More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust

Theres litrrally like thousands of riots, massacres & expulsions of Jews.
Of them happened in Western Europe.

Take a hint.
Nobody likes K:kez.

Except Evangelical loons

Enjoy your jew hate.

Enjoy your anti-Slavic hatred.

Slavs were the main victims of WW2.

Slavs were far from beibg unique in attacking Kosher people.

Here's a list of massacres, expulsions & riots AKA Pogrom style attacks mostly by non- Slavs.

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism

Where have I shown any hatred? You have a thing against jews. That is obvious. And Russia/Polish fighting is Slav on Slav. Hell you can add the Hungarians into that mix when they were part of the Hapsburg Empire.

A.) You unrightfully singled out Slavs for attacks upon Kosher people.

B) Hungarians are not really Slavic..they speak a Finno-Ugric language.


Germans overwhemingly did the Holocaust.
The worst Pogroms happened in Medieval Germany
& the Tsars were German who ordered many of the Pogroms of Russia too.
Sorry, but history disagrees. While those areas did have the most jews, they also had the most violence against jews.

Western Europe learned to cloak it's anti-semitism a few centuries earlier, after i kicked jews out, let them back in, and kicked them out again.

The simple fact is jews were the only "other" locally availible in those areas, and when things go bad, people look for some "other" to blame.

For Russians, "other" also included Germans and Mongols, but they weren't around much in the 1700's to 1800's, so Jews took the brunt of bad times.

Take a
Nobody likes a people who never assimilate & even disrespect your God.

There were mostly Pogroms in Western Europe.
Like the Rhineland Massacres.
Which sent them fleeing to morr tolerant Poland.

Sorry, but wrong. Russia was where the term Pogrom was coined, and it had the most in general throughout the 1500's to the 1900's.

Theres literally like thousands of riots, massacres & expulsions of Jews.
Of them happened in Western Europe.

Take a hint.
Nobody likes K:kez.

Except Evangelical loons

have you ever heard of CONSTANTINE -----and then the ROMAN CATHOLIC
(holy roman empire) INQUISITION -----and Martin Luther King and also the
almost catholic EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH? --------there were no pogroms
in MUMBAI (Bombay) India --------significant numbers of jews------
but almost no catholics or Lutherans and very few muslims-----there are Zoroastrians there-------so muslims tried to bring it down a few years ago

India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC
Enjoy your jew hate.

Enjoy your anti-Slavic hatred.

Slavs were the main victims of WW2.

Slavs were far from beibg unique in attacking Kosher people.

Here's a list of massacres, expulsions & riots AKA Pogrom style attacks mostly by non- Slavs.

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism

Where have I shown any hatred? You have a thing against jews. That is obvious. And Russia/Polish fighting is Slav on Slav. Hell you can add the Hungarians into that mix when they were part of the Hapsburg Empire.

A.) You unrightfully singled out Slavs for attacks upon Kosher people.

B) Hungarians are not really Slavic..they speak a Finno-Ugric language.


Germans overwhemingly did the Holocaust.
The worst Pogroms happened in Medieval Germany
& the Tsars were German who ordered many of the Pogroms of Russia too.

nope----the Tsars were not exactly GERMAN----its just all those ROYAL FAMILIES
were intermarried-------started out catholic----split to Catholic and Eastern Ortho and then -----became a thing called "I WANNA MARRY ANNE----protestant. ---they were all really the same----holy roman catholic inquisition type things
Take a
Nobody likes a people who never assimilate & even disrespect your God.

There were mostly Pogroms in Western Europe.
Like the Rhineland Massacres.
Which sent them fleeing to morr tolerant Poland.

Sorry, but wrong. Russia was where the term Pogrom was coined, and it had the most in general throughout the 1500's to the 1900's.

Theres literally like thousands of riots, massacres & expulsions of Jews.
Of them happened in Western Europe.

Take a hint.
Nobody likes K:kez.

Except Evangelical loons

have you ever heard of CONSTANTINE -----and then the ROMAN CATHOLIC
(holy roman empire) INQUISITION -----and Martin Luther King and also the
almost catholic EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH? --------there were no pogroms
in MUMBAI (Bombay) India --------significant numbers of jews------
but almost no catholics or Lutherans and very few muslims-----there are Zoroastrians there-------so muslims tried to bring it down a few years ago

India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC

The first Kosher people arrived in Poland around 1,000 AD (Approx)
They came as slave traders following the slave trade routes between Khazaria & Moorish Spain.

