More Trump gibberish!

Sure sure, but some self reflection wouldn't be bad here, considering you blindly followed that divisive piece of shit disaster Obama over the cliff of the Syrian genocide, Europe's migrant crisis, rise of ISIS, Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, N. Korea's belligerence and bribing the terrorist regime of Iran with billions.

Once again, you are telling me what I think. Junior, if you ever got inside my head, you wouldn't be saying these rediculous things. In fact, you would go screaming from the room lighting your hair on fire.

Is it that Obama was so good ( he wasn't) or that Rump is so bad (he is) that it makes Obama look good. I am not going to go over all the things wrong with Rump. I'll just help you with your battle cry.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP!!!! Sounds more like worn out industrial hammer but to each his own.
You realize that the reason we have Trump is because nobody said anything about what Obama was doing, especially on the Left, and the media.

Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

You said that everyone...... Well, cupcake, obviously, not everyone. At 10 years ago, FoxNews WAS the number one news agency watched. Not so these days as they went off the rails too many times. So get that nose trim job.
Actually FOX news is the number one rated, month after month, and their ratings keep climbing, while CNN and MSNBC's ratings keep collapsing. That is because they have totally lost their credibility, while FOX news' credibility keeps rising.

FOX does have a rightward slant, but still has programming that is unbiased (such as Chris Wallace) while CNN and MSNBC are hit parades of liars and propagandists that are all infected with Trump Derangement.
Sure sure, but some self reflection wouldn't be bad here, considering you blindly followed that divisive piece of shit disaster Obama over the cliff of the Syrian genocide, Europe's migrant crisis, rise of ISIS, Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, N. Korea's belligerence and bribing the terrorist regime of Iran with billions.

Once again, you are telling me what I think. Junior, if you ever got inside my head, you wouldn't be saying these rediculous things. In fact, you would go screaming from the room lighting your hair on fire.

Is it that Obama was so good ( he wasn't) or that Rump is so bad (he is) that it makes Obama look good. I am not going to go over all the things wrong with Rump. I'll just help you with your battle cry.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP!!!! Sounds more like worn out industrial hammer but to each his own.
You realize that the reason we have Trump is because nobody said anything about what Obama was doing, especially on the Left, and the media.

Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline
"The Media is destroying the free press...!!!! Trump Tweeted from G-7. This was before he said that he regretted started the trade war with China, and then said that what he MEANT to say was that he regretted not raising tariffs higher...or something like that. Others have joined in the chorus that the oranges are destroying the citrus trees, and that the rubber is destroying the tires!
The media destroyed themselves-fake news, slanted articles made up stories, changed titles. It is so obvious, we don't pay attention anymore-my advice to everyone-if you think you are better off than 4 years ago, vote Trump. If not, vote the other guy. No need to run around screaming.

Right. Even recordings and videos of Trump's statements are fake!
Read the above-just vote if you don't like him-your complaining sounds weak.
Obamacare... overbearing, unnecessary environmental regulations
I said "how" not what. You're too stupid to even get that right.
"Socialism?" Dude, where in the hell have you been? Do you know how many farmers who voted for Trump are receiving "Socialism?" A shit ton more than any Democrat who ever voted for Obama, that's for sure.

2 years ago, I predicted that China was going to go to Brazil for Soy beans and Corn. And they were going to go to Argentina for their meat. And those markets were NEVER coming back. It's happened. We have now socialized and supplemented Farmers at a rate that is unsustainable. And it's all paid directly by the US Tax Payer. Now what? Do we still keep saying Rump is doing such a great job? At the same time, do we keep slowing growth in other areas that can take up that slack and utilized that same acre for something that is profitable in the near future or beyond? Or do we just get rid of the small and medium farmers who have to do chapter 13 and sell their farms off in auction right down to the wall clocks?

Something needs to be done right now, not later.

You were 100% spot on and kudos to that prediction.

And to answer your question about what we do next? Remember who's in charge and I think you answered your own question. China went to Brazil and Argentina. Enough said. We're fucked.
Once again, you are telling me what I think. Junior, if you ever got inside my head, you wouldn't be saying these rediculous things. In fact, you would go screaming from the room lighting your hair on fire.

Is it that Obama was so good ( he wasn't) or that Rump is so bad (he is) that it makes Obama look good. I am not going to go over all the things wrong with Rump. I'll just help you with your battle cry.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP!!!! Sounds more like worn out industrial hammer but to each his own.
You realize that the reason we have Trump is because nobody said anything about what Obama was doing, especially on the Left, and the media.

Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
You're speaking of Lantern

Says an incompetent and totally exposed liar suffering from Stage 4 TDS. Not my problem that you two lovebirds can't handle truth. November of 2020 should be very painful for you.

It should be illegal to use the words, "Trump" and "truth" in the same sentence.

