More Than 1,100 Ex-Justice Department Officials Call For barrā€™s Resignation

I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation

As well as 232 US lawmakers in Congress and 47 US lawmakers in the Senate demanding Bill Barr resign.

Bily Barr is finished and will eventually be investigated and prosecuted for corruption.

barr sure has helped trump corrupt our government.

Cleanup on it's way...


Billy Barr's blowjob?

It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.
As well as 232 US lawmakers in Congress and 47 US lawmakers in the Senate demanding Bill Barr resign.

Bily Barr is finished and will eventually be investigated and prosecuted for corruption.

barr sure has helped trump corrupt our government.

Cleanup on it's way...


Billy Barr's blowjob?

It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....

As well as 232 US lawmakers in Congress and 47 US lawmakers in the Senate demanding Bill Barr resign.

Bily Barr is finished and will eventually be investigated and prosecuted for corruption.

Now that's serious. Do they want President to resign too, or they're going to impeach him again?

Even if an exercise in futility, The Dems were obligated to impeach that a-hole! If it they knew the Senate wouldn't even consider it, both sides embarrassed themselves! We're a colossal joke to the world and Trump feels empowered to be even more dictatorial, openly expressing his wrath and retaliating against his believed enemies! :19: :aargh: :2cents:

"We're a colossal joke to the world"


Democrats are, no doubt about it.

Trump is a barking clown and the UN and the G7 laughed at him.

After Trudeau's eyebrow fell off, I don't think that anybody cares anymore.

More lies from the Trump underworld.

The only job increases since Trump's inauguration are felons, lawyers, liars, and excuse manufacturers.

FactCheck: Did Justin Trudeau's eyebrow fall off during a press conference?


There is no evidence that Trudeauā€™s eyebrow fell off at a press conference or that he wears fake ones. A number of video and photographic sources contemporaneous with the event show that his left eyebrow remains fully intact throughout.

We rate this claim as FALSE.
barr sure has helped trump corrupt our government.

Cleanup on it's way...


Billy Barr's blowjob?

It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....


Apologies little buddy. I was not aware that you owned the USM B franchise for uninformed posts.
Cleanup on it's way...


Billy Barr's blowjob?

It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....


Apologies little buddy. I was not aware that you owned the USM B franchise for uninformed posts.

I just point out the obvious, lil fella.........when it comes to being "uninformed"? You have few peers and that's an accomplishment for a troll that...given the leftist dullards that post here that couldn't "cut it"on other sites.
I suspect that you posted here under a different ID before the election and simply too ashamed to admit the Hildebeast was bested.......either that or you got banned. Regardless, your posts remain lame, redundant and irrelevant.

Hope this helps
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation
They don't get a say in it.

So much for another conservative's reputation! I never cared for Barr way back when and thought his credibility wasn't that sterling just because he was gruff! Being an a-hole when being questioned about issues doesn't give someone credibility and standing! His behavior the last several years shows he's no more than a Trump hack! If he had some respectability, it's been lost as he brazenly does the bidding of his lord and master, King Trump! I'm embarrassed for him and the country because the whole world's watching this comedy show go on in the Justice Department! Our standing in the world is in question when it looks like we can't even handle open and shut cases with admitted perjury and obstruction of justice! We're sad and pathetic and I'm not sure when we'll get over it! The repercussions of the period will stick to us for years to come; the foolish supporters of this $#!t just have no idea or care it seems! :aargh: :2cents: :ack-1:
Wow. I thought at first you were just being stupid. Now I know it isn't an act.
Billy Barr's blowjob?

It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....


Apologies little buddy. I was not aware that you owned the USM B franchise for uninformed posts.

I just point out the obvious, lil fella.........when it comes to being "uninformed"? You have few peers and that's an accomplishment for a troll that...given the leftist dullards that post here that couldn't "cut it"on other sites.
I suspect that you posted here under a different ID before the election and simply too ashamed to admit the Hildebeast was bested.......either that or you got banned. Regardless, your posts remain lame, redundant and irrelevant.

Hope this helps

The "lame, redundant and irrelevant" is the bait that hooks you. You never respond to truth and facts because they cause you unbearable pain right where your testicles used to be.
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation
They don't get a say in it.

So much for another conservative's reputation! I never cared for Barr way back when and thought his credibility wasn't that sterling just because he was gruff! Being an a-hole when being questioned about issues doesn't give someone credibility and standing! His behavior the last several years shows he's no more than a Trump hack! If he had some respectability, it's been lost as he brazenly does the bidding of his lord and master, King Trump! I'm embarrassed for him and the country because the whole world's watching this comedy show go on in the Justice Department! Our standing in the world is in question when it looks like we can't even handle open and shut cases with admitted perjury and obstruction of justice! We're sad and pathetic and I'm not sure when we'll get over it! The repercussions of the period will stick to us for years to come; the foolish supporters of this $#!t just have no idea or care it seems! :aargh: :2cents: :ack-1:

Wow. I thought at first you were just being stupid. Now I know it isn't an act.

You are the Director and Producer of 'stupid'?
It seems you're on hormone blockers. You should probably go and dilate now.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....


Apologies little buddy. I was not aware that you owned the USM B franchise for uninformed posts.

I just point out the obvious, lil fella.........when it comes to being "uninformed"? You have few peers and that's an accomplishment for a troll that...given the leftist dullards that post here that couldn't "cut it"on other sites.
I suspect that you posted here under a different ID before the election and simply too ashamed to admit the Hildebeast was bested.......either that or you got banned. Regardless, your posts remain lame, redundant and irrelevant.

Hope this helps

The "lame, redundant and irrelevant" is the bait that hooks you. You never respond to truth and facts because they cause you unbearable pain right where your testicles used to be.

