Mother Russia: What do the liberals think now

^ Pretty much gone full bore Russian supporter against her own country.

It's a shame that my own country has become so evil, so depraved, and become ruled by an utterly corrupt madman intent on his own gratification.

I never thought I would see the United States actually become what we fought against for over 200 years.

No I will not support perversion. I will not support a crazy person who imagines they are God. The only person to say "The State, I AM the State" and get away with it was King Louie XVIII. obama isn't entitled.

Your position, katzndogz, is the crazy one, the one in which a mad woman fights against all the good in America.

You will not find what you want in Russia.

If you and Bodey are examples, there is quickly very little good in America. At least Russia is trying. Russia would not tolerate decent people losing what they have because they refuse to support perversion. Russia does not support people that disembowel othes and eat their entrails. Or those who shoot boys in the head for disrespecting the fucked up prophet. Or, those who burn Christian Churches. That's America. Specifically obama's americs so spare the tales of america's goodness. It's as dead as the dead white guys who started it.
There is much good in America, Katzndogz, and you will not spoil it by taking us backwards.

Move to Russia if you like it so much.

But your support for Putin and Russia is support for gassed Syrian babies: honey, that is not good.
Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism

April 10, 2009
by Henry Makow Ph.D

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots." I was one for most of my life. "Championing the oppressed" was a pathetic way to justify my life while being blinded to the real enemy. As I will demonstrate, liberals, funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, are mostly unwitting pawns of a Satanic Communist agenda. They are like the lower Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, dupes. This sounds extreme but unfortunately, it is literally true.

Richard Rodriguez is a liberal propagandist. Flipping channels Thursday, I stumbled on this deceitful diatribe against men and the traditional family on the Rockefeller- funded PBS. Called "Women on the Move," it suggests that the school girls of Afghanistan are ready to fill the void left by men as the "male order falters and fails." Absurd as this notion is, coming from the Rockefellers, it conveys their desire for radical change and totalitarian control.


Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism -
If you and Bodey are examples, there is quickly very little good in America. At least Russia is trying. Russia would not tolerate decent people losing what they have because they refuse to support perversion. Russia does not support people that disembowel othes and eat their entrails. Or those who shoot boys in the head for disrespecting the fucked up prophet. Or, those who burn Christian Churches. That's America. Specifically obama's americs so spare the tales of america's goodness. It's as dead as the dead white guys who started it.

Want to know one of the best parts about America? The fact that both you and Bodey are free to give your opinion without the threat of being thrown in jail. We know now that you never supported freedom of speech. You only support speech which you agree with. You are welcome in Russia. Leave America for those who truly believe in freedom.
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If you and Bodey are examples, there is quickly very little good in America. At least Russia is trying. Russia would not tolerate decent people losing what they have because they refuse to support perversion. Russia does not support people that disembowel othes and eat their entrails. Or those who shoot boys in the head for disrespecting the fucked up prophet. Or, those who burn Christian Churches. That's America. Specifically obama's americs so spare the tales of america's goodness. It's as dead as the dead white guys who started it.

Want to know one of the best parts about America? The fact that both you and Bodey are free to give your opinion without the threat of being thrown in jail. We know now that you never supported freedom of speech. You only support speech which you agree with. You are welcome in Russia. Leave America for those who truly believe in freedom.

No, Katzndogz should stay in American to remind us all of what the Framers feared most: hate and ignorance, and why they created the Constitution, to protect citizens from that hate and ignorance.
The right wingers are loving russia right now. I bet they are stocking up on hammers and sickles as we speak.

They love Putin too....Warbler probably has a pin-up of him shirtless displayed in a prominent place in his bedroom.

Nah...he got the Russians to send him the painting they seized of Putin in a pink slip.

Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism

April 10, 2009
by Henry Makow Ph.D

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots." I was one for most of my life. "Championing the oppressed" was a pathetic way to justify my life while being blinded to the real enemy. As I will demonstrate, liberals, funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, are mostly unwitting pawns of a Satanic Communist agenda. They are like the lower Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, dupes. This sounds extreme but unfortunately, it is literally true.

Richard Rodriguez is a liberal propagandist. Flipping channels Thursday, I stumbled on this deceitful diatribe against men and the traditional family on the Rockefeller- funded PBS. Called "Women on the Move," it suggests that the school girls of Afghanistan are ready to fill the void left by men as the "male order falters and fails." Absurd as this notion is, coming from the Rockefellers, it conveys their desire for radical change and totalitarian control.


Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism -

You are a useful dupes of the modern day communists, AJ.
After all these years of calling Democrats commies and fascists, Republicans are coming out in support of a communist country for locking people up for "gay propaganda". This shit is priceless.