So now you hate the 1st along with the 2nd comrade?

Not at all. I glorify in Trump making an utter fool of himself everyday. I depend on it.

And America keeps ticking under his leadership..

Like a bomb about to go off.
You realize that the reason we have Trump is because nobody said anything about what Obama was doing, especially on the Left, and the media.

Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.
You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks.

Disagree. All three are propaganda garbage networks.

Only if you believe in what Rump says. And we all know how truthful the Rump is.

Meh, they're all the same to me. The obvious left/right bias on 24-hour TeeVee news stations is at obnoxious levels. I can't stand to watch more than a few minutes of the junk. And yes, I already know the Orange Virus is a lying liar, and anyone connected to his sphere of influence at the moment is an unAmerican piece of shit.
"The Media is destroying the free press...!!!! Trump Tweeted from G-7. This was before he said that he regretted started the trade war with China, and then said that what he MEANT to say was that he regretted not raising tariffs higher...or something like that. Others have joined in the chorus that the oranges are destroying the citrus trees, and that the rubber is destroying the tires!
The media destroyed themselves-fake news, slanted articles made up stories, changed titles. It is so obvious, we don't pay attention anymore-my advice to everyone-if you think you are better off than 4 years ago, vote Trump. If not, vote the other guy. No need to run around screaming.

Right. Even recordings and videos of Trump's statements are fake!
Read the above-just vote if you don't like him-your complaining sounds weak.

Well, then, I will just have to ratchet up my complaining to a higher notch.....
Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.

What you mean is, Pauxsnews Entertainment value keeps going up. They already admitted in court they weren't a news agency.
You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks.

Disagree. All three are propaganda garbage networks.

Only if you believe in what Rump says. And we all know how truthful the Rump is.
Trump is far more truthful than Obama and the Dems.

rump exceeded the 10,000 lie mark already. And those are just the verifiable ones. NO President has lied as much as quickly as he has. He's a Liar in Chief.
What comes around goes around...
Obama ruined millions of conservatives lives... Because all progressives are fucked in the head
How so?
Obamacare... overbearing, unnecessary environmental regulations
I said "how" not what. You're too stupid to even get that right.
"Socialism?" Dude, where in the hell have you been? Do you know how many farmers who voted for Trump are receiving "Socialism?" A shit ton more than any Democrat who ever voted for Obama, that's for sure.

Na, not really
"The Media is destroying the free press...!!!! Trump Tweeted from G-7. This was before he said that he regretted started the trade war with China, and then said that what he MEANT to say was that he regretted not raising tariffs higher...or something like that. Others have joined in the chorus that the oranges are destroying the citrus trees, and that the rubber is destroying the tires!
The media destroyed themselves-fake news, slanted articles made up stories, changed titles. It is so obvious, we don't pay attention anymore-my advice to everyone-if you think you are better off than 4 years ago, vote Trump. If not, vote the other guy. No need to run around screaming.

Right. Even recordings and videos of Trump's statements are fake!
Read the above-just vote if you don't like him-your complaining sounds weak.

Well, then, I will just have to ratchet up my complaining to a higher notch.....
Clever, I'll give you that.
Nobody? Did you have your Foxnews turned off for 8 years? Did the Internet go off line for those 8 years and I wasn't aware of it? You had better go straight to that nose barber and have a couple of feet removed from your Nozzle on that one.
Fox News compared to the vast majority of the media that had its tongue lodged up the Democratic party's anus 24/7? And they are getting worse by the day, which explains why CNN and MSNBC have less people watching them than the cartoon channel.

Another idiot Leftie trying to deny that the media has turned into a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Fox went from number 1 down to number 3. Why is that again? Could it be that they lied so much that only fruitcakes like you still believe them? MSNBC is in the same boat. But most of the others are doing just fine. BTW, Comedy Central has a higher viewer rate than Foxnews does.
Ha ha ha, The fool drinking the Russia collusion hoax for three years, is now telling us about ratings.

Fox News Tops Basic Cable In Primetime For Third Month In A Row – Deadline

You will notice that CNN has increased. It's a real News Agency. Fox News and MSNBC are political hacks. You will also note that your article points out that Fox News has been losing ad dollars in the process. And for Fox News, it's always been about the money. it's never been about the truth. MSNBC isn't any better. Fox News is just better at selling the con.
Yada yada yada, stop whining and making up excuses and admit it. CNN and MSNBC have no journalistic integrity left, they are propaganda networks of the Democratic Party, and that's why their rate lower than the cartoon channel. While FOX's integrity and trustworthiness with the public keeps rising, which explains its number one ranking.

FOX got it's ratings from the Trump supporters that watched them as they cheered for Trump. Now that FOX is actually reporting what Trump is doing, Trump is now denouncing them. I expect their ratings will drop over the coming months if Trump keeps denouncing them.

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