Mother Russia: What do the liberals think now


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I wonder, what do they think...


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism

Mark Adomanis

Over at The Nation, Alec Luhn recently wrote a quite good summary of the recently-passed ban on “gay propaganda” and the generally perilous state of gay rights in Russia. I encourage everyone to read the full article, particularly because it does an excellent job of showing that Russian gay rights activists are themselves deeply conflicted and divided about what to do next. Some, particularly those that get the most attention in the West, want to focus on holding large public demonstrations of gay pride. Others think that Russian gays should adopt a more cautious stance that is based on coming out to family and close friends and then gradually broadening out from there.*

The point is that Russia’s gays are not united in lockstep behind a particular issue, strategy, or goal, but are people with all of the messiness, bickering, and spontaneity that that entails. That might sound rather obvious or banal, but in discussions about the ban on “gay propaganda” there is an unfortunate tendency to lump Russia’s gays together into some homogeneous and undifferentiated mass.

But what really struck me about Luhn’s article, what really got me thinking, was the widespread popularity of anti-gay sentiment. The Duma bill banning “gay propaganda” passed unanimously. Not a single member of the official opposition felt comfortable voting against it. Obviously the opposition doesn’t doesn’t control the Duma, United Russia does, but the Communists, the LDPR, and other groups have no problem voting against various sorts of economic and fiscal policies. Yes the Duma is hardly a paragon of democratic accountability, but unanimous bills are still quite rare and it seems worth noting how quickly its deputies fell in line behind the legislation.


Russia's Crackdown On 'Gay Propaganda' And Popular Illiberalism - Forbes
The far right religious arm of the TPM are in firm agreement with the commies.

Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarians, march through St. Petersburg on Aug.17, 2013.

Humor failure in Russia: Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' shows Kremlin-church ties

By Albina Kovalyova, Producer, NBC News

MOSCOW, Russia -- The march of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster had all signs of being a satirical stunt – some of its 100 participants were armed with colanders on their heads and pasta in their mouths.

But the reaction of Russian authorities to so-called Pastafarians has been anything but lighthearted.

Police and members of a Russian Orthodox group set upon the group last Saturday, knocking some to the ground. Eight members of the church were detained and subsequently charged with organizing an unsanctioned rally. Although those detained have since been released, they are due back in court before the end of August.

Pastafarians are part of an international 'religious' movement founded in the U.S. in 2005 in opposition to the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. It has become an international movement, generally recognized as satirical poke at organized religion. But its adherents insist that it’s a 'real religion' and the dogma they follow is the rejection of dogma. They claim to have 15,000 adherents in Russia.


Humor failure in Russia: Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' shows Kremlin-church ties - World News
The right wingers are loving russia right now. I bet they are stocking up on hammers and sickles as we speak.
Russia takes things too far but at least the don't have to worry about filthy queers. They're clergy won't be jailed for a hate crime for not marrying shit pushers. That's coming to the U.S as long as the liberal parasites are in charge.
What do you want to bet that photographers in Russia won't be sued and forced to attend commitment ceremonies?

Whoever thought that Russia would be the country that protects religious freedom and the United States would be the country destroying it?
NEWSFLASH: Russia was never "admired" by liberals in this country. Quite the contrary, the Liberal Presidents of this country did the best they could to fight them without starting a hot war.

John F. Kennedy, a self avowed Liberal, was killed by Commie loving Lee Harvey Oswald.
Russia takes things too far but at least the don't have to worry about filthy queers. They're clergy won't be jailed for a hate crime for not marrying shit pushers. That's coming to the U.S as long as the liberal parasites are in charge.

Gays are pushing around shit these days? Do they have little carts for it or something?

Members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarians, march through St. Petersburg on Aug.17, 2013.

Humor failure in Russia: Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' shows Kremlin-church ties

By Albina Kovalyova, Producer, NBC News

MOSCOW, Russia -- The march of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster had all signs of being a satirical stunt – some of its 100 participants were armed with colanders on their heads and pasta in their mouths.

But the reaction of Russian authorities to so-called Pastafarians has been anything but lighthearted.

Police and members of a Russian Orthodox group set upon the group last Saturday, knocking some to the ground. Eight members of the church were detained and subsequently charged with organizing an unsanctioned rally. Although those detained have since been released, they are due back in court before the end of August.

Pastafarians are part of an international 'religious' movement founded in the U.S. in 2005 in opposition to the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. It has become an international movement, generally recognized as satirical poke at organized religion. But its adherents insist that it’s a 'real religion' and the dogma they follow is the rejection of dogma. They claim to have 15,000 adherents in Russia.


Humor failure in Russia: Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' shows Kremlin-church ties - World News

Oh addition to becoming a de facto dictatorship..they are becoming a theocracy.

Good times for you folks.

Russia has never been a liberal country; it was a Communist country. While liberals and Communists share a common belief in Marxism, Communists are far more totalitarian and brutal.
Russia has never been a liberal country; it was a Communist country. While liberals and Communists share a common belief in Marxism, Communists are far more totalitarian and brutal.

Liberal governments allow multiple parties and political viewpoints.

One of the "features" of Communism is that neither of those are allowed.

Additionally, capitalism is also a Liberal construct.
Russia takes things too far but at least the don't have to worry about filthy queers. They're clergy won't be jailed for a hate crime for not marrying shit pushers. That's coming to the U.S as long as the liberal parasites are in charge.

Gays are pushing around shit these days? Do they have little carts for it or something?

As a fag lover, you of all people know exactly what I meant by that statement. Nevertheless, Russia doesn't pass any of the tests I'd set for a good country when it comes to dealing with fags and fag lovers. Those simply being that you don't put protesting HIV makers in a jail cell for speaking about whatever oppresses them which isn't much in this country.

Russia's TV network blasted for 'abominable' coverage of anti-gay law [video]

Posted by duy
August 22, 2013


Russian duma; that criminalizes homosexual propaganda. It effectively makes it illegal to talk about homosexuality in public....

''I'm not really interested in talking about Bradley Manning right now. I'm interested in talking about the horrific environment of homophobia in Russia right now. And to let the Russian gay people know they have friends and allies in solidarity from people all over the world. And that we're not going to be silent in the face of this horrific repression that is perpetrated by your paymasters, by Vladimir Putin....

"And as a journalist, I don't know how you can go to sleep at night seeing what happens to journalists in Russia who are routiney harrassed, tortured and in some cases killed by the Russian government.... I find that abomidable, and you should be ashamed of yourself.... You should cover what's happening in Russia. You should cover the horrific abuse --.

"You have 24 hours a day to lie about the United States and to ignore what's happening in Russia.... RT has been Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden 24/7. I haven't seen anything on your network about the anti-gay laws that have been passed in Russia, and the increasing climate of violence and hostility towards gay people. Where is the coverage of that? ... They can't make these comments on Russian television. They can't write these things in Russian newspapers. They can't hold a demonstration in Russian squares."


Russia's TV network blasted for 'abominable' coverage of anti-gay law [video] - Last Word

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