Almost but not quite as priceless as how our resident anti-commies have come to an agreement with the CHINESE COMMUNIST MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT whereby we get to hire their SLAVES to make their products.

I'm telling ya, mate the US conservatives have some truly FLEXIBLE
MORAL VALUES when it comes to choosing business partners.
After all these years of calling Democrats commies and fascists, Republicans are coming out in support of a communist country for locking people up for "gay propaganda". This shit is priceless.

Almost but not quite as priceless as how our resident anti-commies have come to an agreement with the CHINESE COMMUNIST MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT whereby we get to hire their SLAVES to make their products.

I'm telling ya, mate the US conservatives have some truly FLEXIBLE
MORAL VALUES when it comes to choosing business partners

They always have.
Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism

April 10, 2009
by Henry Makow Ph.D

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots." I was one for most of my life. "Championing the oppressed" was a pathetic way to justify my life while being blinded to the real enemy. As I will demonstrate, liberals, funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, are mostly unwitting pawns of a Satanic Communist agenda. They are like the lower Blue Degrees of Freemasonry, dupes. This sounds extreme but unfortunately, it is literally true.

Richard Rodriguez is a liberal propagandist. Flipping channels Thursday, I stumbled on this deceitful diatribe against men and the traditional family on the Rockefeller- funded PBS. Called "Women on the Move," it suggests that the school girls of Afghanistan are ready to fill the void left by men as the "male order falters and fails." Absurd as this notion is, coming from the Rockefellers, it conveys their desire for radical change and totalitarian control.


Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism -

You are a useful dupes of the modern day communists, AJ.

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots."

Make sure you show this to yo c*ckbite buddy franco the king of dupes...:lol:
Kennedy and Johnson and Eisenhower and Ford and Nixon and (yeah, even the weenie Reagan) and Bush the Elder all served as young men in WWII as liberals and conservatives and moderates.

And everyone of them would tell the reactionaries and libertarians here to STFU.
Kennedy and Johnson and Eisenhower and Ford and Nixon and (yeah, even the weenie Reagan) and Bush the Elder all served as young men in WWII as liberals and conservatives and moderates.

And everyone of them would tell the reactionaries and libertarians here to STFU.

Snarkey, on top of being a progressive/left-wing/liberal/socialist/commie/fagg you're also a psychic,(lmao) I sure hope it's not what you do for a living...:eek:


AJ attacks personality because my comment is true.

Shroom knows that it is the far right reactionaries in love with Putin, communism, and Russia.
AJ attacks personality because my comment is true.

Shroom knows that it is the far right reactionaries in love with Putin, communism, and Russia.

Snarkey, I'm glad you cleared that up being that you started all the attacks and the folks can go back and see from my first posts here @ USMB the left started with me, they thought I was going to roll over and go away, that's when it became fun getting you lefties all wee weed up...:lol:
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Putin Puts Obama in the Hot Seat

September 6, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a strange way of speaking straightforwardly, without all the artificial and “morally superior” airs one expects from Western politicians.

Earlier, for example, he wondered why Western leaders were supporting cannibals in Syria:

You will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras. Are these the people you want to support? Is it them who you want to supply with weapons? Then this probably has little relation to humanitarian values that have been preached in Europe for hundreds of years.

Putin was referring to the notorious video of a jihadi leader biting into the organs of a Syrian soldier while screaming Islamic slogans.


Putin Puts Obama in the Hot Seat | FrontPage Magazine
AJ attacks personality because my comment is true.

Shroom knows that it is the far right reactionaries in love with Putin, communism, and Russia.

Snarkey, I'm glad you cleared that up being that you started all the attacks and the folks can go back and see from my first posts here @ USMB the left started with me, they thought I was going to roll over and go away, that's when it became fun getting you lefties all wee weed up...:lol:

Son, no one is worked up. We are simply correcting your error. The far right reactionaries are praising Russia and Putin, not the mainstream Republicans who know far better than that type of silliness.
AJ attacks personality because my comment is true.

Shroom knows that it is the far right reactionaries in love with Putin, communism, and Russia.

Snarkey, I'm glad you cleared that up being that you started all the attacks and the folks can go back and see from my first posts here @ USMB the left started with me, they thought I was going to roll over and go away, that's when it became fun getting you lefties all wee weed up...:lol:

Son, no one is worked up. We are simply correcting your error. The far right reactionaries are praising Russia and Putin, not the mainstream Republicans who know far better than that type of silliness.

Snarkey you old geezer, 55,941 posts and you're still dumb as a stump...:eusa_shhh:

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