Mormon Cosmology


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Or you know, "cosmology." :)

LDS Mormon Science Doctrines

" Cosmology

- God says the correct name for our Sun is "Shinehah," which is the name He gave it. Also, the correct name of the moon is "Olea." See Abraham 3:13.

- God lives on a giant crystal ball. See D&C 130:6-8.

- God's home planet orbits a star named "Kolob." See Abraham 3:3

- Kolob is "the great governing star of our universe" and "the residence of God." See Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith's "Church History and Modern Revelation" Volume 3, Page 60.

- The Sun "borrows it's light from Kolob through the medium of Kae-e-vanrash.. which governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars.. and receives light from the revolutions of Kolob." This quote comes directly from the Book of Abraham, Facsimile Number 2, Explanation for Figure 5. Also see: Mormonism 1 Facsimile2 The Planet Kolob and the Planet Oliblish and Mother Gonhorra

- The Sun is a celestialized world, where its inhabitants are perfected. The Prophet Brigham Young taught in General Conference: "So it is with regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain. It was made to give light to those who dwell upon it, and to other planets; and so will this earth when it is celestialized." See Journal of Discourses, 13:271. Also see Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, Volume 1 Page 88: "Earth to be Celestialized Sun"

- The Earth will undergo a perfection after the millenium and become a huge seer stone of glass. People living on the Earth after this transformation will be able to look into the Earth and see things happening on "inferior" kingdoms (planets). See D&C 130:9

- God's home planet, Kolob, is at the center of our Galaxy, which all other stars rotate around. See Clark, J. Reuben Jr., "Behold the Lamb of God," page 46, "Kolob, the Governor"

- The Earth actually has a spirit, just like we do. It had to be baptized (the flood) to fulfill all righteousness, just like us. It will also have to receive the baptism of fire (at the second coming of Christ) in order to receive its exaltation and become a celestialized world. See Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith's "Doctrines of Salvation," Volume 1, pages 73-74, page 87 "Celestial Destiny of the Earth." See also Moses Chapter 7:48-49, 56 where the Earth's spirit speaks with Enoch.

- When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, the Earth was closely orbiting Kolob, like God's home planet. But when Adam and Eve fell, so did the Earth and it was hurled across the cosmos and placed in orbit around our sun in this planetary system. After the Millenium, the Earth will return to its rightful place near God, orbiting Kolob. See Church Ensign, March 1997, Page 16 "The Book of Abraham: A Most Remarkable Book," and Journal of Discourses, 17:143 and Journal of Discourses 7:163

- Black Holes are "outer darkness" where God will cast those sons of perdition that deny His spirit. This includes all Ex-Mormons. See "The Creation," page 146 and D&C 101:90-91

- The light of Christ is the light coming from the Sun and the Moon. See D&C 88:7. (The "light" refered to may very well be literal, as well as figurative and symbolic, speaking about Christ's influence.)

- Kolob is the North Star, according to Joseph Smith. Taught by LDS Church Institute Instructor, but still need reference."

Nice to see a branch of Christianity all about science. ...Or you know, "science." ;)
The sun's inhabited? Reminds me of the joke about a politician proposing we send an expedition to the Sun to which someone pointed out, "But Sir, the sun's a ball of hot fiery gas." The politician responds, "Ah, thought of that. That's why we're going to go at night." :)
Further down the cosmology page are teachings on other subject including alien life:

" - Mars is populated by beings who, like us, were created in the image of God, so they look like us. Except they are waiting to hear about the Gospel, which we will preach to them during the millenium. Supposedly came from early church conference address by church apostle, but still need reference.

- God created all the planets in our solar system with the explicit "law" to support human life. The other planets in our solar system are already populated or are able to support human life. See "The Essential Orson Pratt, p.373""

Nice to know Mercury and Venus can support life. Here we thought it was all hot and stuff. :)
The scary thing.

We didn't hear about any of this during the 2012 Election.

In our hyper-PC culture now it'd have been branded anti-Mormon or prejudicial. But I think knowing a prospective President belongs to a religion that teaches this kind of stuff is pertinent info. :)
"Mormon Physics

- All spirit is matter, just "more fine or pure" form of matter which we cannot measure. See D&C 131:7."

This actually makes some sense and is my own hypothesis. That everything "real" is composed of particles and atoms, even the "spiritual beings" of religion.
The scary thing.

We didn't hear about any of this during the 2012 Election.

In our hyper-PC culture now it'd have been branded anti-Mormon or prejudicial. But I think knowing a prospective President belongs to a religion that teaches this kind of stuff is pertinent info. :)

I spent most of 2011 and 2012 trying to point that out to people. Most of them didn't care.

