Mr. Trump - You're Fired


Oct 14, 2016
Mr. Trump – You’re Fired!

Dear Mr. Donald Trump,

Congratulations! I congratulate you for bringing out the nakedness of a sub-culture of men. You know what I am talking about. Right? Yes - all those leaked out audios and videos – Howard Stern, Billy Bush and so forth and so on.

I am a man as well. And I also belong to this planet called Earth. Therefore, I must not be stunned listening and witnessing your guttered mind and heart. Those are just locker room normal stuff that happen between real men. And only a real man can become a real leader. What do the women know? They are only good for defending their husbands and their fathers once the husband and a father commit such real manly mishaps.

I suppose you want my vote to become the next President of the United States of America. I assume you wish to be voted to the presidency by many other men (and perhaps women as well.) And I agree with you, they have no moral right to make it an issue against your candidacy of what you candidly expressed over ten years ago. People do change over time. They do become responsible and mature with time. I agree. Just like how you used to donate generously to the Clintons some years back and now that you have grown up, you realize that was a mistake. So, the only thing you can do now to pretend to oust Mrs. Hillary Clinton out of this so-called race is by trashing her.

Mr. Trump, I admit, I have witnessed and heard time and again very similar words and thoughts candidly being stated by many men who believe they have over abundant money, super humanly power and the leash of control. In parties over a peg of exotic scotch, during a game of pool table or card, in a casino in Las Vegas, on the beautiful beaches of Florida, in the Broadway theatres, even the Hollywood movies – everywhere I have seen how men at times talk in exactly the same tone and manner like yours. And what right do they have today to pose themselves as holier than thou?

Therefore, Mr. Trump, you may be wondering by now – why then am I wasting your as well as my time by writing this open letter to you?

Well, Mr. Trump, allow me to share with you that there is a different breed of men existing in this world as well. Different than you – your vision, your perception, your morality, your ethics, your standards and above all your values. They are men who have self-respect and thus they understand the meaning of respecting others who are collectively viewed as human beings above and beyond their gender. Similarly they all become human beings above and beyond their religious beliefs, faith, race, cast, creed, color, origination and anything else. They can be traced not just in the USA but more so in larger numbers in other parts of the Earth. It is not just you, but the entire prevailing political system ceaselessly undermines them.

I am an active and integral part of that segment of men. I am undermined as well yet I remain silent. I am that weak. But listening to your shameless audacious garbage I rise today Mr. Trump. And through my feeble words I condemn your attitude. You are truly a disgrace to the mankind. I sincerely don’t want you to be anywhere near my neighborhood. And the whole world is my neighborhood Mr. Trump. I want the administration to book you as a registered sex offender. Along with I demand all those real men to be registered as sex offenders as well. For your information let me quote, “Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates conducted a nationally representative telephone survey of 612 adult women between June 17 and June 19, 2000. From this survey, they found that almost all women had experienced street harassment: 87 percent of American women between the ages of 18-64 had been harassed by a male stranger; and over one half of them experienced “extreme” harassment including being touched, grabbed, rubbed, brushed or followed by a strange man on the street or other public place. Shattering the myth that street harassment is an urban problem, the survey found that women in all areas experienced it: 90 percent in rural areas, 88 percent in suburban areas, and 87 percent in urban areas.” Yes Mr. Trump this survey is dated back around the same time frame when you voluptuously swallowed derogatory comments about your own daughter and regurgitated your vulgarity towards women in general. So before you build a wall at the borders of the country, please consider building a high walled prison where you and those real men will perish for the remainder of their lives.

I demand not to ever allow anyone including our children to hear such filthy words and to never permit anyone to witness such repulsively vulgar gestures like yours. I appeal to the entire media to delete all those audios and videos so that our children never hear you uttering any of those words. That’s not what we teach our children. We preach them to grow up like Dr. Martin Luther King, like Subhas Chandra Bose, like Dalai Lama, like Nelson Mandela, like Malala Yousafzai, like Nancy Lublin, like Tetiana Chornovol, like Juliana Rotich, like Thione Niang, like Valens Ntamushobora.

