Mueller Was Part Of The Coup Attempt From The Start


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As time goes by, more and more facts are exposed about Obama's failed coup attempt against President Trump...

Released documents and testimony already exposed former FBI Director - and mentor to FBI Director James Comey - Robert Mueller had met and worked with Bruce Ohr and the Britt. Ex-spy Steele on the Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda sold to Hillary PRIOR to Mueller being named Special Counsel.

"Newly released documents now show It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

"Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel."

This wasn't exactly the same as wearing a WIRE into the WH, as Rosenstein offered to do in order to help take down the President, but it is attempting to investigate the President without him knowing he was being investigated, much like how Flynn was set up. This also meets the definition of 'Conspiracy', as Rosenstein and Mueller conspired together and then carried out their actions.

Mueller reportedly asked the President to be hired on as Director of the FBI, to fill the void left by his protege being fired. The President rejected his request, and the next day Mueller is suddenly named his Special Counsel?! Funny how Mueller did not bring that possibility up in his 'job interview'.

The fact that Mueller wanted the job and asked for the job was / is widely known, backed by testimony and documents... Mueller also told Vice President Pence that he wanted to return to the top FBI post...

...Mueller denied all of it under oath before Congress! This sounds a lot like Mueller committed Felony Perjury during his testimony.

In his meeting with the President in which Mueller asked to be appointed as New FBI Director, it would have been impossible NOT to have talked about the previous Director, Mueller's protege, being fired. Mueller admitted they talked about the FBI Director job. When asked if anything was said at all about Comey's firing Mueller testified he COULD NOT REMEMBER.

He could not remember if anything was said about the firing of his protege when asking for his protege's job?

Again, this is hard to believe. If anything had been said it would make Mueller a 'FACT WITNESS' and would have demanded Mueller not take / step down from his appointment as Special Counsel, that the President did not know was already a 'done deal.
-- Much like how Rosenstein wrote down the reasons Comey should be fired, recommend to the President he should be fired, then called for the President's investigation for obstruction after the President fired Comey...which he had the authority to do. This made Rosenstein a 'FACT WITNESS', for which he refused to recuse himself. Rosenstein then went on later to offer a wire to trap / take down the President.

It is now being reported that the DOJ / Durham have expanded the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0 Origin' investigation to investigate this when set-up interview between the President and Mueller right before Mueller was named Special Cpunsel, a meeting Rosenstein helped make possible.

At the very least, it is clear Mueller never should have been part of this investigation.

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

As more and more information comes to light it is apparent that the Coup was well thought out and well planned. Now it is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!
As more and more information comes to light it is apparent that the Coup was well thought out and well planned. Now it is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
How right you are! It is apparent the coup has been well thought out and planned meticulously. This admin's coup to usurp the Constitution and replace it with an unaccountable monarch is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
Of course he was...and don't buy that senile old man routine he pulled on Congress...he is the worst of the worst swamper alive.....
Then add to it...comey on TV bragging how he sent operatives into the whitehouse on day 4 of the Trump administration to set up general mike flynn.

Denying flynn due process by telling him he didn't need a lawyer when it was a formal interview under oath (told flynn we just want to talk for a few minutes).

That's how leftists treat a man who served in our military for 33 years...combat veteran...and they have destroyed his life over BS they made up.
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!

As more and more information comes to light it is apparent that the Coup was well thought out and well planned. Now it is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
How right you are! It is apparent the coup has been well thought out and planned meticulously. This admin's coup to usurp the Constitution and replace it with an unaccountable monarch is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
If half of this shit had been done to the Mulatto Messiah, you lefbats would have screeched until everyone in the northern hemisphere's ear drums burst.
So mueller had a conflict of interest and they all knew it. Too fking funny. corrupt as long as John holmes dong.
I was watching c span and McCabe was speaking to a very small audience .
The contempt he had for Trump was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
He thinks they have the right to oust Trump because he isn't refined enough for the elitists.
He also misunderstood when Trump asked for -I need you for your loyalty.
McCabe thought it was about loyalty to him his ego,not a grassroot heartland movement to rein in an out of control Washington D.C.

Start around 22 min.

Andrew McCabe and Carl Bernstein on Loyalty and Betrayal |
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Mueller was pissed at Trump for several reasons. He didn't like the fact that he was expected to actually PAY if he wanted to golf at the President tremendous golf club.

And he didn't like the fact he was rejected for the FBI director gig.

A lot of people get entitled like that. Mike Cohen expected the AG job and snapped back at Trump when he was told "thanks but no thanks" Andrew Napolitano was petulant about not get a federal judgeship, and also snapped back. Ditto with Mitt Romney, pissed he didn't get the Secretary of State job and is now trying to sabotage America.
As time goes by, more and more facts are exposed about Obama's failed coup attempt against President Trump...

Released documents and testimony already exposed former FBI Director - and mentor to FBI Director James Comey - Robert Mueller had met and worked with Bruce Ohr and the Britt. Ex-spy Steele on the Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda sold to Hillary PRIOR to Mueller being named Special Counsel.

"Newly released documents now show It has always been suspicious that Robert Mueller met with President Trump in the Oval Office the day before he was officially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump.

