mother of 6 year old boy who is shot teacher on drugs


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

a drug addict who legally got gun buy lying about it and left it laying around so her crazy son could shoot a teacher. she cant even keep on probation rule., no respect for laws. disgusting.

a drug addict who legally got gun buy lying about it and left it laying around so her crazy son could shoot a teacher. she cant even keep on probation rule., no respect for laws. disgusting.
Geez, why am I not surprised. I always thing when kids shoot anybody, the parents should be prosecuted. Sounds good to me.:cool:
Leaving a gun around for a 6 year old to use must be a felony. Why isn't she in jail? Did she encourage the kid to shoot his teacher while she was in a drug haze? As usual more questions than answers because the media isn't interested.
Lock her up or do away with the no drug condition of her bond. It’s stupid to have conditions you don’t plan to enforce. There is no benefit to society having her out of jail, her kid may actually be better off without her in his life. She is a great example of why we need better parental control to include classes on how not to be a piece of shit parent
Leaving a gun around for a 6 year old to use must be a felony. Why isn't she in jail? Did she encourage the kid to shoot his teacher while she was in a drug haze? As usual more questions than answers because the media isn't interested.
I doubt if negligence is a felony but lying on that form is, if they prove she was a drug user when she signed it.

a drug addict who legally got gun buy lying about it and left it laying around so her crazy son could shoot a teacher. she cant even keep on probation rule., no respect for laws. disgusting.
Is she dating Hunter Biden? Both are lifetime addicts.
a drug addict who legally got gun buy lying about it and left it laying around so her crazy son could shoot a teacher. she cant even keep on probation rule., no respect for laws. disgusting.

I'm confused.
  1. State law supersedes federal law. Federal law was designed to only fill those gaps not claimed by the states.
  2. Many/most states are decriminalizing marijuana.
  3. What does smoking pot have to do with owning a gun? What is the concern, that the reefer might give you bad aim? Or that it just might make you mellow and peaceful?
I would think of greater concern would be:
  1. How did the 6 year old gain access to the gun?
  2. WHY did the six year old take it to school?
  3. HOW did the child get into school carrying a gun?
  4. How does a 6 year old pull out a gun, aim and hit an adult moving target? Ever think of taking it off of him or just ducking?
  5. Has the school considered giving teachers kevlar vests or putting bulletproof shields in front of the desks?
  6. Had the school remained locked down in virtual classroom mode, this could not have happened.
  7. Finally: WHY did he shoot the teach and whose idea was it, the kid's or the MOTHER'S?!
Curious minds want to know. :smoke:
I'm confused.
  1. State law supersedes federal law. Federal law was designed to only fill those gaps not claimed by the states.
  2. Many/most states are decriminalizing marijuana.
  3. What does smoking pot have to do with owning a gun? What is the concern, that the reefer might give you bad aim? Or that it just might make you mellow and peaceful?
I would think of greater concern would be:
  1. How did the 6 year old gain access to the gun?
  2. WHY did the six year old take it to school?
  3. HOW did the child get into school carrying a gun?
  4. How does a 6 year old pull out a gun, aim and hit an adult moving target? Ever think of taking it off of him or just ducking?
  5. Has the school considered giving teachers kevlar vests or putting bulletproof shields in front of the desks?
  6. Had the school remained locked down in virtual classroom mode, this could not have happened.
  7. Finally: WHY did he shoot the teach and whose idea was it, the kid's or the MOTHER'S?!
Curious minds want to know. :smoke:
Federal law still prohibits the use of pot no matter what the state says it’s still against federal law

The kid got the gun because the mom did not secure it, the best case scenario was instead of it being on a table it was supposedly in her purse. He took it and got it in the school using his backpack and the school refused to act on reports that he possibly had a gun on him. The shock and disbelief that a six year old is pointing a gun at you is all the delay it took for him to shoot her, and then proudly tell people he shot the bitch dead his quote. He shot her because he had well established behavioral issues and took it out on her as a person of authority who had the audacity to tell him NO.
Federal law still prohibits the use of pot no matter what the state says it’s still against federal law
State law supersedes federal law. Plus technically, federal drug laws are unconstitutional, except in the illegal importing or exporting of illegal drugs into and out of the country.

The kid got the gun because the mom did not secure it, the best case scenario was instead of it being on a table it was supposedly in her purse. He took it and got it in the school using his backpack and the school refused to act on reports that he possibly had a gun on him. The shock and disbelief that a six year old is pointing a gun at you is all the delay it took for him to shoot her, and then proudly tell people he shot the bitch dead his quote. He shot her because he had well established behavioral issues and took it out on her as a person of authority who had the audacity to tell him NO.
I have to wonder: where is the kid's father?
State law supersedes federal law. Plus technically, federal drug laws are unconstitutional, except in the illegal importing or exporting of illegal drugs into and out of the country.
What? No state law does not supersede federal law, that 100% backwards Federal law reigns supreme.
I have to wonder: where is the kid's father?
He has been in and out of trouble with the law, I know it’s not shocking
I doubt if negligence is a felony but lying on that form is, if they prove she was a drug user when she signed it.
Negligence is a crime when it results in serious injury or death. How about a hate crime by proxy if the drugged out mom taught her kid to attack a white authority figure
What? No state law does not supersede federal law, that 100% backwards Federal law reigns supreme.

Better go back and read your Constitution. The States are the thing. You know: United STATES of America? The federal government's only legal purpose is for those things which the States do not claim for themselves like border protection, the ports, the national defense and military etc.

You are another victim of the rampant illegal federalization of the country.

90% of all federal jurisdictions, agencies and laws are constitutionally ILLEGAL, such as the Fed has NO business being involved in education!

WHERE does it say anything about the fed being involved in educating our kids in the Constitution?
Better go back and read your Constitution. The States are the thing. You know: United STATES of America? The federal government's only legal purpose is for those things which the States do not claim for themselves like border protection, the ports, the national defense and military etc.

You are another victim of the rampant illegal federalization of the country.

90% of all federal jurisdictions, agencies and laws are constitutionally ILLEGAL, such as the Fed has NO business being involved in education!

WHERE does it say anything about the fed being involved in educating our kids in the Constitution?
Oh shit my bad I didn’t realize I was taking to an insane dumbass.
Negligence is a crime when it results in serious injury or death. How about a hate crime by proxy if the drugged out mom taught her kid to attack a white authority figure
Doesn't sound likely, but I only had a couple of semesters of business law.
I have had firearms since I wa ten and I started smoking weed at sixteen plus doing other street drugs like acid, powdered THC, cannabinol, and mescaline. And I raised kids for thirty nine years and taught them about using firearms.

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