By now, perhaps you wish to call me names. I suspect. But Mr. Trump, I am not afraid today. I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law. You have talked enough about all the bogus issues and now that we have witnessed your true inner self – I pronounce – Mr. Trump you have lost the moral right to be a contender for the chair of the President of the United States of America.

Mr. Trump. I believe you have accomplished what you targeted to achieve through this campaign. Your objective has been to create a branding for yourself. Presidency of the great nation of the United States of America is a losing proposition for a cunning business tycoon like you. You are not dumb. You are smart since you don’t pay taxes. And then look at Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Amancio Ortega, Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, Mr. Jeff Bezos and all those other people that financially rank right behind them – do they have time to run a country? So, to get ahead of all of them – the greatest narcissist of all time (perhaps and loosely stated) you – Mr. Donald Trump – you needed to find out a way to beat the rest of the true super rich club members. What could you do other than developing a new group of Donald Trump worshippers? Yes, you have developed a huge group of supporters and followers just like any other cult leader or guru would aim to do. And you have been very successful in that endeavor of yours.

Through your discourses over last year or so, finally the cat got out of the hat. Yet, you will receive many votes under the banner of the GOP that you failed to secure when you attempted to run as an independent. You will receive votes only from your cult members and followers. But you know you will not win the election and it is not your intention to win either. Mrs. Hillary Cilnton needed an apparently lunatic opponent like you to become the first female President of the USA because the real men of this ultra-modern society still don’t like to see a woman as their boss. Moreover, you owe it to Mrs. Clinton. She has been your good friend for many years. You played golf with her husband regularly. You donated generously to her senate race. You need her to be on your side after she becomes the next President. So, you successfully and singlehandedly highjacked the entire Republican Party. And we are watching the greatest reality show of all time. We are witnessing history unfolding.

Therefore, I congratulate you for creating such an intense drama that we all are hooked onto. I congratulate you for exposing the nakedness of democracy. I congratulate you for surfacing the farce of the electoral process. I also congratulate you for engraving your own branding amongst the millions. Hope you benefit from it during this mortal life.

So Mr. Trump keep enacting and keep representing those ‘real big boys.’ But count me out because I say today – You’re Fired!




  • pink-slip-fired.jpg
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welcome prabir, I hope you get paid by the written word and not how much your whiny bullshit is read.

made it to the bottom of the 2nd paragraph, and got bored with the prewritten nonsense.
I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law.

If what law do you speak, and what grounds do you think you would have in such a case? Would you ask the women first, or simply appoint yourself arbiter of their subjective morality and inject yourself unbidden into their lives?

Mr. Trump – You’re Fired!

Dear Mr. Donald Trump,

Congratulations! I congratulate you for bringing out the nakedness of a sub-culture of men. You know what I am talking about. Right? Yes - all those leaked out audios and videos – Howard Stern, Billy Bush and so forth and so on.

I am a man as well. And I also belong to this planet called Earth. Therefore, I must not be stunned listening and witnessing your guttered mind and heart. Those are just locker room normal stuff that happen between real men. And only a real man can become a real leader. What do the women know? They are only good for defending their husbands and their fathers once the husband and a father commit such real manly mishaps.

I suppose you want my vote to become the next President of the United States of America. I assume you wish to be voted to the presidency by many other men (and perhaps women as well.) And I agree with you, they have no moral right to make it an issue against your candidacy of what you candidly expressed over ten years ago. People do change over time. They do become responsible and mature with time. I agree. Just like how you used to donate generously to the Clintons some years back and now that you have grown up, you realize that was a mistake. So, the only thing you can do now to pretend to oust Mrs. Hillary Clinton out of this so-called race is by trashing her.

