My High School Teacher's reason to vote Biden:


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

He has a felony
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

He has a felony
I had my rights restored, but my firearms rights are strictly limited to "One long barrel shotgun."
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

Myself? I am fucking sick and tired of this breed of defeatist attitude among conservatives, this willingness to surrender for destruction the two and a half centuries of our nation's life and to lay down at the feet of psycho leftists and await slaughter.
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.


Nice piece. Now what do you plan to do with it? In order to be effective in battle, in order to survive five minutes beyond the first shot, any self-proclaimed or tasked designated defensive or offensive marksman or battlefield assassin (sniper) must have in place around him a highly effective support system in the form of spotter(s), security, a rapid reaction force, a supply chain, air and ground support and on and on. You fire that rifle at the "enemy" without support and they will chew you up within minutes.
Nice piece. Now what do you plan to do with it? In order to be effective in battle, in order to survive five minutes beyond the first shot, any self-proclaimed or tasked designated defensive or offensive marksman or battlefield assassin (sniper) must have in place around him a highly effective support system in the form of spotter(s), security, a rapid reaction force, a supply chain, air and ground support and on and on. You fire that rifle at the "enemy" without support and they will chew you up within minutes.

Basically this, he/she said logistics will be insufficient and most citizens will snitch/betray anyone who fights just to get a leg up in the new pecking order and/or exempt themselves from oblivion for having previously supported conservative causes.
It's a pure numbers game at this point. It isn't about who is right or who has the most guns. This could be the last election where the GOP even has a CHANCE at the Presidency. I live in Arizona and have watched the shifting demographics for the last 3 decades. Texas is in the same boat. I don't even know why the Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College, in a few years it will be essentially a rubber stamp with a big "D" on it unless something drastic happens.
I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind?

Yes, that.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

So your mentor is bitter about the failure of his crank philosophy. He'll die unhappy, by his own choice.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

You're choosing to be terrified over nonsense. It's not necessary. At some level, it seems you enjoy being frightened. That's a trait common to conservatives, and it's what allows them to be manipulated so easily by authoritarian masters.
Nice piece. Now what do you plan to do with it? In order to be effective in battle, in order to survive five minutes beyond the first shot, any self-proclaimed or tasked designated defensive or offensive marksman or battlefield assassin (sniper) must have in place around him a highly effective support system in the form of spotter(s), security, a rapid reaction force, a supply chain, air and ground support and on and on. You fire that rifle at the "enemy" without support and they will chew you up within minutes.

Basically this, he/she said logistics will be insufficient and most citizens will snitch/betray anyone who fights just to get a leg up in the new pecking order and/or exempt themselves from oblivion for having previously supported conservative causes.

The BLM and Democrats also have a lot of big money and Wall Street behind them meaning they have the logistical and management skills paying for these vermin to bring down the country, and then the big corporations move in and take over. The BLM and the rest are merely hired street vermin; their job is to get rid of the last opposition to 'globalist' labor racketeering and a salve economy left in the U.S., mostly white proles and a fat dumbed down ' middle class'. Blame it on the vapidity of affluenza, for the most part. Remember tht both Parties leadership work together to flood the country with the illegals now looming large and the 'out-sourcing' of our most productive jobs and supported the technology transfers to most of the nasty regimes on the planet. The demographic of patriots and proles who opposed 'Globalism' and all that at the polls has to go as far as they're concerned, so fire up the ovens.
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Smart man and he's right..............The shit going on today needs to be beaten down as harsh as the rioters give..........but it doesn't happen.........because they have been brain washing this country down to the Stupidity of Today...........The LSD traitors of our time grew up brain dead and then brain washed the next generation with their MINDLESS ........BS.
The refrain of the most entitled and pampered generation of humans who ever lived, the American baby boomer. They grew up in almost unimaginable abundance and opportunity and are now trying to take America with them when they go. They cry about everything changing but never did a damned thing to insure that anyone that came after them had anything more than a lousy plutocracy, a polluted depleted planet and a pile of unpaid bills.
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

Now listen to that....

If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen

I've heard this now a dozen times.

That's terrorism. "If you don't vote they way we want, there will be bloodshed and chaos in the streets"

What a more clearer example of terrorism?
The refrain of the most entitled and pampered generation of humans who ever lived, the American baby boomer. They grew up in almost unimaginable abundance and opportunity and are now trying to take America with them when they go. They cry about everything changing but never did a damned thing to insure that anyone that came after them had anything more than a lousy plutocracy, a polluted depleted planet and a pile of unpaid bills. that generation we didn't bow down to a dang bug.......and destroy the nation over it...........

And we didn't go HURRAY for a bunch of losers looters burning the country down.........Bunch of Losers who are nothing more than Terrorists.
The refrain of the most entitled and pampered generation of humans who ever lived, the American baby boomer. They grew up in almost unimaginable abundance and opportunity and are now trying to take America with them when they go. They cry about everything changing but never did a damned thing to insure that anyone that came after them had anything more than a lousy plutocracy, a polluted depleted planet and a pile of unpaid bills.

Rubbish. The majority of Boomers never had anything close to 'unimaginable abundance and opportunity', they spent most of their lives just trying to stay employed and out of the homeless shelters. You're a buffoon who doesn't know squat, the perfect little commie faggot tool. You're too stupid to even know who you're shilling for, moron.
Okay first, I don't see of the OP's arguments as any reason to give up and vote for Biden. There are some extremists on both ends of the political spectrum who want to overthrow the gov't, but IMHO the vast majority just want some changes to make America better than it is now. And some are too willing to use violence to do it, but I don't see the Far Left as able to keep their grip on power even if they manage to get it.