Most Kosher people came to Poland later..
Later in the mid 1200s Germany killed Kosher people
Poland accepted Kosher refugees & granted them unprecedented rights in the Statute of Kalisz.

Between 1,000 AD - 1930 Poland's population of Kosher kind went from 0 -3.5 million.

Yet... All you do is complain.

A.) If it was so horrible why did you chose Poland?

B.) By not assimilating For 1,000 years you showed great disrespect & ought to expect to be not liked.

So the clear conclusion is you are the problem...Not Poles.
Sorry, but wrong. Russia was where the term Pogrom was coined, and it had the most in general throughout the 1500's to the 1900's.

Theres literally like thousands of riots, massacres & expulsions of Jews.
Of them happened in Western Europe.

Take a hint.
Nobody likes K:kez.

Except Evangelical loons

have you ever heard of CONSTANTINE -----and then the ROMAN CATHOLIC
(holy roman empire) INQUISITION -----and Martin Luther King and also the
almost catholic EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH? --------there were no pogroms
in MUMBAI (Bombay) India --------significant numbers of jews------
but almost no catholics or Lutherans and very few muslims-----there are Zoroastrians there-------so muslims tried to bring it down a few years ago

India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC

The first Kosher people arrived in Poland around 1,000 AD (Approx)
They came as slave traders following the slave trade routes between Khazaria & Moorish Spain.

Most Kosher people came to Poland later..
Later in the mid 1200s Germany killed Kosher people
Poland accepted Kosher refugees & granted them unprecedented rights in the Statute of Kalisz.

Between 1,000 AD - 1930 Poland's population of Kosher kind went from 0 -3.5 million.

Yet... All you do is complain.

A.) If it was so horrible why did you chose Poland?

B.) By not assimilating For 1,000 years you showed great disrespect & ought to expect to be not liked.

So the clear conclusion is you are the problem...Not Poles.

you are reading polish-islamo-Nazi propaganda----jews were in the RHINE VALLEY before the birth of what's his name-----the guy you claim the jews crucified ------but---actually the soon to be CATHOLIC ROMANS did it.
They had nothing to do with the slave trade until more than 1000 years when
the only part in the slave trade in which jews took part was that they owned some
of the ships in HOLLAND that Christians used to ship slaves bought from muslims------to the Americas. POLAND did not even exist when jews got to the lands called in biblical literature ASHKENAZ------the people living in lands now called
Poland were not even christians yet
Good. They should emphasize also the rise of Nazi Germany and how the Holocaust came to be, so that people will be able recognize the parallels in the behavior and goals of our own so-called Democratic Party. They should also cover the truly astonishing death counts of Stalin and Mao under Communism.

Ignorance about the Holocaust is growing, particularly among young people. A survey last year showed that two-thirds of U.S. millennials were not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp complex

As Hate Incidents Grow, More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust | HuffPost
AMEN, billy! Especially the parallel recognition and death counts under Stalin and Mao and remember that their student Putin and his hacking minions is now BFF with someone close to us who openly welcomes their help.
Enjoy your anti-Slavic hatred.

Slavs were the main victims of WW2.

Slavs were far from beibg unique in attacking Kosher people.

Here's a list of massacres, expulsions & riots AKA Pogrom style attacks mostly by non- Slavs.

Jewish Persecution | Timeline of Judaism | History of AntiSemitism

Where have I shown any hatred? You have a thing against jews. That is obvious. And Russia/Polish fighting is Slav on Slav. Hell you can add the Hungarians into that mix when they were part of the Hapsburg Empire.

A.) You unrightfully singled out Slavs for attacks upon Kosher people.

B) Hungarians are not really Slavic..they speak a Finno-Ugric language.


Germans overwhemingly did the Holocaust.
The worst Pogroms happened in Medieval Germany
& the Tsars were German who ordered many of the Pogroms of Russia too.

nope----the Tsars were not exactly GERMAN----its just all those ROYAL FAMILIES
were intermarried-------started out catholic----split to Catholic and Eastern Ortho and then -----became a thing called "I WANNA MARRY ANNE----protestant. ---they were all really the same----holy roman catholic inquisition type things

The Tsars were like 95% German in the end.