Mr. Trump, I admit, I have witnessed and heard time and again very similar words and thoughts candidly being stated by many men who believe they have over abundant money, super humanly power and the leash of control. In parties over a peg of exotic scotch, during a game of pool table or card, in a casino in Las Vegas, on the beautiful beaches of Florida, in the Broadway theatres, even the Hollywood movies – everywhere I have seen how men at times talk in exactly the same tone and manner like yours. And what right do they have today to pose themselves as holier than thou?

Therefore, Mr. Trump, you may be wondering by now – why then am I wasting your as well as my time by writing this open letter to you?

Well, Mr. Trump, allow me to share with you that there is a different breed of men existing in this world as well. Different than you – your vision, your perception, your morality, your ethics, your standards and above all your values. They are men who have self-respect and thus they understand the meaning of respecting others who are collectively viewed as human beings above and beyond their gender. Similarly they all become human beings above and beyond their religious beliefs, faith, race, cast, creed, color, origination and anything else. They can be traced not just in the USA but more so in larger numbers in other parts of the Earth. It is not just you, but the entire prevailing political system ceaselessly undermines them.

I am an active and integral part of that segment of men. I am undermined as well yet I remain silent. I am that weak. But listening to your shameless audacious garbage I rise today Mr. Trump. And through my feeble words I condemn your attitude. You are truly a disgrace to the mankind. I sincerely don’t want you to be anywhere near my neighborhood. And the whole world is my neighborhood Mr. Trump. I want the administration to book you as a registered sex offender. Along with I demand all those real men to be registered as sex offenders as well. For your information let me quote, “Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates conducted a nationally representative telephone survey of 612 adult women between June 17 and June 19, 2000. From this survey, they found that almost all women had experienced street harassment: 87 percent of American women between the ages of 18-64 had been harassed by a male stranger; and over one half of them experienced “extreme” harassment including being touched, grabbed, rubbed, brushed or followed by a strange man on the street or other public place. Shattering the myth that street harassment is an urban problem, the survey found that women in all areas experienced it: 90 percent in rural areas, 88 percent in suburban areas, and 87 percent in urban areas.” Yes Mr. Trump this survey is dated back around the same time frame when you voluptuously swallowed derogatory comments about your own daughter and regurgitated your vulgarity towards women in general. So before you build a wall at the borders of the country, please consider building a high walled prison where you and those real men will perish for the remainder of their lives.

I demand not to ever allow anyone including our children to hear such filthy words and to never permit anyone to witness such repulsively vulgar gestures like yours. I appeal to the entire media to delete all those audios and videos so that our children never hear you uttering any of those words. That’s not what we teach our children. We preach them to grow up like Dr. Martin Luther King, like Subhas Chandra Bose, like Dalai Lama, like Nelson Mandela, like Malala Yousafzai, like Nancy Lublin, like Tetiana Chornovol, like Juliana Rotich, like Thione Niang, like Valens Ntamushobora.

By now, perhaps you wish to call me names. I suspect. But Mr. Trump, I am not afraid today. I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law. You have talked enough about all the bogus issues and now that we have witnessed your true inner self – I pronounce – Mr. Trump you have lost the moral right to be a contender for the chair of the President of the United States of America.

Mr. Trump. I believe you have accomplished what you targeted to achieve through this campaign. Your objective has been to create a branding for yourself. Presidency of the great nation of the United States of America is a losing proposition for a cunning business tycoon like you. You are not dumb. You are smart since you don’t pay taxes. And then look at Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Amancio Ortega, Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, Mr. Jeff Bezos and all those other people that financially rank right behind them – do they have time to run a country? So, to get ahead of all of them – the greatest narcissist of all time (perhaps and loosely stated) you – Mr. Donald Trump – you needed to find out a way to beat the rest of the true super rich club members. What could you do other than developing a new group of Donald Trump worshippers? Yes, you have developed a huge group of supporters and followers just like any other cult leader or guru would aim to do. And you have been very successful in that endeavor of yours.

