Musk Asks About Ballot Stuffing


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
There is proof on video. There is no denying what went on. This better stay in this forum where it belongs.
There is proof on video. There is no denying what went on. This better stay in this forum where it belongs.

Another celebrity like Musk asked how many Red states that always go red rig their elections. Because with abortion on the ticket this year a lot of them should turn blue.

So what? What does him asking that question prove?
Another celebrity like Musk asked how many Red states that always go red rig their elections. Because with abortion on the ticket this year a lot of them should turn blue.

So what? What does him asking that question prove?
Abortion is an issue for the Presiden?
Abortion is an issue for the Presiden?
Abortion is an issue for Republicans. I saw a thing the other day about women in Ohio. Could Ohio turn blue next year? I'm telling you it could. So could Kansas, Texas, Florida. Just based on this one issue. Republicans know this issue is hurting them.

Funny if you don't
Abortion is an issue for Republicans. I saw a thing the other day about women in Ohio. Could Ohio turn blue next year? I'm telling you it could. So could Kansas, Texas, Florida. Just based on this one issue. Republicans know this issue is hurting them.

Funny if you don't
Why would voting for Biden or Trump (or any other Presidential candidate) change things one way or another regarding abortion in Ohio?

BTW Biden is currently losing to Trump's dumb ass in 5 of 6 battle ground states. States he won in 2020.
Why would voting for Biden or Trump (or any other Presidential candidate) change things one way or another regarding abortion in Ohio?

Trump appointed Heritage Foundation Judges who's goal is to ultimately ban abortion on a federal level. They swore to it they would if given the chance.

The Speaker of the House would go along.

Trump would go along.

Don't be stupid. Mitch would go along wouldn't you Mitch? Mitch???

Trump appointed Heritage Foundation Judges who's goal is to ultimately ban abortion on a federal level. They swore to it they would if given the chance.
And yet they didnt. All they did was say it WASNT their job to make that call and put it back on the Legislatures.
The Speaker of the House would go along.
Go along with what?
Trump would go along.
With what? The SC made the Roe decision while Biden was President. What did he do? What could he or any other President have done?
Don't be stupid. Mitch would go along wouldn't you Mitch? Mitch???

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Go along with what? What are they "going along with"?

Both parties have controlled both houses of Congress AND the Presidency numerous times since 73 when Roe was decided. Either of them could have weighed in and passed a law regarding abortion. neither of them did. The D's have controlled both houses and the Presidency since the current SC overturned Roe. They could have passed a federal law. Did they?

This is a state issue. Always should have been.
And yet they didnt. All they did was say it WASNT their job to make that call and put it back on the Legislatures.

Go along with what?

With what? The SC made the Roe decision while Biden was President. What did he do? What could he or any other President have done?

Go along with what? What are they "going along with"?

Both parties have controlled both houses of Congress AND the Presidency numerous times since 73 when Roe was decided. Either of them could have weighed in and passed a law regarding abortion. neither of them did. The D's have controlled both houses and the Presidency since the current SC overturned Roe. They could have passed a federal law. Did they?

This is a state issue. Always should have been.
Is this how you are going to try to dupe women into voting GOP? It aint gonna work. Sounds good but they/I know you're lying.

You didn't tell them you were going to overturn Roe V Wade before you did it. I don't expect you to try to be honest about your end game goal. Stop. Just stop. You're lying for the lord.
Is this how you are going to try to dupe women into voting GOP? It aint gonna work. Sounds good but they/I know you're lying.

You didn't tell them you were going to overturn Roe V Wade before you did it. I don't expect you to try to be honest about your end game goal. Stop. Just stop. You're lying for the lord.
WTF are you babbling about?

Is this you avoiding answering the questions?
It doesn't matter. I'm right and never going to convince you. Let's just agree on that.

Oh ok. So you cant articulate how voting for a President affects abortion rights or why neither party has ever done anything at the federal level regarding abortion outside of demonizing the other side, but I'm supposed to agree that you are right?

You are right on one account. There a whole bunch of dumb people who don't understand how our system works and so they think voting for this President or that President will have some effect on the abortion laws in this country. Just like you...
Oh ok. So you cant articulate how voting for a President affects abortion rights or why neither party has ever done anything at the federal level regarding abortion outside of demonizing the other side, but I'm supposed to agree that you are right?

You are right on one account. There a whole bunch of dumb people who don't understand how our system works and so they think voting for this President or that President will have some effect on the abortion laws in this country. Just like you...
You would have to be uneducated about the Republicans ultimately plan to ban abortion federally. You don't do it overnight. You slowly move us that way. First by sending it back to the states.

The president appoints judges who will rule on abortion. Republicans appoint judges who would take the right away. They'd say it's murder. So would the Speaker of the House.

So Mike Johnson, Trump, The Right Wing Supremes and Mitch would make abortion a federal crime.

It's murder right?
Oh ok. So you cant articulate how voting for a President affects abortion rights or why neither party has ever done anything at the federal level regarding abortion outside of demonizing the other side, but I'm supposed to agree that you are right?

You are right on one account. There a whole bunch of dumb people who don't understand how our system works and so they think voting for this President or that President will have some effect on the abortion laws in this country. Just like you...
How can you say this still after the did what they did with Roe V Wade?

GOP senators warn new Speaker on abortion​

Republican senators worried about winning back the Senate majority in 2024 are discouraging Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from moving any national abortion legislation before next year’s election.

Johnson, an outspoken Christian conservative who says his political worldview is guided by the Bible

Johnson called abortion a “holocaust” in a 2005 newspaper op-ed and earned an A+ ranking during his congressional career from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a leading anti-abortion group.

