What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

Christ warned about judging others. He said only God should be in the judging business.
When you judge others harshly then you become worse in the eyes of God than the people you are judging.
Not that I believe any of this Bronze Age, superstitious horseshit, but I don't pretend to be Christian.
If you're going to waste your life pretending to be Christian you should at LEAST learn the message of Christ and try your best to live by it.
Otherwise what is the point?

Not your job.
Your job is to just worry about yourself.
If you want to at least SOUND like a real Christian perhaps you could spend your time reasurring others with lifestyles very different from yours that YOUR God is all inclusive and loves and "forgives" everybody equally....rather than condemning some to hell.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting, immoral globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
you could spend your time reasurring others with lifestyles very different from yours that YOUR God is all inclusive and loves and "forgives" everybody equally....rather than condemning some to hell.

First of all it is not “my“ God, I did not invent him. He is the one true God of Abraham.

Telling people that He is all “inclusive“ and forgives “everybody” is a lie. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God forgives “everybody”. He is quite clear that those that reject Jesus will NOT be forgiven. The Bible is also quite clear that Gehenna is real and God does send people (and fallen angels/demons) there. The Bible is quite clear that sin can only be paid with death, so it’s either your death or you can accept Jesus and have his death pay for your sins.

You obviously know next to nothing about actual ancient Israelite and Christian beliefs on the matter. I suggest you pick up a Bible and start reading it, instead of spreading your false teachings that God is just going to forgive “everyone”.
First of all it is not “my“ God, I did not invent him. He is the one true God of Abraham.
You DO realize NONE of this shit (your god) is real don't you?
Telling people that He is all “inclusive“ and forgives “everybody” is a lie.
The whole story is a lie.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say God forgives “everybody”.
Yes it does. The New Testament is full of examples of god promising a new covenant with mankind and salvation that isn't based upon works, goodness, or any notion of piety, but upon grace and love alone. You know, all that happy horseshit about "god loving everyone with no respect to person" and "the last shall be first and the first last," and being "saved" by faith alone and NOT by works.
Of course NONE of what this ancient, obsolete text says really matters anymore because it was written a LONG LONG time ago in a faraway land and has no real relevance to today's world.
Today we know of course that virgins can't give birth and dead guys can't rise from the grave and actually do things.
So there you go.
The two main ideas that make up the very foundation of christianity are blatantly and demonstrably false and even ridiculous to believe.
If the very cornerstones of christianity and the bible are false then all of the rest of it must be as well.
He is quite clear that those that reject Jesus will NOT be forgiven.
That's convenient.
The Bible is also quite clear
Unless you read Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic (also Latin wouldn't hurt) there is nothing "quite clear" about anything The Bible says.
You don't know what any of it says.
You ONLY know what other people have agreed it should say and so have told you it says.
that Gehenna is real and God does send people (and fallen angels/demons) there.
Written by superstitios, ancient people to try to understand shit that confused them.
Like the Ancient Greeks thinking thunder and lightning and everything else was caused by the gods.
Now that we have knowledge we don't have to blame everything on gods.
The Bible is quite clear that sin can only be paid with death, so it’s either your death or you can accept Jesus and have his death pay for your sins.
Who said gay people can't accept Jesus?
If Jesus was really what the bible tries to say he was then they (gays) are just as entitled to this miraculous "grace" as anybody else....and it's not for you to say they aren't.
You obviously know next to nothing about actual ancient Israelite and Christian beliefs on the matter.
Ancient being the relevant word here.
I suggest you pick up a Bible and start reading it, instead of spreading your false teachings that God is just going to forgive “everyone”.
Shut up and crawl back into your little dark basement of superstition.
Yes it does. The New Testament is full of examples of god promising a new covenant with mankind and salvation that isn't based upon works, goodness, or any notion of piety, but upon grace and love alone. You know, all that happy horseshit about "god loving everyone with no respect to person" and "the last shall be first and the first last," and being "saved" by faith alone and NOT by works
LOL yes I am quite aware of the New Covenant. Yes the way to heaven is open to all, but they must repent and accept Jesus.

The rest of your rant is claiming the Bible is false, yet you try to use bits and pieces to justify your destructive ideology and lifestyle.

If it was all ”lies” then it would easily be debunked. People have been trying for thousands of years. Your argument is that it is “old” and the original languages are different than our modern ones. Not much of an argument considering the ancient Jews knew languages like Greek and Latin and most Jews actually used the Greek Septuagint 2000 years ago.

But hey, if you’re wrong it’s only your eternal soul at stake.
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Free handouts. Lazy bums are easily bought.
Contrary to Lib belief, God is no push-over, he is a vengeful God.
Genesis speaks to Gods wrath….He set homosexuals on fire and destroyed a whole homosexual city.

God is a good guy

Someone you would like to have a beer with
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
Centre Left areas do better than Centre Right areas in the world...

Total domination by Social Democracies at the top. Same thing in Eduction, Mortality.....

US is the only outlier but the main wealth and successful States in US not relying on resources are Blue who are run mainly on Social Democracy (or Regulated Capitalism ideals)...

The Left (who are only moderate Left at best in US) know this and that is why they vote that way...

I could tell you the reasons why this happens but it is more subjective and creates arguements. No need, just look at the results, Centre Right Politics, is the politics of failure generally.
Centre Left areas do better than Centre Right areas in the world...

Total domination by Social Democracies at the top. Same thing in Eduction, Mortality.....

US is the only outlier but the main wealth and successful States in US not relying on resources are Blue who are run mainly on Social Democracy (or Regulated Capitalism ideals)...

The Left (who are only moderate Left at best in US) know this and that is why they vote that way...

I could tell you the reasons why this happens but it is more subjective and creates arguements. No need, just look at the results, Centre Right Politics, is the politics of failure generally.
Gavin was right, you always tell us about all those all white communities, cities, states and nations that are so much better than those filthy diverse dark shitholes you proclaim to cherish.
education?.....back in the 70's california was top 5 in education.....40 years later after tons of money being poured into it and it was becoming a democrat run state.... it was bottom 10....what happened otis?....
Still top 5

Fucks sake, you must feel pretty dumb now.... Where did you get your information from?
They played you like a fucking fool...

Question now is, Will you go back to them again?
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?

What are the primary issues that drive people to the left?

Christian values, common decency, and sound fiscal reasoning.
Contrary to Lib belief, God is no push-over, he is a vengeful God.
Genesis speaks to Gods wrath….He set homosexuals on fire and destroyed a whole homosexual city.
The Bible is fake news. You make yourself look kind of backwards and dumb trying to cite this old mythology and fable as something that really happened.
I suppose you believe the virgin birth story is real as well?
Noah's Ark?
Jesus rising from the dead as a zombie god?
Santa Claus?
The Tooth Fairy?
The Bible is fake news. You make yourself look kind of backwards and dumb trying to cite this old mythology and fable as something that really happened.
I suppose you believe the virgin birth story is real as well?
Noah's Ark?
Jesus rising from the dead as a zombie god?
Santa Claus?
The Tooth Fairy?
The Bible and religion are kryptonite to the left….The teachings of the Bible lead people to live decent, moral, principled, responsible, accountable lives…Christianity creates societal standards and expectations….The left has nothing but absolute disdain for ALL of the aforementioned.
In summation; if I were a total piece of shit human being I wouldn’t be a believer either.

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