Through your discourses over last year or so, finally the cat got out of the hat. Yet, you will receive many votes under the banner of the GOP that you failed to secure when you attempted to run as an independent. You will receive votes only from your cult members and followers. But you know you will not win the election and it is not your intention to win either. Mrs. Hillary Cilnton needed an apparently lunatic opponent like you to become the first female President of the USA because the real men of this ultra-modern society still don’t like to see a woman as their boss. Moreover, you owe it to Mrs. Clinton. She has been your good friend for many years. You played golf with her husband regularly. You donated generously to her senate race. You need her to be on your side after she becomes the next President. So, you successfully and singlehandedly highjacked the entire Republican Party. And we are watching the greatest reality show of all time. We are witnessing history unfolding.

Therefore, I congratulate you for creating such an intense drama that we all are hooked onto. I congratulate you for exposing the nakedness of democracy. I congratulate you for surfacing the farce of the electoral process. I also congratulate you for engraving your own branding amongst the millions. Hope you benefit from it during this mortal life.

So Mr. Trump keep enacting and keep representing those ‘real big boys.’ But count me out because I say today – You’re Fired!


How witty a title! We get it. You're a metrosexual pussyman.
welcome prabir, I hope you get paid by the written word and not how much your whiny bullshit is read.

made it to the bottom of the 2nd paragraph, and got bored with the prewritten nonsense.
I just noted that´s about the locker room talk and stopped reading. Hillary´s emails and ISIS are on another scale, too large for some to realize it...
Our OP should study a bit of history. Should Clinton be elected, she will serve at the pleasure of powerful men.
I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law.

If what law do you speak, and what grounds do you think you would have in such a case? Would you ask the women first, or simply appoint yourself arbiter of their subjective morality and inject yourself unbidden into their lives?


Unwanted touching of another person's genitals is against the law in every state, correct me if I'm wrong.
I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law.

If what law do you speak, and what grounds do you think you would have in such a case? Would you ask the women first, or simply appoint yourself arbiter of their subjective morality and inject yourself unbidden into their lives?


Unwanted touching of another person's genitals is against the law in every state, correct me if I'm wrong.

It must first be determined that such actions were indeed unwanted, and only the victim can file a complaint.
I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law.

If what law do you speak, and what grounds do you think you would have in such a case? Would you ask the women first, or simply appoint yourself arbiter of their subjective morality and inject yourself unbidden into their lives?


Unwanted touching of another person's genitals is against the law in every state, correct me if I'm wrong.

It must first be determined that such actions were indeed unwanted, and only the victim can file a complaint.

Not true. Witnesses can file complaints.
Just a reminder - this thread is in Politics, Zone 2 - discuss the topic, not the poster. Thank you.
I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law.

If what law do you speak, and what grounds do you think you would have in such a case? Would you ask the women first, or simply appoint yourself arbiter of their subjective morality and inject yourself unbidden into their lives?


Unwanted touching of another person's genitals is against the law in every state, correct me if I'm wrong.

It must first be determined that such actions were indeed unwanted, and only the victim can file a complaint.

Not true. Witnesses can file complaints.

Oh please. How silly.
Mr. Trump – You’re Fired!

Dear Mr. Donald Trump,

Congratulations! I congratulate you for bringing out the nakedness of a sub-culture of men. You know what I am talking about. Right? Yes - all those leaked out audios and videos – Howard Stern, Billy Bush and so forth and so on.

I am a man as well. And I also belong to this planet called Earth. Therefore, I must not be stunned listening and witnessing your guttered mind and heart. Those are just locker room normal stuff that happen between real men. And only a real man can become a real leader. What do the women know? They are only good for defending their husbands and their fathers once the husband and a father commit such real manly mishaps.

I suppose you want my vote to become the next President of the United States of America. I assume you wish to be voted to the presidency by many other men (and perhaps women as well.) And I agree with you, they have no moral right to make it an issue against your candidacy of what you candidly expressed over ten years ago. People do change over time. They do become responsible and mature with time. I agree. Just like how you used to donate generously to the Clintons some years back and now that you have grown up, you realize that was a mistake. So, the only thing you can do now to pretend to oust Mrs. Hillary Clinton out of this so-called race is by trashing her.