I say that remembering Obama's 1st 2 years and how the Left lost the House big time in 2010 and then the Senate in 2014 and then the WH in 2016. The same thing could and I think would happen again because the Far Left sucks at governing. If they also win the Senate then they'll get 2 years and then get uh, shellacked again in both Houses of Congress. And a Repub will take back the WH in 2024.

This country desperately wants something better out of DC than they're getting, which is one of the biggest reasons why Trump beat Hillary in 2016. I have no confdence at all that the Dems can govern wisely, given the ridiculous Green New Deal and the other BS they want to do. And the good news is that Trump has managed to put quite a few conservatives on the federal bench, including the SCOTUS. So, whatever the Dems want to do will be challenged in Court pretty much all the time and it'll be tough going for them.

The Far Left has NOT already won IMHO. They might get their shot at power but I really don't think they can last too long before the voters throw 'em out off office. It'll be interesting to see what happens to the Dem Party, and also the GOP too down the road. Will a 3rd Party rise into some prominence, enough to mess up the Senate majority? That Party might not win the WH, but they can make a big difference in the House and Senate, and I think they could get a significant number of seats in Congress in the near future. Why? Cuz people are damn sick and tired of the shit that has been going on for too long inside the beltway.
So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

Myself? I am fucking sick and tired of this breed of defeatist attitude among conservatives, this willingness to surrender for destruction the two and a half centuries of our nation's life and to lay down at the feet of psycho leftists and await slaughter.

The more I think about it, the more I know he/she is right.

AG Barr is postponing indictments of the Deep State coup on purpose, because he's privately banking on a Biden victory, where the charges will fizzle into nothingness.

That video the former Trump aide just made, "How America fell in 4 months from the COVID hype" shows me how soft and gullible/scared most people are.

I'm pretty sure RNA altering COVID vaccines will be mandatory to return to work or school. They can't force to take them vaccine, but they can force you to live homeless if you don't.

Twitter just censored our President...nothing happened.

Cities burn...

Mail-in ballots will secure a Biden victory. If Trump contests the results, their will be a full blown civil war involving polarized factions within our military, far left scum and foreign hostile nations.

The majority of white people in my generation are virtue signaling and taking a knee, I see it from my friends on facebook. They think it's about BLM, when they've been hoodwinked. That video of the two boys screaming "We're on your side," while the black mobs and white commies tossed bricks through their window.

Democrat mayors and governors allowed a "summer of peace" in CHAZ.

Police departments are being abolished and officers are being murdered and humiliated with impunity. Even Trump can't stop it.

It's over.

So, the last few days of work, I've been posting here and making threads on USMB about the communist insurrection.

I started to I seeing too much right wing news sources and losing my mind? Or I am correct in my assessment that the antifa communists are seeking to overthrow the Republic?

Who better to turn to, then my high school mentor who taught my the value of Federalism and the Second Amendment...what he/she said...shocked me...

"Ed, the far left already won...they won a long time ago...I didn't know it then, but I know it now. Perhaps there's hope in some of the deep red states, but I do not think they will be able to resist the larger and ever hungry urban masses.


If Trump wins...they'll never stop (referencing the far-left), there will be bloodshed and death on a scale you've never seen...they waited...they waited til the last patriotic generation, my generation, got too old to fight...the donned their masks and donned them well and now they've taken them off. But the people of your generation (born 1990's) and the current (2000's) have been spoonfed and programmed...and the few of them that believe in America don't have the courage to fight...and the very few that will fight... shall perish in vain.

It cannot be won.

Move on. Forget it. Save yourself...change your tune while you still can. The American Experiment is over. May she rest in peace."

He/she then went on to berate my for my felony conviction like a good old dad/mom lol.

But still, whether he/she right or wrong in his/her assessment, it chilled me to the core.

Myself? I am fucking sick and tired of this breed of defeatist attitude among conservatives, this willingness to surrender for destruction the two and a half centuries of our nation's life and to lay down at the feet of psycho leftists and await slaughter.

The more I think about it, the more I know he/she is right.

AG Barr is postponing indictments of the Deep State coup on purpose, because he's privately banking on a Biden victory, where the charges will fizzle into nothingness.

That video the former Trump aide just made, "How America fell in 4 months from the COVID hype" shows me how soft and gullible/scared most people are.

I'm pretty sure RNA altering COVID vaccines will be mandatory to return to work or school. They can't force to take them vaccine, but they can force you to live homeless if you don't.

Twitter just censored our President...nothing happened.

Cities burn...

Mail-in ballots will secure a Biden victory. If Trump contests the results, their will be a full blown civil war involving polarized factions within our military, far left scum and foreign hostile nations.

The majority of white people in my generation are virtue signaling and taking a knee, I see it from my friends on facebook. They think it's about BLM, when they've been hoodwinked. That video of the two boys screaming "We're on your side," while the black mobs and white commies tossed bricks through their window.

Democrat mayors and governors allowed a "summer of peace" in CHAZ.

Police departments are being abolished and officers are being murdered and humiliated with impunity. Even Trump can't stop it.

It's over.


And now we get to laugh as the feral animals eat themselves over who gets the power and Bling. That won't take long, and then the assorted illegal aliens and probably foreign troops move in, and the survivors get assigned to their respective factories, farms, and cadre positions. We know our own police and military are only going to work for whoever signs their paychecks, so we can't expect any assistance from them.

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