most munich shooting victims are muslim

why killer had this picture in his whatsup profile ?
He was studying his tactics and he admired his success with killing young people? He wanted to kill young people too, after all. He was warning people his promise to kill kids wasn't idle?
Why did he picture himself in front of the Turkish flag on his Facebook page?
i dont defend islamic terrorist . radical islam is my enemy more than you.because i live in fucking middle east

Of course you do. You have gone out of your way to make sure we all don't view this shooting as an Islamic terrorist attack. You have gone out of your way to sell us the bull shit about a "radical Islam". There is no radical Islam, just Islam and half of America knows this by now. You are an appeaser - an excuser of the worst religion in human history. You don't fool us.
i dont defend islamic terrorist . radical islam is my enemy more than you.because i live in fucking middle east

Of course you do. You have gone out of your way to make sure we all don't view this shooting as an Islamic terrorist attack. You have gone out of your way to sell us the bull shit about a "radical Islam". There is no radical Islam, just Islam and half of America knows this by now. You are an appeaser - an excuser of the worst religion in human history. You don't fool us.
Danni is Iranian. He has a better reason than the leftards for attempting to distance him from Islam / Iran, right or wrong. It's the leftards that have gone full retard on this, as usual.
i dont defend islamic terrorist . radical islam is my enemy more than you.because i live in fucking middle east

Of course you do. You have gone out of your way to make sure we all don't view this shooting as an Islamic terrorist attack. You have gone out of your way to sell us the bull shit about a "radical Islam". There is no radical Islam, just Islam and half of America knows this by now. You are an appeaser - an excuser of the worst religion in human history. You don't fool us.
It does not look like an Islamic terror attack.

It looks like an 18 year old nationalized German kid going wacko and going a Holmes/in/Colorado ambush of the local German police.

I don't think he lasted long enough in the shootout to actually hit any police. That turned out to be harder than he thought since the German police do of course train for this.

So the kid shot himself.
why killer had this picture in his whatsup profile ?
He was studying his tactics and he admired his success with killing young people? He wanted to kill young people too, after all. He was warning people his promise to kill kids wasn't idle?
Why did he picture himself in front of the Turkish flag on his Facebook page?
I am guessing that the kid was shooting people to bait the police to him.

But then when he succeeded he found out the police were more than he could handle.
THE Columbine shooters, the Oklahoma city bombers, the NAZIS that assassinated Alan Burg. What bothers me more is the fact we enable illegal aliens or muslim death cults or the BLM movement because some how, we are fighting evil and oppression. Excuse me? Being anti white, anti cop fits in here HOW again? The media spews this drek out, but they want to "stop" a backlash. They fooled me. They are all about anti christian White Cop whatever. The media presumes they are speaking for America, but they are just speaking for whom ever can pay their bills.
This kid in Germany was none of those. He was just a wacko kid who went berserk and killed strangers.

He was gunning for the police.

If anything he was copycatting Dallas.
Kids are the responsibility of their parents.

Even in Moses' day, there was a procedure for bringing-in your wacko kids if they were dangerous.

Parents these days seem to be in denial when they have managed to raise a monster.

They should be the first to spot trouble.

Stupid fokking parents.
radical islamist dont use tie. its haram .its christan cross symbol.

munich shooter with tie

It's called part of the school uniform.

why he changed his name to david ?
Yesterday it was reported to be his middle name, after Ali. Maybe he used it to 'fit in'. Who knows? But anyway, as you no doubt know, David is revered as a messenger prophet in Islam. Perhaps he simply Westernised it?
Also, I wonder why he had a Turkish flag as the backdrop to his Facebook page? Curiouser and curiouser. BTW, is Soboly an Iraniam surname? I read somewhere it is an old tribal name common to Turkey and Syria?