Mr. Trump, I admit, I have witnessed and heard time and again very similar words and thoughts candidly being stated by many men who believe they have over abundant money, super humanly power and the leash of control. In parties over a peg of exotic scotch, during a game of pool table or card, in a casino in Las Vegas, on the beautiful beaches of Florida, in the Broadway theatres, even the Hollywood movies – everywhere I have seen how men at times talk in exactly the same tone and manner like yours. And what right do they have today to pose themselves as holier than thou?

Therefore, Mr. Trump, you may be wondering by now – why then am I wasting your as well as my time by writing this open letter to you?

Well, Mr. Trump, allow me to share with you that there is a different breed of men existing in this world as well. Different than you – your vision, your perception, your morality, your ethics, your standards and above all your values. They are men who have self-respect and thus they understand the meaning of respecting others who are collectively viewed as human beings above and beyond their gender. Similarly they all become human beings above and beyond their religious beliefs, faith, race, cast, creed, color, origination and anything else. They can be traced not just in the USA but more so in larger numbers in other parts of the Earth. It is not just you, but the entire prevailing political system ceaselessly undermines them.

I am an active and integral part of that segment of men. I am undermined as well yet I remain silent. I am that weak. But listening to your shameless audacious garbage I rise today Mr. Trump. And through my feeble words I condemn your attitude. You are truly a disgrace to the mankind. I sincerely don’t want you to be anywhere near my neighborhood. And the whole world is my neighborhood Mr. Trump. I want the administration to book you as a registered sex offender. Along with I demand all those real men to be registered as sex offenders as well. For your information let me quote, “Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates conducted a nationally representative telephone survey of 612 adult women between June 17 and June 19, 2000. From this survey, they found that almost all women had experienced street harassment: 87 percent of American women between the ages of 18-64 had been harassed by a male stranger; and over one half of them experienced “extreme” harassment including being touched, grabbed, rubbed, brushed or followed by a strange man on the street or other public place. Shattering the myth that street harassment is an urban problem, the survey found that women in all areas experienced it: 90 percent in rural areas, 88 percent in suburban areas, and 87 percent in urban areas.” Yes Mr. Trump this survey is dated back around the same time frame when you voluptuously swallowed derogatory comments about your own daughter and regurgitated your vulgarity towards women in general. So before you build a wall at the borders of the country, please consider building a high walled prison where you and those real men will perish for the remainder of their lives.

I demand not to ever allow anyone including our children to hear such filthy words and to never permit anyone to witness such repulsively vulgar gestures like yours. I appeal to the entire media to delete all those audios and videos so that our children never hear you uttering any of those words. That’s not what we teach our children. We preach them to grow up like Dr. Martin Luther King, like Subhas Chandra Bose, like Dalai Lama, like Nelson Mandela, like Malala Yousafzai, like Nancy Lublin, like Tetiana Chornovol, like Juliana Rotich, like Thione Niang, like Valens Ntamushobora.

By now, perhaps you wish to call me names. I suspect. But Mr. Trump, I am not afraid today. I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law. You have talked enough about all the bogus issues and now that we have witnessed your true inner self – I pronounce – Mr. Trump you have lost the moral right to be a contender for the chair of the President of the United States of America.

Mr. Trump. I believe you have accomplished what you targeted to achieve through this campaign. Your objective has been to create a branding for yourself. Presidency of the great nation of the United States of America is a losing proposition for a cunning business tycoon like you. You are not dumb. You are smart since you don’t pay taxes. And then look at Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Amancio Ortega, Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, Mr. Jeff Bezos and all those other people that financially rank right behind them – do they have time to run a country? So, to get ahead of all of them – the greatest narcissist of all time (perhaps and loosely stated) you – Mr. Donald Trump – you needed to find out a way to beat the rest of the true super rich club members. What could you do other than developing a new group of Donald Trump worshippers? Yes, you have developed a huge group of supporters and followers just like any other cult leader or guru would aim to do. And you have been very successful in that endeavor of yours.

