Muslim bearded 'cop' prohibits German woman with kids and dog entering Muslim zone


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Daily situation in Germany: non-Muslims are prevented of entering numerous Muslim Zones. Especially when they are accompanied by dogs.

Read more:
GERMANY: Muslim cop forbids a German woman with a baby stroller and her dog from entering a Muslim area

We are fools to let people from Arabia, Persia, and North Africa....into this country.

The Cultures are too radically different for them to assimilate...starting with the fact that it is against their ideology and religion to assimilate.
Daily situation in Germany: non-Muslims are prevented of entering numerous Muslim Zones. Especially when they are accompanied by dogs.

Read more:
GERMANY: Muslim cop forbids a German woman with a baby stroller and her dog from entering a Muslim area


Good precedent-----let this crap CARRY ON AND ON AND ON-----it creates the rationale for keeping Niqabis out of
civilized neighborhoods and those schmucks wearing long
skirts and koooofeees

The problem is the United Socialist Party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts wants to replace native Germans by Muslims and will keep sooner native Germans out of Germany as Muslims.
We are fools to let people from Arabia, Persia, and North Africa....into this country.

The Cultures are too radically different for them to assimilate...starting with the fact that it is against their ideology and religion to assimilate.

Muslims can be not assimilated, therefore they shall either convert to Christianity or leave. There is not any other choice.
They did it to themselves.

its ok-----they will undo it eventually---**for every action there is
an EQUAL AND OPPOSITE reaction** The harder is the PUSH-----the harder will be the PUSH-BACK

Who will push Muslims back from Germany while Muslims infiltrated any organization including police, state and Government.
The next German Secretary of Sate will be a native Turk Cem Ozdemir

You gotta love the wonders of religion.

It pales compared to atheism which, through guys like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the North Korean trifecta, etc., murdered TENS OF MILLIONS in the past 80 or 90 years alone. Mountains of dead bodies and oceans of blood was atheism's contribution to humanity in the 20th century.
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You never know. The krauts may get their heads out of their asses and make what they did to the Jews look like a picnic.

At this point...

I fail to see the problem? ... :dunno:

If muslims do not want dogs in their neighborhood, why should anyone else care? .... :cool:

So that woman can't walk her dog on the sidewalk there without any due process simply because Muslims there don't like dogs? Incidentally, I'll take a dog over a Muslim every time.
Sounds like fake news to me. Is Barenakedisalm another Russian group?
I fail to see the problem? ... :dunno:

If muslims do not want dogs in their neighborhood, why should anyone else care? .... :cool:

The problem is Christians do not want Muslims in western countries.
Western folks do not want mosques, Quran, rapes, Muslim cheating of authorities, birth jihad etc. etc. etc.
Islam shall be kicked out from the West.

Germany isn't "their neighborhood", they have to abide by the laws and regulations of the state they live in, which they constantly refuse to so, even though they benefit from the generosity of the country that lets them in.

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