MSNBC is true to their extreme leftist agenda

How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie. just believe the democrat lies..sorry about your choice!!!
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That is a typical Democrat reply. To quote Al Gore from a different context, I think that these presidential statements are "Inconvenient Truth(s)".

So you take everything he says as gospel truth, you are in for a rude awakening. But that is what a good cult member does.
To the contrary, I think that enough Americans will see through the baloney of your statements. President Trump will win in a landslide.

Like a good cultist you believe your god.
I am not a Trump "cultist". I am a Christian! God (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) are my God. I do not agree with President Trump in all areas. I was a postal letter carrier for 30 years. I think that Trump is wrong in regard to the USPS. I didn't always agree with my wife who died 9 years ago after 37 years of marriage. In most other areas I agree with him.
I'm a Christian and a huge supporter of President Trump and i have zero trust in the government employees in the USPS not to try to manipulate the mail in votes for the benefit of the Communist Democrats. :smoke:
I sincerely hope that you are wrong about postal workers, however, I retired 23 years ago. I don't think that any postal worker is able to discern which candidate receives the votes in the sealed envelopes.
But the postal workers all know which ZIP codes/counties are from heavily Trump supporters.
A ten year old could figure that one out.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.

Hiden biden pulled out of his first presidential run for president for plagiarism. What's the definition of plagiarism lil Miss P!

Biden pulled out of the race because his campaign was “overwhelmed” (in Biden’s words) by allegations that “he had used extensive quotes from other politicians without attributing them, had failed a law school course after failing to attribute a long quotation in a paper he wrote, and had inaccurately and angrily boasted about his academic record during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire,” the Tribune reported.

The announcement came 10 days after the New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd reported that Biden had “lifted” parts of a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, “with phrases, gestures and lyrical Welsh syntax intact,” for use in a 23 August 1987 debate at the Iowa State Fair. It wasn’t the first time Biden had used elements of Kinnock’s speech, Dowd noted, but on other occasions he had cited Kinnock as their source:

He has already been punished for the above, do you punish your kids over and over again for something they did in the 1988?

When has tramp been caught for Reagan plagiarism, Make America great again?
this aint got nothing to do with kids. BEIJING joe ,as an adult, should know better--obviously this BEIJING joe has no clue...and here we are just because its been a few years ago, it is now ok? what fucking planet do you come from? once a commie always a commie...just saying
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
That's the baloney that Pelosi tried to tell us during the Shiff-sham impeachment.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
That's the baloney that Pelosi tried to tell us during the Shiff-sham impeachment.
Now you are creating another argument you can't win.

Debunking the evidence? Never going to happen.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
20,000 plus lies by Trump. And you want to talk about Obama lying? LOl!
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
That's the baloney that Pelosi tried to tell us during the Shiff-sham impeachment.
Now you are creating another argument you can't win.

Debunking the evidence? Never going to happen.
Debunking fake "evidence" is easy.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
20,000 plus lies by Trump. And you want to talk about Obama lying? LOl!
Repeating your BS claim of 20,000 lies doesn't make them so.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That is a typical Democrat reply. To quote Al Gore from a different context, I think that these presidential statements are "Inconvenient Truth(s)".

So you take everything he says as gospel truth, you are in for a rude awakening. But that is what a good cult member does.
To the contrary, I think that enough Americans will see through the baloney of your statements. President Trump will win in a landslide.

Like a good cultist you believe your god.
I am not a Trump "cultist". I am a Christian! God (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) are my God. I do not agree with President Trump in all areas. I was a postal letter carrier for 30 years. I think that Trump is wrong in regard to the USPS. I didn't always agree with my wife who died 9 years ago after 37 years of marriage. In most other areas I agree with him.
I'm a Christian and a huge supporter of President Trump and i have zero trust in the government employees in the USPS not to try to manipulate the mail in votes for the benefit of the Communist Democrats. :smoke:
I sincerely hope that you are wrong about postal workers, however, I retired 23 years ago. I don't think that any postal worker is able to discern which candidate receives the votes in the sealed envelopes.
But the postal workers all know which ZIP codes/counties are from heavily Trump supporters.
A ten year old could figure that one out.
Can they? Name all those postal workers who know that. You do know them all by name right? :auiqs.jpg: What a ridiculous argument.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
That’s all you do. When you are coherent anyway...

I get sick of his lies. One lie after another.
Can you articulate a lie from today, since you claim he lies all the time?

Too many to count. One lie after another. I didn't listen to him today, but I'm sure he lied about everything.

^^ Classic TDS response. You cannot name ONE lie, because you are full of shit, as usual.
‘Tsunami of untruths’: Trump has made 20,000 false or misleading claims – report Is 20,000 good enough for you?
DidBy Obama say you can keep your doctor to get legislation passed? He should be in jail
It wasn't a lie. Keeping your doctor is not the same thing as your doctor not keeping you. By the way, how sad is it when all these cowards have to turn to Obama and the lame "keeping your doctor" angle, as opposed to Trumps 20,000 plus lies. How fucking pitiful is that? You should be embarrassed.
And Trump is going to jail.

In your fantasies.
Obstruction of justice, campaign finance violations with Cohen, tax fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, it's all there.
That's the baloney that Pelosi tried to tell us during the Shiff-sham impeachment.
Now you are creating another argument you can't win.

Debunking the evidence? Never going to happen.
Debunking fake "evidence" is easy.
Do it hot shot. We can't wait.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
20,000 plus lies by Trump. And you want to talk about Obama lying? LOl!
Repeating your BS claim of 20,000 lies doesn't make them so.
The hell it doesn't. You haven't produced documentation to the contrary hot shot. That means you lose.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
20,000 plus lies by Trump. And you want to talk about Obama lying? LOl!
Repeating your BS claim of 20,000 lies doesn't make them so.
Still waiting. Don't go running out on me like a coward now.
How about Fox 'News', Brietbart and infowars, are they true to any extreme agendas?
Don't change the subject! President Trump did the only thing he could under the circumstances. It reminded me of the suspect who was asked, "When did you stop beating your wife?" It had not been established that he had been beating his wife.
Tramp, all he does is lie.
its obvious that you lie---for even printing this shit--go ahead--tell me BAR RAG obama never lied---go pound your head against the wall...maybe you will tune in...just saying
20,000 plus lies by Trump. And you want to talk about Obama lying? LOl!
Repeating your BS claim of 20,000 lies doesn't make them so.
The hell it doesn't. You haven't produced documentation to the contrary hot shot. That means you lose.
When you are the ones making the charges of 20,000 lies, you are the ones with the burden of proof.
Fallacies. And tds.. you know democrats ask millions of gotcha stupid questions.. trumps answers the over and over again and than you go over what he said .. get a life
Oh, now the liar shows up unprepared and ready to get his ass kicked again over the facts while he pedals more lies. Tell us you can produce a real argument instead of more dog shit lies.
Fallacies. And tds.. you know democrats ask millions of gotcha stupid questions.. trumps answers the over and over again and than you go over what he said .. get a life
Oh, now the liar shows up unprepared and ready to get his ass kicked again over the facts while he pedals more lies. Tell us you can produce a real argument instead of more dog shit lies.
You have a sick ness, trump has a presser every day answering your stupid questions. Biden has 2 in 120 days lol than you go crazy if trump misspoke 0.2% of the time lol CRAZZZZYYYY

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