More than enough votes to sway an election

and dont think this isnt known at top echelons of those trying to shape the vote especially in dem party.....probably one of reasons they were shocked they lost.
and why every time they wanted a "recount..." then they didn't want one.

FLA 2000 is still in the books, but they still lie about it. In short, Algore's math was actually right - Gore wins FLA if the SPOILED BALLOTS are PROPORTIONAL to PARTY REGISTRATION in said counties.

Then the USA TODAY did the recount Gore wanted and never got...

oooops.... the Dems CHEATED, because W picked up votes from the SPOILED BALLOTS, meaning the spoiled ballots were overwhelmingly Republican, specifically Black Republicans deliberately disenfranchised by BIGOTED HYPOCRITICAL BLACK DEMOCRATS. - Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed

"Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows."


Let The Sunshine In

"Earlier this year I published an article in the Journal of Legal Studies analyzing the USA Today data, and it shows that African-American Republicans who voted were 54 to 66 times more likely than the average African American to cast a non-voted ballot (either by not marking that race or voting for too many candidates). To put it another way: For every two additional black Republicans in the average precinct, there was one additional non-voted ballot. By comparison, it took an additional 125 African Americans (of any party affiliation) in the average precinct to produce the same result."

The issue in FLA 2000 was 100% about Black Democrat county canvas boards deliberately tossing Black Republican ballots.
Voter fraud has been a huge problem for years. We recently learned about some of the tactics democrats have been using.
It's why they're vehemently against any attempt to change the rules that allow it to happen.
and this isnt even a total accounting and is only one avenue of known voter fraud.....reason why all fraud must be pursued vigorously.....Dallas story is turning out to be much bigger
More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States - Washington Free Beacon

You know, people across the country need to understand that their country is being stolen from them, they really do. And consider------>even with all the crooked inner city bullshit, the Republicans still control congress. That should tell EVERYONE how bad the leftists really are.

I am NOT suggesting women and children mind you; but I am saying that those who want to preserve the country as founded as the most free nation on earth for their children to inherit, need stand up and start pushing back. Far leftists are in the MINORITY BY A LOT! They just make a bunch of noise. You get out of a big city or dark blue state, and set up a tug of war over mud between far leftists and everyone else. The everyone else kids would pull the far leftists into the mud because they hardly exist, lol.

You KNOW who is doing voter fraud, by just seeing who fights to stop voter ID. Those are the people who are trying to steal YOUR country from YOU, and every American citizen of EVERY color, religion, and sexual orientation. The Leftists are Marxist subversives, period. Not because I don't agree with their politics, but rather because they will do anything to steal an Americans franchise in the voting booth, as long as it allows them to win!

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