Through your discourses over last year or so, finally the cat got out of the hat. Yet, you will receive many votes under the banner of the GOP that you failed to secure when you attempted to run as an independent. You will receive votes only from your cult members and followers. But you know you will not win the election and it is not your intention to win either. Mrs. Hillary Cilnton needed an apparently lunatic opponent like you to become the first female President of the USA because the real men of this ultra-modern society still don’t like to see a woman as their boss. Moreover, you owe it to Mrs. Clinton. She has been your good friend for many years. You played golf with her husband regularly. You donated generously to her senate race. You need her to be on your side after she becomes the next President. So, you successfully and singlehandedly highjacked the entire Republican Party. And we are watching the greatest reality show of all time. We are witnessing history unfolding.

Therefore, I congratulate you for creating such an intense drama that we all are hooked onto. I congratulate you for exposing the nakedness of democracy. I congratulate you for surfacing the farce of the electoral process. I also congratulate you for engraving your own branding amongst the millions. Hope you benefit from it during this mortal life.

So Mr. Trump keep enacting and keep representing those ‘real big boys.’ But count me out because I say today – You’re Fired!



The cut and paste queen of shit cannot fire someone who is self employed. You can't even find your own ass to purge it.
Mr. Trump – You’re Fired!

Dear Mr. Donald Trump,

Congratulations! I congratulate you for bringing out the nakedness of a sub-culture of men. You know what I am talking about. Right? Yes - all those leaked out audios and videos – Howard Stern, Billy Bush and so forth and so on.

I am a man as well. And I also belong to this planet called Earth. Therefore, I must not be stunned listening and witnessing your guttered mind and heart. Those are just locker room normal stuff that happen between real men. And only a real man can become a real leader. What do the women know? They are only good for defending their husbands and their fathers once the husband and a father commit such real manly mishaps.

I suppose you want my vote to become the next President of the United States of America. I assume you wish to be voted to the presidency by many other men (and perhaps women as well.) And I agree with you, they have no moral right to make it an issue against your candidacy of what you candidly expressed over ten years ago. People do change over time. They do become responsible and mature with time. I agree. Just like how you used to donate generously to the Clintons some years back and now that you have grown up, you realize that was a mistake. So, the only thing you can do now to pretend to oust Mrs. Hillary Clinton out of this so-called race is by trashing her.

Mr. Trump, I admit, I have witnessed and heard time and again very similar words and thoughts candidly being stated by many men who believe they have over abundant money, super humanly power and the leash of control. In parties over a peg of exotic scotch, during a game of pool table or card, in a casino in Las Vegas, on the beautiful beaches of Florida, in the Broadway theatres, even the Hollywood movies – everywhere I have seen how men at times talk in exactly the same tone and manner like yours. And what right do they have today to pose themselves as holier than thou?

Therefore, Mr. Trump, you may be wondering by now – why then am I wasting your as well as my time by writing this open letter to you?

Well, Mr. Trump, allow me to share with you that there is a different breed of men existing in this world as well. Different than you – your vision, your perception, your morality, your ethics, your standards and above all your values. They are men who have self-respect and thus they understand the meaning of respecting others who are collectively viewed as human beings above and beyond their gender. Similarly they all become human beings above and beyond their religious beliefs, faith, race, cast, creed, color, origination and anything else. They can be traced not just in the USA but more so in larger numbers in other parts of the Earth. It is not just you, but the entire prevailing political system ceaselessly undermines them.