"Newly uncovered documents show that Mueller and Rosenstein had been privately communicating in the days before that meeting. They worked sedulously to keep it a secret. Trump had no idea that Mueller was already on board to serve as special counsel."

This wasn't exactly the same as wearing a WIRE into the WH, as Rosenstein offered to do in order to help take down the President, but it is attempting to investigate the President without him knowing he was being investigated, much like how Flynn was set up. This also meets the definition of 'Conspiracy', as Rosenstein and Mueller conspired together and then carried out their actions.

Mueller reportedly asked the President to be hired on as Director of the FBI, to fill the void left by his protege being fired. The President rejected his request, and the next day Mueller is suddenly named his Special Counsel?! Funny how Mueller did not bring that possibility up in his 'job interview'.

The fact that Mueller wanted the job and asked for the job was / is widely known, backed by testimony and documents... Mueller also told Vice President Pence that he wanted to return to the top FBI post...

...Mueller denied all of it under oath before Congress! This sounds a lot like Mueller committed Felony Perjury during his testimony.

In his meeting with the President in which Mueller asked to be appointed as New FBI Director, it would have been impossible NOT to have talked about the previous Director, Mueller's protege, being fired. Mueller admitted they talked about the FBI Director job. When asked if anything was said at all about Comey's firing Mueller testified he COULD NOT REMEMBER.

He could not remember if anything was said about the firing of his protege when asking for his protege's job?

Again, this is hard to believe. If anything had been said it would make Mueller a 'FACT WITNESS' and would have demanded Mueller not take / step down from his appointment as Special Counsel, that the President did not know was already a 'done deal.
-- Much like how Rosenstein wrote down the reasons Comey should be fired, recommend to the President he should be fired, then called for the President's investigation for obstruction after the President fired Comey...which he had the authority to do. This made Rosenstein a 'FACT WITNESS', for which he refused to recuse himself. Rosenstein then went on later to offer a wire to trap / take down the President.

It is now being reported that the DOJ / Durham have expanded the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0 Origin' investigation to investigate this when set-up interview between the President and Mueller right before Mueller was named Special Cpunsel, a meeting Rosenstein helped make possible.

At the very least, it is clear Mueller never should have been part of this investigation.

Gregg Jarrett: Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job?

One look at the team Mad Moscow Mueller picked would tell you that. Half of them are under Criminal Investigation and had to be fired from The Mueller Team.

Mueller and Weissmann have both been charged with Prosecutorial Misconduct, tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, and railroading innocent men they knew were innocent to jail.
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!

Putin can always depend on you, right?
Mueller was pissed at Trump for several reasons. He didn't like the fact that he was expected to actually PAY if he wanted to golf at the President tremendous golf club.

And he didn't like the fact he was rejected for the FBI director gig.

A lot of people get entitled like that. Mike Cohen expected the AG job and snapped back at Trump when he was told "thanks but no thanks"
All of this is true and documented. Andrew Napolitano was petulant about not get a federal judgeship, and also snapped back. Ditto with Mitt Romney, pissed he didn't get the Secretary of State job and is now trying to sabotage America.
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!

Putin can always depend on you, right?

The only Poop Coup I know of happened in New Jersey. The day after Trumpypoo was elected, thousands and thousand of cats and dog took giant dumps that were in the exact image of The Donald. Hair and all. Truly masterpoops. Everybody saw it. It was on TV!
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!

Putin can always depend on you, right?

The only Poop Coup I know of happened in New Jersey. The day after Trumpypoo was elected, thousands and thousand of cats and dog took giant dumps that were in the exact image of The Donald. Hair and all. Truly masterpoops. Everybody saw it. It was on TV!
great, I'm glad. so?
As more and more information comes to light it is apparent that the Coup was well thought out and well planned. Now it is being exposed and people must be held accountable.

Here's the thing, we've just moved too far out of accountability, which for the most part stems from the Obama admin. "news" agencies that report on their political agendas as opposed facts and what's important, and of course free-flowing victim roles.

Bet your ass what the left has done since Trump's election are treasonous offenses, I don't see how anyone can deny it. According to law they'd spend the rest of their lives in jail, and as a better country we'd have saw it through too. We're no longer that country, and that's primarily the fault of leftists.
I love you guys and your Coup Poop Conspiracy. Btw your town criers constantly scream the Mueller report exonerated the Criminal President. You guys should celebrate it and quote it's findings every day!

As more and more information comes to light it is apparent that the Coup was well thought out and well planned. Now it is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
How right you are! It is apparent the coup has been well thought out and planned meticulously. This admin's coup to usurp the Constitution and replace it with an unaccountable monarch is being exposed and people must be held accountable.
If half of this shit had been done to the Mulatto Messiah, you lefbats would have screeched until everyone in the northern hemisphere's ear drums burst.
Bull, Obama lived and lead well in spite of the birther blabber and McConnell's Mission statement on Day One. Do you seriously think if Republicans had the chance, they wouldn't have litigated his every move? The reason nothing happened is because nothing happened to litigate. Although there was the countless Benghazi hearings, but even then, the subject showed up...and answered questions from people who hate her. So take your what-about-Obama snivel and blow it out you barracks bag. You just like corruption, is all. Man up!

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