Zone1 Mother Mary spoke with the late Fr. Gobbi about bad priests


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
I kind of wonder what she would have to say today. Fr. Gobbi died some time ago and I don't know (but hope to find out soon) what happend to the Marian Movement of Priests he founded.. or should I say Mary founded through his help?

In any case, in the book Gobbi wrote on Mary's messages to him (not accepted throughout the Catholic world but accepted by many priests), she says that many priests choose the 30 pieces of silver over Jesus.. love the good things of this life (my paraphrase) and do not want people thinking ill of them.. so they go along w/ the ways of the world and virtually forget about how the ways of the world conflict w/ the ways of Christ.

It is on Page 719, I believe but that is just where I randomly opened the book today.. There are many other times throughout the book where she speaks of bad priests. Of course, my experiences in the NO "church".. the "francis church" informed me of this problem long b4 I read this book. Again, the francis church is NOT the Catholic Church.. just a fake version..

It is the era of FAKE

fake news
fake Christians
fake Church
fake elections

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I guess people aren't interested in Mary even though SHE was created without original sin

which means she is what we were once, before the fall.

I think it's a good thing to focus on how things / persons were before we chose sin and ruined everything... just sayin

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Here's some stuff from a novus ordo supporting site. It's "interesting" that Gobbi was pressured to say that the words were not from Mary but .. I guess from him?

Well, I don't trust anything that comes from the francis church.. which went off the rails some 50 years ago.

I'll find some other site..

I'm BACK! :)

This following is one reason I am not in the NO Church (except that there are still some orthodox priests therein..)

The fake pope says that baptism makes you one of God's children forever. Well that explains why "catholics" sin right and left.. They are already saved by baptism!

The old OnceSavedAlwaysSaved heresy!

No, Jesus said Go and sin no more. . Then there's "Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect" Mt 5:48
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