Muslims demand independent Islamic state in Britian


Apr 22, 2007
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing of Britain. They now demand an independent state, for Muslims only, to be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologists will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this.

Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%. In only 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger the percentage they achieve the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!
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Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.
how about half a mile just south of the white cliffs of dover-----where the blue birds fly
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.
GHook's right. You give these people an inch and they'll take a yard. Great swarthes of London, once the capital of the greatest empire known to man, now resemble Afghan villages.

I've read that between Qatar and Saudi Arabia they own more property in London than the Royals. It was a rather shocking list.
Reality check: You can toss in the perjorative label "apologist" but that doesn't change the reality.

For one, it's a fringe group with few members, kind of like the Westboro Baptists. For another - the projected muslim population is way off and ignores real life trends of immigrant populations.

Not true. The most popular name in England and Wales is Muhammad.

Muhammad really is the single most popular boys' name in England and Wales | Coffee House

Both legal and illegal muzzles are flooding Europe.
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.
Don't feed the trolls!
the non muslims of the world have lots to
learn from muslims. A good example of
the appropriate behavior for all the world--
the Islamic way---SHARIAH-----and the manner in which muslims CELEBRATE----like the pre Ramadan party on Dizengoff street this past
Friday, Keep in mind FRIDAY IS A HOLY day for muslims. Ramadan the most important month of holiness------walking down the street with a machine gun and offing as many "not us" as possible is HOLY
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.

they stole a peopled continent----no one invited them
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.

they stole a peopled continent----no one invited them

Native Americans were immigrants as well. No one had a deed to all of North America. Many territories by the way were purchased.
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.

they stole a peopled continent----no one invited them

Native Americans were immigrants as well. No one had a deed to all of North America. Many territories by the way were purchased.

really----other than the island of manhattan which went for a WHOPPING handful of glass beads-------who paid the Indians for what?
The Islamists in the UK of course present a real danger and unofficially large areas are already functioning under Sharia Law, however if they persist in such demands as we are discussing, a strong backlash is inevitable.

This backlash must happen sooner rather than later otherwise the UK as we know it is doomed.

Will some in the UK have the cojones to safe what is theirs? their great English tradition?

I doubt it.
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing if Britain. They now demand an independent state for Muslims only be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologist will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this. Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%, I 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger a percent they become the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

Well, that was certainly the case with caucasions once they illegally came into the North American continent, then they just took and murdered their way into the whole thing.

Explain how they illegally came to the NA continent.

they stole a peopled continent----no one invited them

Great article here for you to understand the truth of what really happened in the beginning and not the propaganda bullshit we get today. And btw I am very pro First Nations but with reality at my side.

"In spite of the legal right the white race has to America, we often are confronted with the anti-American propaganda that the white race wronged the Indian by attacking and killing them and driving them out of their land. We thus need to look at the first conflicts that existed between the Indians and the colonial settlers. A summary of these first conflicts shows they were always initiated by Indians:6

    • Shortly after the first colony was established at Jamestown in 1607, the settlers were attacked by the Indians, who wounded seventeen men and killed one boy.

  • After the above conflict, peaceful relations prevailed, due to the wise policy of Captain John Smith and the good will of Powhatan, head chief of the Indian Confederacy. When Powhatan died in 1618, his brother Opechancanough, who disliked the English, began to plot war. In March 1622, the Indian tribes went on the warpath, and swept through a line of settlements marked by a trail of blood. In the white settlements, nearly 400 men, women, and children, were cruelly put to death before the ravages of the Indians could be checked.

  • For 22 years after the massacre of 1622 there was peace. But Opechancanouch, at last head chief, only waited for another opportunity. In 1644, there was a civil war in England, and he thought the expected moment was at hand. The massacre he waged left over 300 white settlers slain in two days. Again the whites took up arms in defense, and in 1646 the aged chief himself was taken and killed - there was never again a general uprising in Virginia.

  • In the Plymouth colony, a peace compact was established between the Indian chief Massasoit and Governor Carver. As time went on, the friendly old chief died. When his son, King Philip, came to be ruler of the Wampanoag tribe, trouble began to brew for the colonists. Urged on by his braves, King Philip began sending messages to friendly tribes, inviting them to join in a mighty war on the "pale faces." The war that followed was a terrible one. The Indians, avoiding the white troops, dodging them, and never meeting them face to face in the open field, carried on the contest in their savage way of massacring the helpless, and burning villages. Many a fair and quite settlement was made desolate. Women and children were ruthlessly murdered, and burned in the houses. But by the end of 1675 the force of the Indians was broken.

  • In the New Haven colony the situation with the Indians (the Pequets) was similar. At first there were peaceful relationships between them and the white settlers. During 1637, the Pequots attempted to organize a confederacy, but unable to secure the help of the Narragansetts due to the influence of Roger Williams, they took to the warpath alone. T

  • hey did not come out in open battle, but waylaid a party of whites and killed thirty of them. In response to this, a small party of English, along with some seventy friendly Indians, attacked the Pequet stronghold, killing over 450 of that tribe.

  • The great Pequet tribe was crushed, and nearly forty years of Peace ensued.
    History reveals that all the early hostilities and wars between the American Indians and the white settlers, were instigated or started by the Indians without just cause.

  • Even though the white settlers had legal title to the land by way of purchase or claim of unoccupied lands, the Indian was always the one to disrupt peaceful relations with attacks, massacres, and wars. The retaliation by the white settlers were merely acts of self defense and self preservation in accordance with the law of nature.

  • Thus it was the Indian who was the intruder and violator of land rights and of his own law. It was the Indian who, in the beginning, wronged the white man. The Indian's treachery, barbaric and warlike manner, and sneak attacks on the colonists was positive proof of the anti-social nature of the red man. This exhibit of the Indian's character caused much distrust of the Indian, and became the "code of conduct" which the Indian continued to live by and uphold in the future.

    Thus, the white race has a rightful and legal claim and title to America pursuant to international law, the Indian's law, the law of nature, and by a combination thereof."

Did the White Man Steal North America from the Indians?
Britain's "Islamic Emirates Project"

So it begins. Muslims now make up 5% and growing of Britain. They now demand an independent state, for Muslims only, to be craved out of Britain.

The Muzzie apologists will say it's a fringe group, but the vast majority of Muslims in Britain desire this.

Only a decade ago they made up less than 1%. In only 10 years they became 5%, by 2030 they are projected to make up 20%! The larger the percentage they achieve the more demands they will make!

Britain (Europe and America) be warned!

While THIS is pretty disturbing ---- (from your OP)

A leading figure behind Muslims Against the Crusades is Anjem Choudary, a notorious Sharia court judge based in London who believes in the primacy of Islam over all other faiths, and who has long campaigned for Islamic law to be implemented in all of Britain.

Choudary is a former spokesman for Islam4UK, which was "established by sincere Muslims as a platform to propagate the supreme Islamic ideology within the United Kingdom as a divine alternative to man-made law," and to "convince the British public about the superiority of Islam [...] thereby changing public opinion in favour of Islam in order to transfer the authority and power [...] to the Muslims in order to implement the Sharia in Britain."

My bet is the entire membership could meet in one of these.


Besides -- article admits that Britain had sanctioned their predecessor org.
The DO need to further license or monitor "religious courts" to head this stuff off at the pass.

Because this is brain child of an existing Shariah Court judge. You think he RESPECTS the limits of the type of cases and verdicts that he hands down? No way. He already runs a "parallel justice system"..

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