Romney could have worshiped Dread C'Thulhu and the Right Wing would have still voted for him. Their insane hatred of Obama was that strong.


"He's released the Great Old Ones! The world is doomed!!!!"

"Yeah, but at least we got that N****r out of the White House!"
Yet most of us in the US believe that 2000 years ago believed a dead man all of a sudden sat up.

The militant atheists are every but as nutty as our Christian far right.

Thank heavens for the 1st Amendment.
Yup, guy, you are protected by the 1st Amendment also, which protects the rest of us from the likes of you.
Meaning you are unable to persecute those with whom you disagree, and you have the same protection.

And the nice thing about the 1st is that you can tell me I am wrong but can do nothing about it.

Oh, by the way, actually, um, bud, you are wrong.
Meaning you are unable to persecute those with whom you disagree, and you have the same protection.

And the nice thing about the 1st is that you can tell me I am wrong but can do nothing about it.

Oh, by the way, actually, um, bud, you are wrong.

No, there is no God.

You see, I prayed for my Mom's cancer to get better and so did everyone she knew.

She died.

No God.
Meaning you are unable to persecute those with whom you disagree, and you have the same protection.

And the nice thing about the 1st is that you can tell me I am wrong but can do nothing about it.

Oh, by the way, actually, um, bud, you are wrong.

No, there is no God. You see, I prayed for my Mom's cancer to get better and so did everyone she knew. She died. No God.

My mom died from cancer, too. I am sad for what you, and me, and our moms passed through. We prayed for our mom, as did she, to be in the hands of God, and to accept with faith our life. So did my first wife, and our children lost their mother. We prayed for her as well, as did she, to be in the hands of God, and to accept with faith our life.

I hope you have found some peace.
Meaning you are unable to persecute those with whom you disagree, and you have the same protection.

And the nice thing about the 1st is that you can tell me I am wrong but can do nothing about it.

Oh, by the way, actually, um, bud, you are wrong.

No, there is no God.

You see, I prayed for my Mom's cancer to get better and so did everyone she knew.

She died.

No God.

That does not prove that God is not real. My grandma is currently dying of cancer yet I do not expect YHWH to swoop down from the Heavens and save her from stage four lung cancer. Nor do I feel YHWH should feel obligated do so.

The suffering and pain and death of our loved ones are never a happy thing to experience, but that's Life. Get over it.

Or you know, "cosmology." :)

LDS Mormon Science Doctrines

" Cosmology

- God says the correct name for our Sun is "Shinehah," which is the name He gave it. Also, the correct name of the moon is "Olea." See Abraham 3:13.

- God lives on a giant crystal ball. See D&C 130:6-8.

- God's home planet orbits a star named "Kolob." See Abraham 3:3[

- Kolob is "the great governing star of our universe" and "the residence of God." See Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith's "Church History and Modern Revelation" Volume 3, Page 60.

Abraham 3:13
13 And he said unto me: This is Shinehah, which is the sun. And he said unto me: Kokob, which is star. And he said unto me: Olea, which is the moon. And he said unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all the great lights, which were in the firmament of heaven.

D&C 130:6-8
6 The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;
7 But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.
8 The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.

Abraham 3:3
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.

Correction on this one. It does not state that the place where God resides orbits Kolob. Kolob is nearest to the place where God resides and governs all those which belong to the same order as the earth. Kolob is not stated to be the great governing star of the entire universe but possibly could be. It is stated that it governs those of the same order of the earth. If that be the highest order and all other orders are subordinate, then I could buy this statement. It does seem logical that since Kolob is the closest to God, then it would be the highest order. However, Kolob could be the closest to God of all that was shown to Abraham. There possibly could be other systems that were not shown that have planets just as close to God.

Not sure why the title states "Mormon Science Doctrines". This knowledge did not come by way of science but by revelation.
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That does not prove that God is not real. My grandma is currently dying of cancer yet I do not expect YHWH to swoop down from the Heavens and save her from stage four lung cancer. Nor do I feel YHWH should feel obligated do so.

The suffering and pain and death of our loved ones are never a happy thing to experience, but that's Life. Get over it.

No, they aren't.

But praying to a magic sky man is a useless activity I refuse to engage in or treat seriously.
That does not prove that God is not real. My grandma is currently dying of cancer yet I do not expect YHWH to swoop down from the Heavens and save her from stage four lung cancer. Nor do I feel YHWH should feel obligated do so.

The suffering and pain and death of our loved ones are never a happy thing to experience, but that's Life. Get over it.

No, they aren't.

But praying to a magic sky man is a useless activity I refuse to engage in or treat seriously.
Then don't and leave others to deal with same stuff in their own way.

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