful deity who'll punish you if you do anti-social things until we all learn how to get along.

Fast foward thousands of years to now, and we have governments and laws doing what religions used to. But religions became so powerful that the ones earning their livings from them naturally don't want to relinquish that power so they compete with law and governments.

Bit by bit though, religions are falling away as people see the truth. If your 'all-powerful' god never actually does anything, then why continue to surrender your will to it? We surrender our will to governments because all the conjecture and disbelief in the world wont alter the fact that police can come arrest you if you start breaking its' commandments (i.e. laws.)

We've developed to the point where we don't need fairy stories to understand why things happen. We have science. We don't need justice in the afterlife because we have justice immediately and swiftly.

We don't need God any more.

When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

...Well, except when wrapping up points with something clever. :)

That's about where I was ten or fifteen years ago. But I think you're missing some key ways in which gods impact the world, and the roles they play in human affairs. These days, I see gods as real entities, every bit as real as we are. The difference being that, rather than being contained by one brain, gods exist across a network of believers' brains, guiding them toward consistent values and goals.

A lot of people take my view as synonymous with saying that gods are 'imaginary', but it's more subtle than that. They're no more imaginary that the entity we call the 'mind', which is, after all, nothing more than the thoughts and remembered experiences which form our consciousness. Gods are real as we are and interact with the same world that we do.
Believers rightly say there is no proof there is no God. Of course they are unable to prove there is a God.

It has been proven repeatedly for many generations, Nimrod.[/QUOTE]

Unproven and unproveable.

There are many things we don't know but to attribute our ignorance to God is just compounding our ignorance. We don't know how the universe came to be, there may have been a creator or it may always have existed. Same with natures laws and forces.

Even if you insist there must have been a creator it is a gigantic, unsupportable leap to say it was the God of the Bible. Zero evidence for that and plenty of evidence against it.
Christians vote based on their beliefs like everyone else, so when the public is 80% Christian of one kind or another, that means we will get laws that are in keeping with Christian precepts unless the courts force antithetical laws on us.

They are welcome to vote anyway they chose, that is their right, but if they base their vote on their religion they are forcing their religion on me.

If I lived in a Muslim neighborhood and everyone there voted for Sharia Law they are forcing their religion on me. No difference.
What Christian has tried forcing their religion on you?

A Christian has a duty to spread the word about Christ, it is Jesus' command that they do so. You nor anyone else has even been forced to listen.

I believe many of our laws are based on theology, mostly Christian theology. Two that come to my mind are abortion and same-sex marriage. Both tied more to Christian morality than science and rationality. There are a host of minor laws that prohibit what can be done on Sundays but they don't really bother me much.

Christians that want to talk to me and offer their point of view are always welcome, I have found the vast majority to be polite and respectful and generally good people.

What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages. Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?

I answered your question, sorry you don't like my answer but I'll stand behind it. I will note that it was the courts in the two examples you cited that reversed previous restictive laws.
I believe many of our laws are based on theology, mostly Christian theology. Two that come to my mind are abortion and same-sex marriage. Both tied more to Christian morality than science and rationality. There are a host of minor laws that prohibit what can be done on Sundays but they don't really bother me much.

Christians that want to talk to me and offer their point of view are always welcome, I have found the vast majority to be polite and respectful and generally good people.

What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages. Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?

I answered your question, sorry you don't like my answer but I'll stand behind it. I will note that it was the courts in the two examples you cited that reversed previous restictive laws.

Your answer was rather pathetic and really didn't address the question asked.

You implied that laws pertaining to abortion and same sex marriages somehow forced you to adhere to a religious dogma. When I pressed the issue you do what most lame assed liberals do, you ducked and ran.

Tell me is Christianity the only religion that generally opposes abortion and same sex marriages?
What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages. Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?

I answered your question, sorry you don't like my answer but I'll stand behind it. I will note that it was the courts in the two examples you cited that reversed previous restictive laws.

Your answer was rather pathetic and really didn't address the question asked.

You implied that laws pertaining to abortion and same sex marriages somehow forced you to adhere to a religious dogma. When I pressed the issue you do what most lame assed liberals do, you ducked and ran.

Tell me is Christianity the only religion that generally opposes abortion and same sex marriages?

<I mucked up the text, sorry about any confusion>

The question you asked: What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages.

There are plenty of "personhood" laws being proposed. I don't happen to feel those are based on reason or science. Many states sanction same sex marriages but many states do not. Again I think the main opposition comes from a Christian interpretation of scripture.

The question you asked: Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?

I wanted to buy some alcohol last Sunday but the store was closed.

The question you asked: Tell me is Christianity the only religion that generally opposes abortion and same sex marriages?

Christianity is no better or worse than any other religion but it is the only religion with enough clout in the US to affect me.
I answered your question, sorry you don't like my answer but I'll stand behind it. I will note that it was the courts in the two examples you cited that reversed previous restictive laws.

Your answer was rather pathetic and really didn't address the question asked.

You implied that laws pertaining to abortion and same sex marriages somehow forced you to adhere to a religious dogma. When I pressed the issue you do what most lame assed liberals do, you ducked and ran.

Tell me is Christianity the only religion that generally opposes abortion and same sex marriages?

<I mucked up the text, sorry about any confusion>

The question you asked: What specific laws are you referring to? Roe v Wade made abortion legal, many states sanction same sex marriages.

There are plenty of "personhood" laws being proposed. I don't happen to feel those are based on reason or science. Many states sanction same sex marriages but many states do not. Again I think the main opposition comes from a Christian interpretation of scripture.

The question you asked: Answer my question, who has forced their religion on you?

I wanted to buy some alcohol last Sunday but the store was closed.

The question you asked: Tell me is Christianity the only religion that generally opposes abortion and same sex marriages?

Christianity is no better or worse than any other religion but it is the only religion with enough clout in the US to affect me.

How is a store being closed forcing a religion on you?
I think the belief of gods came about to impose order onto society before large-scale governments and nations existed. Also, because much of the world works by way of counter-intuitive thinking, explaining things as being because God did it was more satisfying than microscopic germs caused the ifnection killing your kid. Demons did it because our village has been naughty was easier to accept.

And when you have a lot of discrete little settlements each doing their own thing, ensuring everyone works together instead of competing with each other and warring is only achievable if everyone's on the same page. So you invent a powerful deity who'll punish you if you do anti-social things until we all learn how to get along.

Fast foward thousands of years to now, and we have governments and laws doing what religions used to. But religions became so powerful that the ones earning their livings from them naturally don't want to relinquish that power so they compete with law and governments.

Bit by bit though, religions are falling away as people see the truth. If your 'all-powerful' god never actually does anything, then why continue to surrender your will to it? We surrender our will to governments because all the conjecture and disbelief in the world wont alter the fact that police can come arrest you if you start breaking its' commandments (i.e. laws.)

We've developed to the point where we don't need fairy stories to understand why things happen. We have science. We don't need justice in the afterlife because we have justice immediately and swiftly.

We don't need God any more.

When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

...Well, except when wrapping up points with something clever. :)

Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that?s not a joke

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