we have persian name for david = davood

ali soboli = علی سنبلی
ن= n

sonbol(سنبل have two .. in persian = this flower name

and symbol
I missed the n out of his name somehow in my earlier post. Anyway, although Sonboly can be spelled various ways in English, in Arabic it is apparently ? always thus: سنبلي
i dont know arabic

. yes in persian
THE Columbine shooters, the Oklahoma city bombers, the NAZIS that assassinated Alan Burg. What bothers me more is the fact we enable illegal aliens or muslim death cults or the BLM movement because some how, we are fighting evil and oppression. Excuse me? Being anti white, anti cop fits in here HOW again? The media spews this drek out, but they want to "stop" a backlash. They fooled me. They are all about anti christian White Cop whatever. The media presumes they are speaking for America, but they are just speaking for whom ever can pay their bills.
This kid in Germany was none of those. He was just a wacko kid who went berserk and killed strangers.

He was gunning for the police.

If anything he was copycatting Dallas.
Don't disagree at all. Guns guns guns, they seem the major corrupter, the major determinant. Islam is a major contributor, They are all about KILL KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE. ,Not aware of were neils the netlist is coming from. It's GUNS GUNS GUNS. Perhaps gun control is in order? 2+2=guncontrol?
i dont defend islamic terrorist . radical islam is my enemy more than you.because i live in fucking middle east

Of course you do. You have gone out of your way to make sure we all don't view this shooting as an Islamic terrorist attack. You have gone out of your way to sell us the bull shit about a "radical Islam". There is no radical Islam, just Islam and half of America knows this by now. You are an appeaser - an excuser of the worst religion in human history. You don't fool us.

i have one question .isnt any different between people in this pictures ? :all people in pictures are moslem
According to the CBS evening news the wacko kid (shooter) was shouting "I am German -- fokk you foreigners!"

So he was motivated by xenophobia targeted specifically at muslims, several of his victims being youth like himself.

I hate to say this, but he sounds like a local Nazi.

This is a German thing.

Very embarrassing for Angela Merkel.
THE Columbine shooters, the Oklahoma city bombers, the NAZIS that assassinated Alan Burg. What bothers me more is the fact we enable illegal aliens or muslim death cults or the BLM movement because some how, we are fighting evil and oppression. Excuse me? Being anti white, anti cop fits in here HOW again? The media spews this drek out, but they want to "stop" a backlash. They fooled me. They are all about anti christian White Cop whatever. The media presumes they are speaking for America, but they are just speaking for whom ever can pay their bills.
This kid in Germany was none of those. He was just a wacko kid who went berserk and killed strangers.

He was gunning for the police.

If anything he was copycatting Dallas.
Don't disagree at all. Guns guns guns, they seem the major corrupter, the major determinant. Islam is a major contributor, They are all about KILL KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE. ,Not aware of were neils the netlist is coming from. It's GUNS GUNS GUNS. Perhaps gun control is in order? 2+2=guncontrol?
Jeeze Mary, Germany already has the strictest gun control in the world, same as India, same as Ethiopia.

Each of those 3 still have the highest murder rates (which in Germany is regional).

So your syllogism (if/then statement) makes no sense.

It has nothing to do with gun control.

In this case it was simply a mental illness issue.

The parents should have noticed and done something about it.
According to the CBS evening news the wacko kid (shooter) was shouting "I am German -- fokk you foreigners!"

So he was motivated by xenophobia targeted specifically at muslims, several of his victims being youth like himself.

I hate to say this, but he sounds like a local Nazi.

This is a German thing.

Very embarrassing for Angela Merkel.
Actually, that's just a frown on immigration and immigrants, I don't care about the weenies sob story. Not one bit. If you don't like the west, get out. Islamic countries you fled from would love you back.
THE Columbine shooters, the Oklahoma city bombers, the NAZIS that assassinated Alan Burg. What bothers me more is the fact we enable illegal aliens or muslim death cults or the BLM movement because some how, we are fighting evil and oppression. Excuse me? Being anti white, anti cop fits in here HOW again? The media spews this drek out, but they want to "stop" a backlash. They fooled me. They are all about anti christian White Cop whatever. The media presumes they are speaking for America, but they are just speaking for whom ever can pay their bills.
This kid in Germany was none of those. He was just a wacko kid who went berserk and killed strangers.