I am an active and integral part of that segment of men. I am undermined as well yet I remain silent. I am that weak. But listening to your shameless audacious garbage I rise today Mr. Trump. And through my feeble words I condemn your attitude. You are truly a disgrace to the mankind. I sincerely don’t want you to be anywhere near my neighborhood. And the whole world is my neighborhood Mr. Trump. I want the administration to book you as a registered sex offender. Along with I demand all those real men to be registered as sex offenders as well. For your information let me quote, “Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates conducted a nationally representative telephone survey of 612 adult women between June 17 and June 19, 2000. From this survey, they found that almost all women had experienced street harassment: 87 percent of American women between the ages of 18-64 had been harassed by a male stranger; and over one half of them experienced “extreme” harassment including being touched, grabbed, rubbed, brushed or followed by a strange man on the street or other public place. Shattering the myth that street harassment is an urban problem, the survey found that women in all areas experienced it: 90 percent in rural areas, 88 percent in suburban areas, and 87 percent in urban areas.” Yes Mr. Trump this survey is dated back around the same time frame when you voluptuously swallowed derogatory comments about your own daughter and regurgitated your vulgarity towards women in general. So before you build a wall at the borders of the country, please consider building a high walled prison where you and those real men will perish for the remainder of their lives.

I demand not to ever allow anyone including our children to hear such filthy words and to never permit anyone to witness such repulsively vulgar gestures like yours. I appeal to the entire media to delete all those audios and videos so that our children never hear you uttering any of those words. That’s not what we teach our children. We preach them to grow up like Dr. Martin Luther King, like Subhas Chandra Bose, like Dalai Lama, like Nelson Mandela, like Malala Yousafzai, like Nancy Lublin, like Tetiana Chornovol, like Juliana Rotich, like Thione Niang, like Valens Ntamushobora.

By now, perhaps you wish to call me names. I suspect. But Mr. Trump, I am not afraid today. I swear – if I ever see you or any one from your cult (those real men) doing what you stated in that video that you do to women – I swear – I swear I will drag you or any of those real men under the custody of the prevailing law. You have talked enough about all the bogus issues and now that we have witnessed your true inner self – I pronounce – Mr. Trump you have lost the moral right to be a contender for the chair of the President of the United States of America.

Mr. Trump. I believe you have accomplished what you targeted to achieve through this campaign. Your objective has been to create a branding for yourself. Presidency of the great nation of the United States of America is a losing proposition for a cunning business tycoon like you. You are not dumb. You are smart since you don’t pay taxes. And then look at Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Amancio Ortega, Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Carlos Slim Helu, Mr. Jeff Bezos and all those other people that financially rank right behind them – do they have time to run a country? So, to get ahead of all of them – the greatest narcissist of all time (perhaps and loosely stated) you – Mr. Donald Trump – you needed to find out a way to beat the rest of the true super rich club members. What could you do other than developing a new group of Donald Trump worshippers? Yes, you have developed a huge group of supporters and followers just like any other cult leader or guru would aim to do. And you have been very successful in that endeavor of yours.

Through your discourses over last year or so, finally the cat got out of the hat. Yet, you will receive many votes under the banner of the GOP that you failed to secure when you attempted to run as an independent. You will receive votes only from your cult members and followers. But you know you will not win the election and it is not your intention to win either. Mrs. Hillary Cilnton needed an apparently lunatic opponent like you to become the first female President of the USA because the real men of this ultra-modern society still don’t like to see a woman as their boss. Moreover, you owe it to Mrs. Clinton. She has been your good friend for many years. You played golf with her husband regularly. You donated generously to her senate race. You need her to be on your side after she becomes the next President. So, you successfully and singlehandedly highjacked the entire Republican Party. And we are watching the greatest reality show of all time. We are witnessing history unfolding.

Therefore, I congratulate you for creating such an intense drama that we all are hooked onto. I congratulate you for exposing the nakedness of democracy. I congratulate you for surfacing the farce of the electoral process. I also congratulate you for engraving your own branding amongst the millions. Hope you benefit from it during this mortal life.

So Mr. Trump keep enacting and keep representing those ‘real big boys.’ But count me out because I say today – You’re Fired!


China called..... they want their wall back

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