In 2021, he co-sponsored the Heartbeat Protection Act, which would subject physicians who perform an abortion on a fetus with a heartbeat to criminal penalties, and a bill to implement a national ban on abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for when then mother’s life is endangered.

This year, he co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act, which declares “the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization.”

He introduced legislation in February to criminalize the transport of a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without satisfying parental involvement law.

A major question at the start of Johnson’s Speakership is whether he will insert Congress into the national abortion debate by bringing to the House floor bills to restrict abortions in various circumstances nationwide or insert abortion-related policy riders to must-pass spending bills.

Johnson suggested after winning the Speaker’s gavel that it was ordained by God, telling colleagues “that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority.”

And he told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he takes his political worldview from the Bible, not pollsters.

“I am a Bible-believing Christian. Someone asked me today in the media, they said, it’s curious. People are curious, ‘What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s — that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe,” Johnson said.

But Republican senators warn that it would be a major political mistake for Johnson to attempt to restrict abortion on the national level before the 2024 election, urging him to leave the issue entirely to the states.
There is proof on video. There is no denying what went on. This better stay in this forum where it belongs.

How do you know which party they belong to?
You would have to be uneducated about the Republicans ultimately plan to ban abortion federally. You don't do it overnight. You slowly move us that way. First by sending it back to the states.

The president appoints judges who will rule on abortion. Republicans appoint judges who would take the right away. They'd say it's murder. So would the Speaker of the House.

So Mike Johnson, Trump, The Right Wing Supremes and Mitch would make abortion a federal crime.

It's murder right?

Why wasn't it done before now? Seriously. The GOP has held both houses of Congress 10 times since 73. 3 times with an R as the President. One of those times was DONALD TRUMP for fuck sakes. They have attempted to ban abortion a sum total of zero times in that at time span. But now we are to believe that unless we elected a Democrat President (who doesn't pass bills) they will? Seriously?

Since 73. There have been 12 instances where the Democrats have held both houses of Congress. 6 of those times have been with a D in the President's office. One of those instances was with JOE BIDEN and after they overturned Roe. 0 laws passed making abortion legal federally. ZERO. But unless we elect a D to the Presidency.....

Cant you not see based on the past evidence how epically stupid the argument youre making is? Neither party has any appetite to really do anything on abortion. If they did it would have been done by now, they've both had ample opportunity. They make too much money and get too many votes from morons telling them they will if only they get elected to office.
How can you say this still after the did what they did with Roe V Wade?

GOP senators warn new Speaker on abortion​

Republican senators worried about winning back the Senate majority in 2024 are discouraging Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from moving any national abortion legislation before next year’s election.

Johnson, an outspoken Christian conservative who says his political worldview is guided by the Bible

Johnson called abortion a “holocaust” in a 2005 newspaper op-ed and earned an A+ ranking during his congressional career from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a leading anti-abortion group.

In 2021, he co-sponsored the Heartbeat Protection Act, which would subject physicians who perform an abortion on a fetus with a heartbeat to criminal penalties, and a bill to implement a national ban on abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy with exceptions for when then mother’s life is endangered.

This year, he co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act, which declares “the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization.”

He introduced legislation in February to criminalize the transport of a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without satisfying parental involvement law.

A major question at the start of Johnson’s Speakership is whether he will insert Congress into the national abortion debate by bringing to the House floor bills to restrict abortions in various circumstances nationwide or insert abortion-related policy riders to must-pass spending bills.

Johnson suggested after winning the Speaker’s gavel that it was ordained by God, telling colleagues “that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority.”

And he told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he takes his political worldview from the Bible, not pollsters.

“I am a Bible-believing Christian. Someone asked me today in the media, they said, it’s curious. People are curious, ‘What does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s — that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe,” Johnson said.

But Republican senators warn that it would be a major political mistake for Johnson to attempt to restrict abortion on the national level before the 2024 election, urging him to leave the issue entirely to the states.

When any of that happens, you let me know and we can worry about it. How much would you like to bet that the same number of bills passed in this Congress restricting or legalizing abortion federally will be passed as the have been passed by all the Congresses combined since 1973.
Why wasn't it done before now? Seriously. The GOP has held both houses of Congress 10 times since 73. 3 times with an R as the President. One of those times was DONALD TRUMP for fuck sakes. They have attempted to ban abortion a sum total of zero times in that at time span. But now we are to believe that unless we elected a Democrat President (who doesn't pass bills) they will? Seriously?

Since 73. There have been 12 instances where the Democrats have held both houses of Congress. 6 of those times have been with a D in the President's office. One of those instances was with JOE BIDEN and after they overturned Roe. 0 laws passed making abortion legal federally. ZERO. But unless we elect a D to the Presidency.....

Cant you not see based on the past evidence how epically stupid the argument youre making is? Neither party has any appetite to really do anything on abortion. If they did it would have been done by now, they've both had ample opportunity. They make too much money and get too many votes from morons telling them they will if only they get elected to office.
I don't care why they waited until now. Perhaps they felt they could get away with it. It was a gamble that isn't going to pay off. They are trying and hoping very hard that people/women forget but they did this before the midterms and it killed the wave that was otherwise coming. Remember?

I think they should have did it right after the 2022 midterms. But that would have made 2024 an even bigger blue wave. Again, they're hoping to convince women this isn't what it seems like. That rest assured, the GOP is done with abortion. Bullshit. Not buying it.

See, you buy Trump. If you buy Trump of course you buy this.

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