Catherine the Great who ordered the Pale of Settlement
Was a Gernan born in at the time German territories.
Where have I shown any hatred? You have a thing against jews. That is obvious. And Russia/Polish fighting is Slav on Slav. Hell you can add the Hungarians into that mix when they were part of the Hapsburg Empire.

A.) You unrightfully singled out Slavs for attacks upon Kosher people.

B) Hungarians are not really Slavic..they speak a Finno-Ugric language.


Germans overwhemingly did the Holocaust.
The worst Pogroms happened in Medieval Germany
& the Tsars were German who ordered many of the Pogroms of Russia too.

nope----the Tsars were not exactly GERMAN----its just all those ROYAL FAMILIES
were intermarried-------started out catholic----split to Catholic and Eastern Ortho and then -----became a thing called "I WANNA MARRY ANNE----protestant. ---they were all really the same----holy roman catholic inquisition type things

The Tsars were like 95% German in the end.

Catherine the Great who ordered the Pale of Settlement
Was a Gernan born in at the time German territories.

ROFLMAO ----now you JUMPED into the 18th century
Theres literally like thousands of riots, massacres & expulsions of Jews.
Of them happened in Western Europe.

Take a hint.
Nobody likes K:kez.

Except Evangelical loons

have you ever heard of CONSTANTINE -----and then the ROMAN CATHOLIC
(holy roman empire) INQUISITION -----and Martin Luther King and also the
almost catholic EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH? --------there were no pogroms
in MUMBAI (Bombay) India --------significant numbers of jews------
but almost no catholics or Lutherans and very few muslims-----there are Zoroastrians there-------so muslims tried to bring it down a few years ago

India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC

The first Kosher people arrived in Poland around 1,000 AD (Approx)
They came as slave traders following the slave trade routes between Khazaria & Moorish Spain.

Most Kosher people came to Poland later..
Later in the mid 1200s Germany killed Kosher people
Poland accepted Kosher refugees & granted them unprecedented rights in the Statute of Kalisz.

Between 1,000 AD - 1930 Poland's population of Kosher kind went from 0 -3.5 million.

Yet... All you do is complain.

A.) If it was so horrible why did you chose Poland?

B.) By not assimilating For 1,000 years you showed great disrespect & ought to expect to be not liked.

So the clear conclusion is you are the problem...Not Poles.

you are reading polish-islamo-Nazi propaganda----jews were in the RHINE VALLEY before the birth of what's his name-----the guy you claim the jews crucified ------but---actually the soon to be CATHOLIC ROMANS did it.
They had nothing to do with the slave trade until more than 1000 years when
the only part in the slave trade in which jews took part was that they owned some
of the ships in HOLLAND that Christians used to ship slaves bought from muslims------to the Americas. POLAND did not even exist when jews got to the lands called in biblical literature ASHKENAZ------the people living in lands now called
Poland were not even christians yet


YIVO a Jewish Encyclopedia admits to such Kosher slave traders being the first immigrants to Slavic cities like Krakow, Prague & Kiev.

YIVO | Trade
Good. They should emphasize also the rise of Nazi Germany and how the Holocaust came to be, so that people will be able recognize the parallels in the behavior and goals of our own so-called Democratic Party. They should also cover the truly astonishing death counts of Stalin and Mao under Communism.

Ignorance about the Holocaust is growing, particularly among young people. A survey last year showed that two-thirds of U.S. millennials were not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp complex

As Hate Incidents Grow, More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust | HuffPost
AMEN, billy! Especially the parallel recognition and death counts under Stalin and Mao and remember that their student Putin and his hacking minions is now BFF with someone close to us who openly welcomes their help.

have you ever heard of CONSTANTINE -----and then the ROMAN CATHOLIC
(holy roman empire) INQUISITION -----and Martin Luther King and also the
almost catholic EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH? --------there were no pogroms
in MUMBAI (Bombay) India --------significant numbers of jews------
but almost no catholics or Lutherans and very few muslims-----there are Zoroastrians there-------so muslims tried to bring it down a few years ago

India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC

The first Kosher people arrived in Poland around 1,000 AD (Approx)
They came as slave traders following the slave trade routes between Khazaria & Moorish Spain.