Start posting facts and truth thus giving a reason for a thoughtful rebuttal. I know more than you. I understand, comprehend more than you....the ability to discern information? Yeah, I know how to do so. You? Not so much.

Didn't work for you. Thanks for sharing your personal experience.

"Arrrrrr, mateys! It be the Denizen troll chumming the waters" as it attempts to change hearts and boring, uninformed post at a time.....


Apologies little buddy. I was not aware that you owned the USM B franchise for uninformed posts.

I just point out the obvious, lil fella.........when it comes to being "uninformed"? You have few peers and that's an accomplishment for a troll that...given the leftist dullards that post here that couldn't "cut it"on other sites.
I suspect that you posted here under a different ID before the election and simply too ashamed to admit the Hildebeast was bested.......either that or you got banned. Regardless, your posts remain lame, redundant and irrelevant.

Hope this helps

The "lame, redundant and irrelevant" is the bait that hooks you. You never respond to truth and facts because they cause you unbearable pain right where your testicles used to be.

Start posting facts and truth thus giving a reason for a thoughtful rebuttal. I know more than you. I understand, comprehend more than you....the ability to discern information? Yeah, I know how to do so. You? Not so much.


You first.
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation
Buncha congress-critters too.

republicans in congress will ignore this.

It's a waste of time to hope that any republican in our congress is going to side with our constitution and rule of law.
From which university did you receive your law degree before you went in to become a Constitutional lawyer?
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation

Kurt Schlichter explains this.....

Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over

I want you to tell me, without bursting into laughter, that I am still supposed to respect our federal law enforcement institutions. I keep hearing about these wonderful keepers of norms and rules and stuff deserve our awe, and then I see the tawdry, self-serving and scummy way they operate, and gee ā€“ thereā€™s a disconnect. A big one. If the price of our society is submitting to these corrupt and incompetent people of garbage, well, then I say burn it all down.

Thatā€™s the only way to save it: to level it and start over.

Letā€™s review how our guardians of justice have covered themselves in glory in recent days. And by ā€œglory,ā€ I mean ā€œScat Francisco sidewalk sauce.ā€

The scumbag Democrat donors remaining in the Mueller lynch mob decided that Roger Stone, an absolutely harmless gadfly whose real crime was being aligned with Donald Trump and therefore with you, should be sent away for seven to nine years for ā€œcrimesā€ that the Department of Injustice promptly gave a pass on to the loathsome Andrew McCabe. This is the same institution that also gave a pass to Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, Comey the Looming Doofus, and those fugly FBI sexting twins.

And when you are in court on a jury, and the prosecutor attempts to stand in the golden glow of the United States of America, remember what the prosecutors did to innocent people for daring to dissent and give that lawyer no credit or benefit of the doubt. Listen closely and carefully to the accused. There was a time when an accused claiming he was framed by the feds could be laughed off; now, you should consider it. Ask Ted Stevens ā€“ oh wait, he died after a corrupt conviction. Do not hesitate to acquit, because the Department of Justice has proven itself corrupt and dishonest.
I've never seen this happen before. I don't think it's ever happened in our nation.

Things must be getting very bad for more than 11 hundred ex justice department officials to call for barr to resign.

I hope all those who are left in the DOJ follow their advice.

More than 1,100 ex-Justice Department officials call for Barrā€™s resignation
Here, let me tell you something loser.

Not clear enough loser? Here let me reiterate.

Oh, one more thing loser.

Gene Wilder props!
A house built upon sand can easily be washed away. Trump has built his presidency on lies and his house is begin to start floating out to sea.

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
February 16, 20205:38 PM ET

Bobby Allyn

More than 1,100 former Department of Justice officials are calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign after his department lowered the prison sentence recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Trump, in a move that's led to accusations of political interference.

In a letter released Sunday, the former DOJ officials, who have worked across Republican and Democratic administrations, wrote that Barr's intervention in the Stone case has tarnished the department's reputation.

"Such behavior is a grave threat to the fair administration of justice," the former officials wrote. "In this nation, we are all equal before the law. A person should not be given special treatment in a criminal prosecution because they are a close political ally of the President. Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics; they are autocracies."

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
A house built upon sand can easily be washed away. Trump has built his presidency on lies and his house is begin to start floating out to sea.

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
February 16, 20205:38 PM ET

Bobby Allyn

More than 1,100 former Department of Justice officials are calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign after his department lowered the prison sentence recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Trump, in a move that's led to accusations of political interference.

In a letter released Sunday, the former DOJ officials, who have worked across Republican and Democratic administrations, wrote that Barr's intervention in the Stone case has tarnished the department's reputation.

"Such behavior is a grave threat to the fair administration of justice," the former officials wrote. "In this nation, we are all equal before the law. A person should not be given special treatment in a criminal prosecution because they are a close political ally of the President. Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics; they are autocracies."

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
i wonder what their political backgrounds are ...who were they appointed by .... and who cares ! Barr is a straight lased pro !
A house built upon sand can easily be washed away. Trump has built his presidency on lies and his house is begin to start floating out to sea.

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
February 16, 20205:38 PM ET

Bobby Allyn

More than 1,100 former Department of Justice officials are calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign after his department lowered the prison sentence recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime ally of President Trump, in a move that's led to accusations of political interference.

In a letter released Sunday, the former DOJ officials, who have worked across Republican and Democratic administrations, wrote that Barr's intervention in the Stone case has tarnished the department's reputation.

"Such behavior is a grave threat to the fair administration of justice," the former officials wrote. "In this nation, we are all equal before the law. A person should not be given special treatment in a criminal prosecution because they are a close political ally of the President. Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics; they are autocracies."

1,100 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
No one cares.
The majority of sane Americans do care.