More Trump gibberish!

the MSM is crap and causing problems--if you don't see that, you are a DUMBASS
...most of these anti-Trump threads are meritless


every time they post the ACTUAL STATEMENT made by trump they are causing problems!

every time they post an actual deplorable act by trump they are causing problems!

It must make it a little difficult for you to continue to believe lies when the MSM keeps printing the facts and the truth.
you have a problem there--they don't print facts/etc
"The Media is destroying the free press...!!!! Trump Tweeted from G-7. This was before he said that he regretted started the trade war with China, and then said that what he MEANT to say was that he regretted not raising tariffs higher...or something like that. Others have joined in the chorus that the oranges are destroying the citrus trees, and that the rubber is destroying the tires!
He is a moron.
the MSM is crap and causing problems--if you don't see that, you are a DUMBASS
...most of these anti-Trump threads are meritless

now don't pee your panties......
we are not the ones with TDS since 2016
we are not the ones with TDS since 2016
Yes you are. You trump cultists have the most severe form, and it's not close.

You're right. Every time Trump does something that would have gotten Obama crucified by the conservatives, they deflect to Hillary, or say something bad about Obama and his past policies. But, for some strange reason, they can't say anything bad about Trump, even when he makes some really bad comments that make the markets crash or pisses off our allies.
we are not the ones with TDS since 2016
Yes you are. You trump cultists have the most severe form, and it's not close.

You're right. Every time Trump does something that would have gotten Obama crucified by the conservatives, they deflect to Hillary, or say something bad about Obama and his past policies. But, for some strange reason, they can't say anything bad about Trump, even when he makes some really bad comments that make the markets crash or pisses off our allies.
bullshit as usual from the TDS crowd
we are not the ones with TDS since 2016
Yes you are. You trump cultists have the most severe form, and it's not close.

You're right. Every time Trump does something that would have gotten Obama crucified by the conservatives, they deflect to Hillary, or say something bad about Obama and his past policies. But, for some strange reason, they can't say anything bad about Trump, even when he makes some really bad comments that make the markets crash or pisses off our allies.
Or gets soundly rebuked by his own party in the senate, as he has several times...or is exposed for a ridiculous, bizarre, entire-country-embarrassing lie, like he did about 4 times at the G7 summit... Or explodes the deficit.... Or makes the most laughable, absurd appointments....
This guy is thinks that he knows it all. But if he knows so much? Then why is he not making billions as the way Pres.Trump. Having great communication skill does not means that you are an very intelligent person. You have to have great analytical and comprehension skills to help make good decisions to solve problems in life. But those that just have good communication skills has problems making good decisions. CNN and the rest of the MSM only has great communication skills. But they are still slaves of the Establishment. But if they would of have great analytical skills and comprehension, that they would not be slaves to the Elites.

we are not the ones with TDS since 2016
Yes you are. You trump cultists have the most severe form, and it's not close.

You're right. Every time Trump does something that would have gotten Obama crucified by the conservatives, they deflect to Hillary, or say something bad about Obama and his past policies. But, for some strange reason, they can't say anything bad about Trump, even when he makes some really bad comments that make the markets crash or pisses off our allies.
bullshit as usual from the TDS crowd

Ooohhh, you said it again. Does this mean another criminal cabinet member is about to quit, get fired or indicted?

Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.

FOX got it's ratings from the Trump supporters that watched them as they cheered for Trump. Now that FOX is actually reporting what Trump is doing, Trump is now denouncing them. I expect their ratings will drop over the coming months if Trump keeps denouncing them.
FOX is trusted more and therefore viewed more, it really is that simple.
Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.

FOX got it's ratings from the Trump supporters that watched them as they cheered for Trump. Now that FOX is actually reporting what Trump is doing, Trump is now denouncing them. I expect their ratings will drop over the coming months if Trump keeps denouncing them.
FOX is trusted more and therefore viewed more, it really is that simple.
Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.

FOX got it's ratings from the Trump supporters that watched them as they cheered for Trump. Now that FOX is actually reporting what Trump is doing, Trump is now denouncing them. I expect their ratings will drop over the coming months if Trump keeps denouncing them.
FOX is trusted more and therefore viewed more, it really is that simple.

That remains to be seen. Whenever Trump turns on someone that he had previously said was a great individual and perfect for the job (like Mattis), his supporters also turn on that person or institution and say what a crappy person or institution they were. And, it doesn't take his supporters long to turn on someone, usually happens within 24 hours of a Trump tweet.

And, Trump has said that he can no longer trust FOX.
Interesting how Lefties think everybody else that lives outside their bubble, thinks like they do. FOX is by far the most trusted and most viewed, and its ratings keep rising and hitting record high numbers while the reverse is happening to CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYTimes etc.
Interesting how Lefties think everybody else that lives outside their bubble, thinks like they do. FOX is by far the most trusted and most viewed, and its ratings keep rising and hitting record high numbers while the reverse is happening to CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYTimes etc.
Yes, one, monithic state media, compared to a large number of alternatives.

Good evidence of cultism .
Interesting how Lefties think everybody else that lives outside their bubble, thinks like they do. FOX is by far the most trusted and most viewed, and its ratings keep rising and hitting record high numbers while the reverse is happening to CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYTimes etc.
Yes, one, monithic state media, compared to a large number of alternatives.

Good evidence of cultism .
"One month" said the one infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Economy, unemployment, market, consumer confidence etc. have been getting better and reaching record highs since Trump took office.

Do try to keep up.
Economy, unemployment, market, consumer confidence etc. have been getting better and reaching record highs since Trump took office.
Because of trump? In spite of trump's idiotic policies, maybe.
Yes, because of Trump. He had to clean up all of Obama's shit. Majority of Americans were unhappy at the direction the country and world was heading during Obama. One of the many reasons Trump was elected. And you retards presented a crooked woman who was running as Obama's incumbent. And you're going to offer the same for 2020...Biden. Talk about a low learning curve.

More evidence of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump has presided over a roaring economy for the last three years, and this idiot thinks Trump had nothing to do with it. Well, at least it's an improvement, he first claimed that we're either in, or heading towards a recession. It's like talking to a mentally ill person. :cuckoo:

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