Most Kosher people came to Poland later..
Later in the mid 1200s Germany killed Kosher people
Poland accepted Kosher refugees & granted them unprecedented rights in the Statute of Kalisz.

Between 1,000 AD - 1930 Poland's population of Kosher kind went from 0 -3.5 million.

Yet... All you do is complain.

A.) If it was so horrible why did you chose Poland?

B.) By not assimilating For 1,000 years you showed great disrespect & ought to expect to be not liked.

So the clear conclusion is you are the problem...Not Poles.

you are reading polish-islamo-Nazi propaganda----jews were in the RHINE VALLEY before the birth of what's his name-----the guy you claim the jews crucified ------but---actually the soon to be CATHOLIC ROMANS did it.
They had nothing to do with the slave trade until more than 1000 years when
the only part in the slave trade in which jews took part was that they owned some
of the ships in HOLLAND that Christians used to ship slaves bought from muslims------to the Americas. POLAND did not even exist when jews got to the lands called in biblical literature ASHKENAZ------the people living in lands now called
Poland were not even christians yet


YIVO a Jewish Encyclopedia admits to such Kosher slave traders being the first immigrants to Slavic cities like Krakow, Prague & Kiev.

YIVO | Trade

Learn how to read polish islamo Nazi dog----the vile polish pigs EXCLUDED JEWS from owning land and most professions-----"slaves" used by polish pigs was just another commodity with which jews acted in the only capacity left to them to survive by the stinking polack pigs----which was MIDDLE MEN IN TRADE-----largely because unlike the polack dogs-----jews could read and write. SHEEESH you are dim. Who taught you do refer to jews with term "kosher" ? Your filthy catechism whore?
India only had 20 thousand Jews at most.

Poland had 3 million Jews at least.


So if you hate Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians & Muslims
Did you live so heavily in those nations?

Either you're stupid for chosing to live there
we're stupid for inviting you in,
Maybe both.

jews were already there when YOU HAPPENED ----by "you" I am referring o
to -----both Christianity and islam. The unholy roman empire did not become
Christian infacted until about 300 AD------and then 1000 years later came the
GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC RAPE AND MURDER-----then even later the filth
of MARTIN LUTHER_-----several centuries later.
Jews were in Europe along with the romans-----and in Asia and in south east asia and the far east------ALL THE WAY BACK like 800 BC

The first Kosher people arrived in Poland around 1,000 AD (Approx)
They came as slave traders following the slave trade routes between Khazaria & Moorish Spain.

Most Kosher people came to Poland later..
Later in the mid 1200s Germany killed Kosher people
Poland accepted Kosher refugees & granted them unprecedented rights in the Statute of Kalisz.

Between 1,000 AD - 1930 Poland's population of Kosher kind went from 0 -3.5 million.

Yet... All you do is complain.

A.) If it was so horrible why did you chose Poland?

B.) By not assimilating For 1,000 years you showed great disrespect & ought to expect to be not liked.

So the clear conclusion is you are the problem...Not Poles.

you are reading polish-islamo-Nazi propaganda----jews were in the RHINE VALLEY before the birth of what's his name-----the guy you claim the jews crucified ------but---actually the soon to be CATHOLIC ROMANS did it.
They had nothing to do with the slave trade until more than 1000 years when
the only part in the slave trade in which jews took part was that they owned some
of the ships in HOLLAND that Christians used to ship slaves bought from muslims------to the Americas. POLAND did not even exist when jews got to the lands called in biblical literature ASHKENAZ------the people living in lands now called
Poland were not even christians yet


YIVO a Jewish Encyclopedia admits to such Kosher slave traders being the first immigrants to Slavic cities like Krakow, Prague & Kiev.

YIVO | Trade

Learn how to read polish islamo Nazi dog----the vile polish pigs EXCLUDED JEWS from owning land and most professions-----"slaves" used by polish pigs was just another commodity with which jews acted in the only capacity left to them to survive by the stinking polack pigs----which was MIDDLE MEN IN TRADE-----largely because unlike the polack dogs-----jews could read and write. SHEEESH you are dim. Who taught you do refer to jews with term "kosher" ? Your filthy catechism whore?

A.) Just about everywhere European in origins including the USA had similar laws against Kosher people owning, renting, going to school, going to work in certain professions during the 1930's & 40's.