He was gunning for the police.

If anything he was copycatting Dallas.
Don't disagree at all. Guns guns guns, they seem the major corrupter, the major determinant. Islam is a major contributor, They are all about KILL KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE. ,Not aware of were neils the netlist is coming from. It's GUNS GUNS GUNS. Perhaps gun control is in order? 2+2=guncontrol?
Jeeze Mary, Germany already has the strictest gun control in the world, same as India, same as Ethiopia.

Each of those 3 still have the highest murder rates (which in Germany is regional).

So your syllogism (if/then statement) makes no sense.

It has nothing to do with gun control.

In this case it was simply a mental illness issue.

The parents should have noticed and done something about it.
He also shouted alahu Akbah - according to Muslim woman. That too was reported on the news.
i have one question .isnt any different between people in this pictures ? :all people in pictures are moslem

Then show me the different Korans they follow. Surely there must be a good Koran and a bad Koran. A peaceful Koran and a violent one. Show me them.
one koran .so what ? answer my question
isnt any different between people in this pictures ?
i have one question .isnt any different between people in this pictures ? :all people in pictures are moslem

Then show me the different Korans they follow. Surely there must be a good Koran and a bad Koran. A peaceful Koran and a violent one. Show me them.
one koran .so what ? answer my question
isnt any different between people in this pictures ?

It's never been about the people. It's always been about the doctrine. Some will follow the Koran faithfully some not, so what? If someone is too lazy to follow the doctrine faithfully or hates the violent verses, that doesn't mean we have a lazy Islam or a peaceful Islam. It means we have a different types of practitioners. Doesn't change the doctrine. The doctrine is evil. Generations from now Moslems will follow the doctrine faithfully and do evil. ONE Islam.

That's what.
People think that because some Moslems are peaceful, Islam is peaceful yet they'll deny Islam is terroristic, though there are plenty of Moslem terrorists. You can't have it both ways unless of course you're selling the good Islam fantasy to the West.

If all the peaceful verses in the Koran abrogated the violent ones then yes, Islam could be argued to be peaceful. But it's the other way around. The later violent ones abrogate the earlier peaceful ones. Islam is a violent hate cult whose sole purpose is to dominate the entire world and to do so by violence if necessary.

There's nothing new about muslims killing Muslims. It's a tradition. It doesn't mean he was not a terrorist...does it

Same for christians.
It's not because of religion for Christians. Gfy

Pfffffffffffffffft they're all alike, those three religions that arose out of the middle east based upon the notion of a male dominator god.
Poor thing God created male and female in his image. That Hebrew word can be “my”, “your”, “his”, “her”, “its”, “our” and “their”. Just because the people who translated the Hebrew versions desired to maintain or thought they could maintain control over female humans they used His in place of 'my'.

The three major religions emanating from the middle east are based upon the notion of a male dominator god. It's pretty clear, sorry if you're offended. It is a huge problem for humanity and will be for some time, more to be slaughtered for these gods.
i have one question .isnt any different between people in this pictures ? :all people in pictures are moslem

Then show me the different Korans they follow. Surely there must be a good Koran and a bad Koran. A peaceful Koran and a violent one. Show me them.
one koran .so what ? answer my question
isnt any different between people in this pictures ?

It's never been about the people. It's always been about the doctrine. Some will follow the Koran faithfully some not, so what? If someone is too lazy to follow the doctrine faithfully or hates the violent verses, that doesn't mean we have a lazy Islam or a peaceful Islam. It means we have a different types of practitioners. Doesn't change the doctrine. The doctrine is evil. Generations from now Moslems will follow the doctrine faithfully and do evil. ONE Islam.

That's what.

Same for christianity.

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