MSM Narrative on MidTerms: GOP won popular vote by 5 million votes

Speaking of never engaging any brain cells in critical thinking...
Did you know 21 Republican Senators were up for re-election, and only 14 Democrats?
Hmmmmmm...I wonder if that has anything to do with why they got more votes?
Glad you took your stupid pill today.

So in 2024 with more democrat senators up for re-election Republicans won't try to flip any seats, right?
(that would be rude)
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I've never seen a president tell his supporters to start an insurrection, so let me know when you do.

link to Trump telling people to start an insurrection or STFU.

Algore didn't accept the election results, he challenged them and LOST. Hillary didn't accept the results, she wrote a book about why it's ok to be be a titty baby and cry because you lost and she blamed everyone but herself. CNN and MSDNC had people on the night Trump won saying he was not a legit president.

The LAST people that should run their mouths about the right not accepting the results of bogus elections is the fucking left.
It's understandable to say that the GOP didn't sweep many elections they were hoping to... but the narrative from the MSM is that the Democrats won, or were victorious. Nationwide, the GOP had 52 million, the Democrats 47 million.. and the GOP took back the house.

However, notice the constant leftist narrative that the GOP "lost"... they didn't. They achieved observable gains.

Not only that, but suddenly the oh so treasured "popular vote!" seems to no longer be so cherished by the Left.

Gee, I wonder why?
Speaking of never engaging any brain cells in critical thinking...

Did you know 21 Republican Senators were up for re-election, and only 14 Democrats?

Hmmmmmm...I wonder if that has anything to do with why they got more votes?


Trump won 31 states and Hillary won 19, but you say she should be president because of popular vote.

Why suddenly does popular vote not count?
It's understandable to say that the GOP didn't sweep many elections they were hoping to... but the narrative from the MSM is that the Democrats won, or were victorious. Nationwide, the GOP had 52 million, the Democrats 47 million.. and the GOP took back the house.

However, notice the constant leftist narrative that the GOP "lost"... they didn't. They achieved observable gains.
The good news is the Trump Republicans under performed. The election deniers lost, and the Republicans who did not align with Trump over performed for the Republicans.
That is why more and more Republicans realize that Trump has become a negative to the Republican party.
However, notice the constant leftist narrative that the GOP "lost"...

The Dem/RINO uni-party needs someone to blame.

The good news is the Trump Republicans under performed. The election deniers lost, and the Republicans who did not align with Trump over performed for the Republicans.
That is why more and more Republicans realize that Trump has become a negative to the Republican party.

Republicans flipped four very blue districts in New York state for crying out loud.

That shocked everyone.

Republicans took the house. They had more seats to defend than democrats and managed to do so. No surprise there. Go woke, get smoked.
The good news is the Trump Republicans under performed.
The good news is that you're still a gullible idiot still in denial that about 90% of Trump's endorsements WON because CNN told you that a couple of the ones the media were focused on lost.

The election deniers lost,
A few, one major election is still being hotly disputed and the others had their funding pulled by TDSer McConnell. None lost BECAUSE they were still fighting for election integrity!

and the Republicans who did not align with Trump over performed for the Republicans.
That must be some badass skunk cabbage you are smoking there. Meantime out here where there is oxygen, one must wonder why, if Trump is so bad for republicans, why all you tards keep trying to support their abandoning him???

81 million votes to 47 million votes in two years. That screams LOSING more than anything else. Thank goodness math is racist so liberals can avoid talking about it.
Yes, I understand your propagandists now feel it necessary to make you forget they promised you a Red Tsunami Shining Elevator Bloodbath shambolic extravaganza.

And in true Orwellian fashion, you comply.
If it was the propagandists promising that he would have a point, the propagandists are expected to be lying.

The problem is that it was not the propagandists showing it was going to be a red tsunami, it was reality. Biden with the worst approval numbers in memory, an economy that is in serious trouble, an inflation rate that has not been seen in decades, world tensions increasing without any real plan to settle it as far as the people know and a senate map that looked quite favorable among other indicators shows the republicans had historic advantages in this election that I can never recall seeing in my lifetime.

And they barely manage to 'win' the house. A pathetic showing at the very least.
81 million votes to 47 million votes in two years. That screams LOSING more than anything else. Thank goodness math is racist so liberals can avoid talking about it.

Just wait: In 2024, the democrats have something like 33 seats in congress they need to hold JUST TO BREAK EVEN, far more than the GOP just had.

And with FOUR years of Biden's miserable economy under our belts + the WH up for grabs and no DNC incumbent.
Republicans flipped four very blue districts in New York state for crying out loud.

That shocked everyone.

Republicans took the house. They had more seats to defend than democrats and managed to do so. No surprise there. Go woke, get smoked.
We are talking about the weakening of the Trump Republicans not the weakening of the Republicans.
But the Republicans did underperform when you look at the party out of power in the last several mid-terms. The reason is, Trump.
The good news is that you're still a gullible idiot still in denial that about 90% of Trump's endorsements WON because CNN told you that a couple of the ones the media were focused on lost.

A few, one major election is still being hotly disputed and the others had their funding pulled by TDSer McConnell. None lost BECAUSE they were still fighting for election integrity!

That must be some badass skunk cabbage you are smoking there. Meantime out here where there is oxygen, one must wonder why, if Trump is so bad for republicans, why all you tards keep trying to support their abandoning him???

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You are the ultimate Trump braindead cult member,. Your concern is for Trump over the Republican party or our country.

We are talking about the weakening of the Trump Republicans not the weakening of the Republicans.
No, YOU are trying to talk about a weakening of the Trump Republicans that just isn't there as much as you'd love it to be.

But the Republicans did underperform
Only because tards like you built up a false narrative of a red tsunami so that you could come back later and say they "under-performed." Meantime, democrats have been given a vasectomy. :71:
It's understandable to say that the GOP didn't sweep many elections they were hoping to... but the narrative from the MSM is that the Democrats won, or were victorious. Nationwide, the GOP had 52 million, the Democrats 47 million.. and the GOP took back the house.

However, notice the constant leftist narrative that the GOP "lost"... they didn't. They achieved observable gains.

No, the GOP didn't "lose," but they fell well short of expectations and you can blame that on Dobbs and the Cult of Trump.
It's understandable to say that the GOP didn't sweep many elections they were hoping to... but the narrative from the MSM is that the Democrats won, or were victorious. Nationwide, the GOP had 52 million, the Democrats 47 million.. and the GOP took back the house.

However, notice the constant leftist narrative that the GOP "lost"... they didn't. They achieved observable gains.
It's like a ball team being favored to win by 8 points and then only win
by 3 points. End of the day is that it's still called a win.

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