So, Poland is not unique here, in fact Poland was a little late, having enacted many such laws just before the Holocaust, like say 1936. or 37.
As opposed to the USA which had such laws in the 1920's.

B.) It was the Polish nation.
They welcomed you in as refugees.

You behaved as terrible guests, and still do.

If a guest refuses to respect AKA assimilate to a persons household,
or demand they hand them money.
and spread vivid rumors not true.

Then YOU are awful guests, and deserved to be kicked out, and disrespected.

Once again YOU are the PROBLEM here.
Good. They should emphasize also the rise of Nazi Germany and how the Holocaust came to be, so that people will be able recognize the parallels in the behavior and goals of our own so-called Democratic Party. They should also cover the truly astonishing death counts of Stalin and Mao under Communism.

Ignorance about the Holocaust is growing, particularly among young people. A survey last year showed that two-thirds of U.S. millennials were not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp complex

As Hate Incidents Grow, More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust | HuffPost

I am amazed they need to be required to teach it :(
Good. They should emphasize also the rise of Nazi Germany and how the Holocaust came to be, so that people will be able recognize the parallels in the behavior and goals of our own so-called Democratic Party. They should also cover the truly astonishing death counts of Stalin and Mao under Communism.

Ignorance about the Holocaust is growing, particularly among young people. A survey last year showed that two-thirds of U.S. millennials were not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp complex

As Hate Incidents Grow, More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust | HuffPost

I am amazed they need to be required to teach it :(

What makes this more, or less important to know, than say the Armenian Genocide by Islamic Turks, King Leopold's Belgian Congo Genocide, Mao Tse Tung's great leap forward, the Late Victorian Holocausts of India by Britain, or the Holodomor in Ukraine by Stalin, or the anti-Russian WW2 genocide, or the anti-Chinese genocide by Imperial Japan in WW2?

Until there's equality in the genocides being taught, and treated.

This only validates Norman Finkelstein....
Good. They should emphasize also the rise of Nazi Germany and how the Holocaust came to be, so that people will be able recognize the parallels in the behavior and goals of our own so-called Democratic Party. They should also cover the truly astonishing death counts of Stalin and Mao under Communism.

Ignorance about the Holocaust is growing, particularly among young people. A survey last year showed that two-thirds of U.S. millennials were not familiar with Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp complex

As Hate Incidents Grow, More States Require Schools To Teach The Holocaust | HuffPost

I am amazed they need to be required to teach it :(

What makes this more, or less important to know, than say the Armenian Genocide by Islamic Turks, King Leopold's Belgian Congo Genocide, Mao Tse Tung's great leap forward, the Late Victorian Holocausts of India by Britain, or the Holodomor in Ukraine by Stalin, or the anti-Russian WW2 genocide, or the anti-Chinese genocide by Imperial Japan in WW2?

Until there's equality in the genocides being taught, and treated.

This only validates Norman Finkelstein....

It was part of a world war, who’s results created a number of modern institutions, and shaped today’s politics. All of those genocides are important, and the Holocaust should not be treated as the only such event, but in scope and in strategy it was a far larger event and chillingly clinically carried out.
If you're looking for parallels you need to look no further than our current president:
Yet, the riots, are all started by demorcats. Explain yourself.

The hate, is all on the left, in the democrat party. Explain yourself.

Everything you state, applies in one way or another to the Democrat party. Go ahead and explain one point you attempt to make and I will easily show everyone here that you are the RAT, that you are the enemy. Go ahead. Take any of your points, and give an example how Trump and the Conservatives are bad and I will show five examples of how what you state applies to the Democrats.

I dare you! Go ahead, try! I will shut you down with FACTS!
If you're looking for parallels you need to look no further than our current president:
Yet, the riots, are all started by demorcats. Explain yourself.

The hate, is all on the left, in the democrat party. Explain yourself.

Everything you state, applies in one way or another to the Democrat party. Go ahead and explain one point you attempt to make and I will easily show everyone here that you are the RAT, that you are the enemy. Go ahead. Take any of your points, and give an example how Trump and the Conservatives are bad and I will show five examples of how what you state applies to the Democrats.

I dare you! Go ahead, try! I will shut you down with FACTS!
You say "The hate, is all on the left" then in your post you call me a RAT and an enemy. Pretty hateful stuff. I think you've managed to destroy any credibility you might have had. You don't need my help.

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